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典范英语6-07典范英语2up打印版,打印前请将版面分页设置为“2up”,即可在一张A4纸上打印两页。The Masked Cleaning Ladies of OmThere was a problem at the castle. “I give up,” said Mrs Binns, The royal cleaner, “theres too much work here for one person.” Mrs Binns gave Queen Norah the keys to the castle and left.Queen Norah told the rest of the royal family. “what are we going to do?” asked the Princess Jane. “For a start ,you cannot have your friends round here any more . said Queen North. “why not?” asked Princess Jane. “Because they make too much mess.” “perhaps we can all try to keep the castle tidy,” said King Harry. “Im sure that Captain Jones and Captain Smith will help. I can even do a bit of washing myself.” “what!” shouted Queen Norah. “people will say that King Harry does his own cleaning! Never!” “we can put up an advert for a cleaner,” said Princess Jane. “Good idea,” said Queen Norah. “Write an advert at once.” Princess Jane wrote a notice. She pinned it to the castle door. The days went by and nobody came to ask about the cleaning job. The castle became dirtier and dirtier. There were no more clean clothes and no more clean plates. One morning Queen Norah heard singing coming from the kitchen. She popped her head round the door. She saw a shocking sight. King Harry was at the sink doing the dishes. Captain Smith was mopping the floor. Captain Jones was washing the royal shirts. “stop this at once, ” cried Queen Norah. “these are not jobs for a king and his captains. You should be out fighting dragons. ”“weve never seen any dragons, dear,” said the King. “you have never even looked for them,” said Queen Norah.Queen Norah was so upset that she made up her mind to go on a royal tour that minute. and you three: dont even think about doing the cleaning, she added, you will go on a quest while Im away.a quest? said King Harry, he went pale, a quest for dragons? you can look for them, too. Said Queen Norah. but the main job is to find a new cleaner. what about me? asked Princess Jane.You can stay at home and dont let any burglars in or your friends.Queen Norah sent for her royal cases and bags and began her royal tour.King Harry, Captain Jones and Captain Smith set off on their quest for a cleaner. They looked very unhappy.Princess Jane waved them goodbye. its not fair. Sniffed Princess Jane. everyones off on quests and tours, and I am stuck on my own in this smelly old castle.Princess Jane stuck out her lip and had a good suck.She had just finished her suck when there was a knock on the castle door.Princess Jane opened the door. There stood three figures in masks. we are the Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om said one. we were sent by your father, King Harry, said another.that was quick. Said Princess Jane, where is my father?chasing dragons. Said the third masked figure.why are you masked ? asked Princess Janewe have to protect ourselves from the dust. Said one, can we start? All day the Masked Cleaning Ladies scrubbed, dusted, washed and polished. By evening, the castle sparkled. now that the castle is clean you can take off your masks. Said Princess Jane.oh, no said one, we cant do that.why not? demanded Princess Janeer,er, said another, if we take off our masks we wont be the Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om.Princess Jane began to think very hard. Burglars often wore masks. Queen Norah had told her not to let burglars into the castle.The next day, Princess Jane set out to find out who the Masked Cleaning Ladies really were.The first Masked Cleaning Lady was in the kitchen, stuffing a pile of dirty shirts into the washing machine.Hm, she said, shall I wash this tablecloth on hotor very hot ?Princess Jane came up behind her. She grabbed the tablecloth and pulled. It over the cleaning Ladys head.help! mumbled the cleaning lady, where am i?The second Masked Cleaning Lady was scrubbing the dungeon floors.Excuse me, said Princess Jane, standing outside one of the cells. but, its very dirty in here.I swept it only five minutes ago. Said the second cleaning lady. let me have a look. She walked into the cell. Princess Jane closed the door and turned the key.The third cleaning lady was making a terrific noise with the vacuum cleaner. She did not see Princess Jane creeping up behind her. Princess Jane grabbed the vacuum. She pointed the nozzle at the cleaning lady.one false move. Shouted Princess Jane, and Ill suck you into the vacuum, now, take off your mask.Slowly the cleaning lady took off her mask. Father! cried Princess Jane.The other two cleaning ladies turned out to be Captain Smith and Captain Jones.I think that you had better explain. Said Princess Jane.well, said king Harry, we set off on our quest. When we reached the woods, we saw a dragon.We think we saw a dragon, said Captain Jones. at least, we heard sth moving in the woods and it sounded like
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