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脱口说商务英语口语:迎宾在国际贸易中,作为一个商务人士,日常的口语交流是必备的工具之一,因为我们面对的大多数是都是外国人,所以脱口而出是基本的沟通能力,以下是小编给大家整理的脱口说商务英语口语:迎宾,希望可以帮到大家请问您是芝加哥来的布朗先生吗?Excuse me, sir are you Mr. Brown from Chicago?是的,我是公司的布朗。Oh, yes. Im Brown from ABC Company.请允许我自我介绍。 .Allow me to introduce myself.我叫王炜,是公司的经理。 .Im Wang Wei , manager of XYZ Company.我是公司的王炜,我们经理派我来接您。Im Wang Wei from XYZ Company.My manager sent me here to meet you.你来接我们真是太好了。 .It s very kind of you to come here to meet us.非常感谢你来接我们。Thank you for meeting us.麻烦你了。I m sorry to have given you so much trouble.这是我应该做的。 .Its the least I could do.旅途如何?* How was your flight?* How was your journey?旅途顺利吗?* Did you enjoy your trip?* Did you have a safe trip?* Did you have a good flight? * Did everything go all right?是的,旅途很顺利。* Yes, it was a very smooth flight.* Yes it was a very pleasant trip.但是我感觉有点累,飞行时间太长了。 .But Im a little tired. It was a long flight.但是我还有点时差问题。* But I still feel the effects of jet lag.* But I still have the time difference problem.如果您休息一下,明天一定会好起来的。你们一行几人?If you take a rest, Im sure youll be fine tomorrow. And how many people are there in your party?共五人。Five people altogether.这次代表团共五人。* Five people in total.* There are altogether five people in the delegation this time.欢迎来中国。Welcome to China.希望你们在中国就像在自己家一样。 .I hope you feel at home in China.十分感谢!Thank you very much!现在我先送你们去香格里拉酒店。Now I will first take you to your hotel ShangriLa .现在我们先去参加必要的仪式。 .Now lets go to attend the ncccssary formalities first.外面我备了车送您去饭店。 .I have a car waiting out side to take you to your hotel.请您稍候,我把车开到这儿。 .Ill bring my car here,so please wait a moment.我叫辆出租车。Let me call a taxi.请这边走。Please come this way.5
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