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精品资源备战高考热点02 书面表达概要写作【命题趋势】提供一篇350以内的短文,要求考生基于该短文写出一篇60词左右的内容概要。考查要求:对原文要点的理解和呈现情况;应用语法结构和词汇的准确性;上下文的连贯性;对各要点表达的独立性情况。【满分技巧】如何确保要点齐全?【诀窍】划分段落【不以自然段为单位】段落数=要点数说明文的段落划分1.描述某事物的性质功用等:性质/定义功用/功能应用/利好2.针对某问题提出解决办法或措施:问题成因解决方法/措施3.介绍某现象及其原因结果:现象原因结果议论文的段落划分三要素:论点、论据和结论:论点论据1论据n结论 记叙文的段落划分人物、情节(who did what) 、时间、地点:夹叙夹议者:+观点/哲理性推论:情节1情节2情节n启示【热点话题】社会热点;学生生活;暑期活动【限时检测】(建议用时:30分钟)A(2019年浙江省高考真题)话题:父母鼓励孩子的方式难度:建议用时:5分第二节 读后续写(满分25分)67.阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Parents everywhere praise their kids. Jenn Berman, author of The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy and Confident Kids, says, “Weve gone to the opposite extreme of a few decades ago when parents tended to be more strict.” By giving kids a lot of praise, parents think theyre building their childrens confidence, when, in fact, it may be just the opposite. Too much praise can backfire and, when given in a way thats insincere, make kids afraid to try new things or take a risk for fear of not being able to stay on top where their parents praise has put them.Still, dont go too far in the other direction. Not giving enough praise can be just as damaging as giving too much. Kids will feel like theyre not good enough or that you dont care and, as a result, may see no point in trying hard for their accomplishments.So what is the right amount of praise? Experts say that the quality of praise is more important than the quantity. If praise is sincere and focused on the effort not the outcome, you can give it as often as your child does something that deserves a verbal reward. “We should especially recognize our childrens efforts to push themselves and work hard to achieve a goal,” says Donahue, author of Parenting Without Fear: Letting Go of Worry and Focusing on What Really Matters. “One thing to remember is that its the process not the end product that matters.”Your son may not be the best basketball player on his team. But if hes out there every day and playing hard, you should praise his effort regardless of whether his team wins or loses. Praising the effort and not the outcome can also mean recognizing your child when she has worked hard to clean the yard, cook dinner, or finish a book report. But whatever it is, praise should be given on a case-by-case basis and be proportionate(相称的) to the amount of effort your child has put into it._【写作思路】完成一篇概要写作,需要经过三个步骤,1. 读懂原文,抓住段落主题句。在阅读过程中,需要准确把握文章的段落大意,学会剔除非重要信息,弄清楚不同体裁的文章的内部逻辑关系以及文章的篇章结构。2. 组织语言,转换表达。在找到主题句明确全文中心的基础上,组织好语言,注重语言表达的独立性和准确性以及高级性,不全盘照抄原文句子,尽量用自己的语言转换表达,同时要注意篇幅的比例安排,用较多的文字去表达重要的内容。3. 通读全文,逻辑连贯。要牢记各段落要点之间的逻辑关系和自然衔接,用恰当的关联词去连贯全文。【参考范文】Parents tend to go to extremes when it comes to praising their kids. (要点一) Yet, both too much and too little praise can be equally damaging. (要点二) When giving praise, parents should be sincere and concentrate on the process instead of the result. (要点三) Similarly, they ought to give praise for how much effort their kids have invested in the work theyre involved in. (要点四)【名师点评】本次浙江高考书面表达采用了概要写作题型。概要写作是阅读理解和书面表达的沟通桥梁,考查的是学生在实现自由的思维表达之前,对他人的信息在理解的基础上进行概括表达的能力。选材上,提供一篇350词以内的短文,题材不限,要求考生写出一篇60词左右的内容概要。B (2020届江苏南京师大苏州实验学校高三上第一次模拟考)话题:机器人难度:建议用时:5分请认真阅读下面的短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。Robots will create double the number of jobs that they will destroy, according to the World Economic Forum(WEF), but there will be significant shifts in the structure of Americas workforce that may impact everyone. The report says that 75 million jobs will be replaced by artificial intelligence(AI), robotics and automation. But it also suggests that 133 million new jobs may be created as organizations shift the balance between human workers and machines.It is a widely held belief that routine, lowskilled jobs are most at risk for automation, but the report shows that many middleclass roles are also at risk. Financial analysts, accountants and lawyers could all see significant changes by 2022. But manual workers could be among the hardest hit.Meanwhile, there could be a huge change in the structure of the workforce, with the executives surveyed by WEF expecting a shift away from fulltime work to flexible employment with a focus on productivity.All industries expect big skills gaps, stating that at least 50 percent of their workforce will require reskilling of some degree. The aviation, travel and tourism industry will have the
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