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闽教版新版五年级下册第一单元试卷 姓名: 班级: 座号:一、抄写并写中文,并注意大小写形式,China parent hometown took tour lake二、抄写下面的词组并翻译。Sun Moon Lake visit the Great Wall visit the museum( ) ( ) ( )go to Australia watch TV play chess( ) ( ) ( )play the violin do my homework go to Taiwan( ) ( ) ( )三、写出下面动词的过去式。get-_ take-_ go-_is- _ are-_ do-_watch-_ am-_ visit -_want-_ play-_ swim-_ 三、抄写句子,翻译句子1、How was your winter vacation?( )2、It was wonderful. I visited the Great Wall.( )3、How about you? Were you in China? No,I wasnt. I went to Australia.( )4、How was the weather there? It was hot. It was summer there.( )5、I went to Taiwan with my parents.( )6、Is it your hometown?( )7、I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake.( )8、How about you? I played chess with my father.( )9、Who was the winner? Very often my dad was the winner.( )四、选词填空(用上were, werent, was, wasnt.)1、Were they in the supermarket? Yes,they_./ No,they_.2、Was he in Beijing? Yes,he_./ No,he_五、语音练习 ,1、填空/:/,/e/,/ / skate lake / / bag math / / grass glass2、找朋友(连线)/:/ /e/ /can after page hand father grape3
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