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闵行区2016年第一学期期末考试八年级英语试卷第一部分 语音:略第二部分 词汇和语法一选择题23-27: AACBA 28-32: CACAD 33-37: CBDBB 二选词填空38-41: CADE 42-45: BDCA三词性转换46.thieves 47.himself 48.freedom 49.harmless 50.twelfth 51.manager 四句型转换52.didnt teach 53.which book 54.didnt they 55.was lack 56. Abacuses are so fast and accurate that people still use them.五阅读A:57-61 BCDABB:62-66 BADCDC:67.simple 68.helped 69.everyone 70.report 71.Until 72.Once 73.broughtD:74. Because he wanted to marry the daughter of the farm-owner. 75. He stepped aside to let it cross the pasture to the back gate of the shed. 76. He felt frightened and terrible. 77. The second one. 78. No, he didnt. 79. I learned that we should seize every opportunity when we first get it. (any reasonable answer is ok)第 1 页/ 共1页
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