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2017-2018学年度第一学期期中八年级英语U3周测答案Part 2 Vocabulary and GrammarII. 1-5 DCCBD 6-10 BAAAC 11-15 DDCBCIII. 1-6 DAFBGC IV. 1.examining 2.ninetieth 3.theft 4.argue 5.stealing 6.fought 7.staring 8.hurriedlyV. 1.didnt fly 2.enough, win 3.How long 4.does he 5. Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away.Part 3 Reading and Writing (第二部分 读写) A. 1-6 BCDADB B. 1-6 ADCCBD C. 1.through 2.when 3.noticed 4.smarter 5.bottom 6.Finally 7.patienceD.1. No, he isnt. 2. In a community schools night classes.3. The culture of religion, kung fu and traditional Chinese medicine. 4. Because Chinese and English belong to different language families.5. It means that someone is better at something than others.6. I think he is hard-working, because he has achieve a lot of language knowledge. (Any reasonable answer is ok)VII. 作文(略)第 1 页 共 1 页
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