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Unit 1 教材分析 Lesson 5 What Are They Doing通过本节课使得学生们如何制作和使用转盘。理解并运用下列基本的句型结构: What are they doing? They are _ing? 教学目标【知识目标】1. 学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本的句型结构: What are they doing?They are _ing?2. 学生将会学习如何制作和使用转盘。3. 学生将熟悉单词的重音。【能力目标】通过本节课的学习,学生能够熟练掌握-What are they doing?及They are 句型结构。【情感目标】 教学重难点通过本节课的学习,增进学生之间交流的机会,从而增进彼此之间的友谊。【教学重点】-What ate they doing?-They are 【教学难点】会熟练运用下列句型:-What ate they doing?-They are 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Lets review1. greetings(1) say hello to the students when they arrive in the classroom. Then take some time to review the content of the last class. Let the students remember what they did in the class.(2) let a brave man stand up and say what has happened to this unit so far. Teachers can use the following questions to help students recall:Where are they going on the train?What does Mrs. Li tell Danny?What do they see on the train?What do they do on the train?What is the baby doing?Are they hungry/thirsty on the train?2. text introductionTeacher: Today, we are going to make a spinner and play a very.Step 2. Presentation1. People on the train(1) let the students turn to tenth pages and look at the first part. Take a few minutes to watch the picture.Pointing to each picture, ask: What are they doing? Students can answer the teachers question in Chinese.Teacher: Look at the first picture. What is the woman doing?The whole class: She is reading the newspaper.Teacher: What are the people doing in the second picture?The whole class: They are playing cards.Teacher: Look at the third picture. What is Danny doing?The whole class: He is playing with the baby.(2) play the tape when teachers feel students understand the content of the picture, and let the students read books to read. Play it again, let the students read aloud.(3) finally, do not play the recording, but let the three students stand up and read the text in their roles. They play Jenny, Li Ming and Danny respectively.2. demoLet the four men come to the front of the brave. Tell them what they need to demonstrate: two students pretend to cry;One student pretended to read the newspaper; a student pretended to play poker; a student pretended to hold a baby. When the students do these actions, the students in the class are encouraged to answer the questions: What is he/she doing?Now, let the four brave men do the same thing at the same time and ask other students: What are they doing?Wait for the student to answer the question correctly.3. practiceListen and guessWrite the following sentences on the blackboard.The baby is crying.The woman is reading the newspaper.The people behind Jenny are playing cards.Danny is playing with the baby.Let a brave man stand in front of the classroom and face the whole class. Now, the teacher points to every sentence. Let the students do the corresponding action, and the self - volunteered students say the right sentence.Step 3.PracticeLets do it!Make, spin and write.This is a very good hands-on game. Gather all the students, let them round a circle, the teacher is in the middle. Show them eleventh pages of a turntable. Explain to the student how to use a turntable to turn the turntable by the teacher. When it stops turning, the teacher writes the content pointing to himself in the whole white place.The teacher makes a turntable and the student pays attention to it.Step:Outer circle big circle:1. draw a big circle on the picture paper and cut it down.2. divide the big circle into six equal parts and draw the dividing line with a pencil.3. write the words and draw the pictures at the top of the six parts.4. to color pictures.Inner circle small circle:1. draw a medium round circle on the picture paper, with a small circle in it, and then cut it down. (the two circles operate as a whole.)2. draw a segmentation line, divide the two circles into six equal parts, and match the big circle.3. in these six parts, write six different pronouns and correct be verb forms, namely: Lam, We are, They are, She is, You are, He is4. put the inner circle in the big circle of the outer ring.5. a pin in the center of the turntable.Finally, write the correct sentences in the blanks below the turntable in the textbook.When the students understand how to make a turntable, let the students set up two people and give them time to make a turntable.Answer: They are playing ping-pong. She is swimming. You are singing. He isAlternative activitiesWhen each group has finished the turntable, you can use a turntable to play the game.The students sat face to face. A student rotates the turntable, and when the turntable stops turning, a triangle will face the student.Second students asked: What are you doing?The student should answer the contents of his / her triangle. For exa
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