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Unit 4 Lesson 19 Li Ming Comes Home同步练习 单选题( ) 1. This is _ story.A. Li Ming B. Li Mings C. Li Mings( ) 2. What _ you do yesterday?A. do B. doing C. did( ) 3. I _ a nice trip yesterday.A. had B. have C. has( ) 4. You have a new dress. I have _ too.A. a B. one C. first( ) 5. My father _ buy a new bike _ me yesterday.A. want to; for B. wanted to; with C. wanted to; for 照样子,写词语例:bag big a big apple1. talk _ _2. light _ _3. nine _ _4. all _ _ 5. store _ _ 选词填空( ) 1. You are _ (A. back B. come back).( ) 2. _ (A. Did B. Do) you have a good trip yesterday?( ) 3. We _ (A. shop B. shopped) in the store yesterday.( ) 4. I walked to the park _ (A. yesterday B. often). 补全句子1. I often _ clothes. The girls _ clothes yesterday.2. The girl often _ her brother. Yesterday she _ her brother.3. I often _ to my teacher. Yesterday I _ to my uncle.4. We often _ a film in the evening. He _ a film yesterday. 判断正误Yesterday I went to Beijing with my mother and my friend, Linda. We went there by train. On the train Linda and I played cards. We liked to play on the train. My mother talked to the woman behind Linda. In Beijing we shopped in many shops. We walked on Tiananmen Square. We had a great trip in Beijing. Here is a T-shirt for my father. Do you want to go on a trip to Beijing?( ) (1) Yesterday I went to Shanghai with my mother and Linda. ( ) (2) We went there by train.( ) (3) On the train Linda and I played cards.( ) (4) My mother talked to the woman behind me.( ) (5) We walked at the Palace Museum.参考答案 单选题1. B 本题考查所有格的写法。2. C 本题考查一般过去时的疑问句。did为过去时。3. A 本题考查一般过去时。4. B 我也有一个,I have one too。5. C 本题考查固定短语,want to do。以及一般过去时。 照样子,写词语1. walk walk away 走;走了2. eight eight apples 8;8个苹果3. nice nice food 好;美味的食物4. ill have an ill 生病;我生病了5. sorry so sorry 抱歉;非常抱歉 选词填空1. A You are back你回来了。2. A yesterday表示过去,用助动词Did。3. B yesterday表示过去,用一般过去时shopped。4. A walked表示过去,选择yesterday。 补全句子1. wash; washed 第一个句子考查一般现在时,第二个句子考查一般过去时。2. misses; missed 第一个句子考查第三人称单数,第二个句子考查一般过去时。3. talk; talked 第一个句子考查一般现在时,第二个句子考查一般过去时。4. see; saw 第一个句子考查一般现在时,第二个句子考查一般过去时。 判断正误1. 昨天我和我母亲还有Linda去上海。2. 我们坐火车去哪里。3. 我和Linda在火车上打牌。4. 我妈妈跟我后面的女人说话。5. 我们在故宫博物院散步。译文:昨天我和我的母亲和我的朋友琳达去了北京。我们坐火车去的。在火车上,琳达和我玩牌。我们喜欢在火车上玩。我母亲跟琳达背后的女人谈了话。在北京,我们逛了许多商店。我们走在天安门广场。我们在北京旅行愉快。这是给我爸爸的T恤衫。你想去北京旅行吗?
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