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Unit 1 教材分析 Lesson 2 What Are You Doing通过本节课使得学生们正确使用一般进行时,能够运用be going to 表示现在进行时。 教学目标【知识目标】1. 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:see, look, look out of, look at, boy, girl, now, draw, picture2. 学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本的句型结构:What do you see?What are you doing?I am drawing a picture.He/She is looking out of the window.【能力目标】学生能够运用be going to 表示现在进行时。【情感目标】 教学重难点学生能够运用be going to 表示现在进行时。来源:学科网【教学重点】-What are you doing?-Im doing 【教学难点】-What are you doing?-Im doing 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Warm-up1. greetings(1) greeting students in English: Welcome to the class. through the Please do/Please don t sentence structure to help students recall the teaching content of the last class. For example, Please come in. Please sit down. Please don t run. Please don(2) call a student to come to the front and ask the whole class to do the action (sit down, stand up, touch your head). The students use Please _. sentence structure and other students to make the appropriate action to respond. Teachers point to different international signs (the logo of the students in yesterdays class). Students should be able to say the meaning of the logo.2. text introductionLet the students open second lessons. The teacher opened the book and showed the students what they were looking for.Teacher: Everyone is on the train. They are very excited. They are, excited., the right way, the right and wrong.Step 2. Presentation1. What do they see on the train?(1) it is very pleasant to see the outside through the window when traveling by train. You will find a lot of good things that help to kill time. What did Jenny, Danny, and Li Ming see? Come on and find out.(2) use the vocabulary card Professor: see, look, look at, look out of, boy, girl, now, draw, picture. Show the cards and read each word, listen. Write the words on the blackboard and let the students read them aloud. Make sure that the meaning of each word is explained. For example, when look out of the window is taught, go to the window and look out the window, and then say the phrase. Let some students look out of the window.(3) ask the characters in the picture of the students what to see:What does Jenny see? (trees, red school, boys and girls)What does Danny see? (banana, dumplings)(4) fourth pages first play the part of the recording, reading it. Play two or three times, walk around and listen to the students pronunciation. Help when necessary.2. demoLet four volunteer students come to the front. Put four chairs and pretend they are on a train. The student was sitting on the chair. Tell the students that they are taking the train. Let them sit down and talk for a moment, and then say:Look out of the window. students pretend to look out of the trains window. What do you see? Students pretend to see things and say what they see. Dont worry about it, let the students imagine it.3. practiceguessing gameAnd the children play a guessing game to help students learn vocabulary and new concepts. I spy is a help to studentsA good game to consolidate the knowledge: What do you see? I see _. I Spy With My game Little Eye I spy with my using the sentence: little eye What do I see _.? I spy with my little to play eye games!.4. What are you doing?(1) play the second part of the tape, let the students read books. Play two times.(2) teaching the meaning of What are you doing? Assigning tasks to students: pretend that you are drinking water; pretend that you are drawing drawing; and each of them volunteered to do an action. The teacher asked: What are you doing? I am _ (students answer: the teacher told the students to do).5. demoNow, let two volunteer students come to the front.Teacher: What is Jenny doing?The whole class: She is drawing a picture.Teacher: What is Li Ming doing?The whole class: He is reading a book.6. practiceDivide the whole class into groups. Assign different things to each group. Some students do the required action, and the other students ask: What are you doing?readPhoneWork on a computerWashing dishesdancePlay pokerStep 3. Practice1. Read Part 1 and Part 2. Tick or cross.Let the students turn to page fifth. Explain how to do the exercises. Let the students read the lesson, this part and the second part, and then determine whether each sentence is correct, and in the next sentence or cross check mark.Answer: A. B. C. D. tick tick tick * e. *2. Pair work. Point and talk.Let the students finish the task in a group of two. They take turns using the rigid sentence patterns to raise questions and answer questions. A student pointed to a picture and ask: What is doing _? Another student reading list and find out the answers, with She/He is _. sentence to answer.Step 4. SummaryKey vocabulary:See, look, look out of, look at, boy, g
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