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黑龙江大庆市林甸县2018-2019学年度小学毕业班质量检测WY 英语试题 (答题时间:90分钟,满分100分)题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二十三总分得分1、 根据所给图片和首字母提示写英文单词。(10分) l C f r d 2、 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(5分)( )1.A.WednesdayB.birthday C.Monday( )2.A.centB.colaC.milk( )3.A.GeographyB.studyC.Science( )4.A.airportB.balloonC.theatre( )5.A.makingB.drinkingC.sing3、 按要求写词。(10分) 1.clean(反义词) 2.will not(缩略形式) 3.they(宾格) 4.this(复数) 5.spend(过去式) 6.lets(完全形式) 7.make(现在分词) 8.run(现在分词) 9.bought(原形) 10.do(第三人称单数形式) 4、 单项选择。(13分) ( )1.What your brother do yesterday? He a model ship. A.do;madeB.did;makeC.did;made( )2.Look!The girl and her parents flying kites. A.amB.isC.are( )3.Mike a big bedroom,but his parents a small one. A.have;hasB.has;haveC.has;has( )4.I learnt English when I was five years old. A.sayB.speakC.to speak( )5. a cup of water in the morning is good for your health. A.DrinkB.DrinkingC.Drinks( )6.We went to the Great Wall yesterday and many photos. A.takeB.tookC.taking( )7.It will in Harbin. A.snowingB.snowC.snowy( )8.Where you last Friday? I at home. A.are;amB.were;wasC.were;am( )9.Will you to my office now? A.comesB.comingC.come( )10.Listen!She is suona. A.play theB.played onC.playing the( )11.My grandma gave a present me.A.forB.toC.of( )12.I want to buy some rice. is it? Its $1.25. A.How muchB.How manyC.How long( )13. are you happy? Because we are going to the zoo.A.WhyB.WhenC.What五、读句子,给句子选择恰当的图片。(10分) ( )1.I want a hot dog,please. ( )2.She is shopping,but the phone rings. ( )3.Lingling is writing goodbye letters to her friends. ( )4.She couldnt see or hear. ( )5.The books are falling down the stairs.六、给下列句子排序,使其组成一段完整的对话。(7分)( )Its far.Lets go there by taxi.( )I dont know.( )Thats a good idea.( )What are you going to do this evening?( )OK.Lets go.( )How about seeing a film?( )How are we going to the cinema?七、选择合适的疑问词或词组填空。(其中有两项多余)(5分)Why How Where Whose Who What What time 1. are you going?To the airport. 2. are you going?At nine oclock tomorrow morning. 3. do you feel?I feel tired. 4. are you going to do?Swim in the sea. 5. skirt is this?Its Linglings.八、从B栏中找出A栏中句子的正确答语,将其序号填在题前括号内。(10分) A B( )1.Thank you!A.Its a circle.( )2.How did you come here?B.Nice to meet you,too!( )3.Good afternoon!C.I came by bus.( )4.What shape is this?D.Yes,I do.( )5.Whats the weather like?E.Hes a driver.( )6.Nice to meet you!F.Good afternoon!( )7.Do you have a pen?G.Id like some cakes.( )8.Which one do you want?H.Youre welcome.( )9.Whats he?I.A short one,please.( )10.Can I help you?J.Its warm.九、读一读,圈一圈。(5分)1.We can write books about (hobby / hobbies) and families.2.We dont live near (some / any) schools.3.Chinese isnt easy (to / for) learn.4.Heres (a / an) email.5.There are about eight (thousand / thousands) people.十、连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。(5分) 1.is what season your favourite (?) 2.buying things shes birthday your for (.) 3.the it because of night is the middle (.) 4.you are eat going when to (?) 5.did national flag take it China of the (?) 十一、根据上下文的内容补全对话,使对话意思完整。(填序号)(5分)A.Thank you and best wishes to your mother.B.Yes,please.C.But what kind of flowers shall I buy?D.How much are they?E.Maybe you can buy her some flowers. A:Can I help you? B:1. Today is Mothers day.Im looking for a present for my mother,but I have no idea what to buy. A:2. B:Great!3. A:I think carnations(康乃馨)are good.They mean happiness,sweetness and love. B:4. A:Thirty yuan a bunch. B:OK.Ill take it.Heres money. A:5.
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