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Acknowledgements My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to my advisor, Ms.Lin Lan, whose inspiring insights, generous encouragements, and enthusiastic instructions have facilitated me much throughout my thesis writing. Her penetrating and insightful comments afford me with inspiring source. She has been in constant concern about my paper, spared no pains to entertain my thesis draft. Second, I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to the Foreign Language Department of Jia Ying University as well as all my teachers for their instructive guidance and comprehensive education during the four years schooling.Finally, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my classmates who gave me their help in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.AbstractThe Gothic tradition has very great influence on the English and American literature, and it has been inherited in novels by many writers. Wuthering Heights is Emily Brontes unique and splendid masterpiece and it is known as a Gothic novel. This thesis analyses the Gothic theory and points out the Gothic features in Wuthering Heights: the theme, the description of environment, Gothic characters, ect, which makes Wuthering Heights different from the other novels in the Victorian Age.The Gothic tradition is an important part of English literature. Its origination can be traced back to Roman Age, and there was a long period for its development. Emily came into contact with Gothic stories when she was still very young and was attested by it.There are lots of Gothic features in Wuthering Heights. First, the theme of the novel is about revenge and heirdom. Second, the novel presents the horrified environment, such as the moors, the manor and the grave. Third, there are many Gothiccharacters: the villain heroHeathcliff, the delirious heroineCatherine, the crude characterHindley and the faint, tender, and passive character, Isabella. Finally, there are some horrible plots in the novel. For instance, 18 years after Catherines death, Heathcliff opens her coffin. Heathcliff dies with eyes unclosed. By portraying the traditional Gothic characters and the terrifying ghost, strange love, horrified environment and terrible plots, Emily Bronte finds a way to express feelingsGothic. Key Words: Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte Gothic features摘 要哥特传统在英美文学中有着较大的影响,不少作家在写作中继承了这种传统。呼啸山庄是艾米莉勃朗特独特辉煌的代表作,也是公认的哥特式小说。本文论述了哥特传统和它的理论,指出呼啸山庄在主题、环境描写、人物形象、情节描写等方面都运用了哥特手法。使用哥特手法创作的呼啸山庄区别于维多利亚时代的其他小说,并影响了世界文学。哥特传统是英国文学中重要的一部分,它的由来可以追溯到罗马时代,其发展经历了很长一段时间。艾米莉勃朗特从小开始接触哥特形式的文学体裁,其写作也受一定的影响。呼啸山庄运用的哥特手法表现在以下几个方面:首先,小说的主题是关于报复和遗产继承的。第二,小说呈现恐怖的环境,草原、庄园和坟墓。第三,小说塑造了哥特式的人物:恶棍英雄-希刺克厉夫、神志不清的女主角凯瑟琳、狠角色辛德雷,还有脆弱、温和顺服的伊莎贝拉。除此以外,小说里面还有一些恐怖的情节描写,例如希刺克厉夫在凯瑟琳死了18年以后挖开了她的坟墓;还有耐莉对希刺克厉夫死不瞑目的描述。通过对魔鬼式人物和吓人的鬼魂,神秘的现象,恐怖的环境和情节的描写,艾米莉勃朗特找到了一种可以表达她自己感觉的写作手法,这就是哥特手法。关键字:呼啸山庄 艾米莉勃朗特 哥特手法ContentsAcknowledgements.iAbstract (English).iiAbstract(Chinese).iiiContents.v1. The Gothic Literature and its theory .1 2. The background of Emily.2 2.1 Emilys life experience.2 2.2 Impact of traditional ideas.4 3. The Gothic features in the novel.53.1 The theme of the novel.53.2 Bizarre and terrifying nature environment.73.3 Gothic Characters.83.3.1 Villain heroHeathcliff83.3.2 Delirious heroineCatherine.103.3.3 Barbaric characterHindley.113.3.4 Innocent heroineIsabella .123.4 Ghosts.133.5 Strange love.143.6 Gothic plots154. An improvement on traditional Gothic novels.165. Conclusion17Reference.19Gothic Features in Wuthering Heights1. The Gothic Literature and its theoryThe word “Gothic” came from the name of a Germanic tribeGoth which was famous for their barbaric and brave character. They invaded into Roma during the 3rd and 5th century and founded many kingdoms. After the 7th century, the Roman Empire expired, an Italian named Vassar used the word “Goth” to name a kind of architecture style in Medieval Age, which was featured by pointed arches, heavy walls, dark rooms, terrible pat
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