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doseelosesayswimunderstandspeaktakereadfindgivecut didsawlostsaidswamunderstoodspoketookreadfoundgavecut 复习不规则动词过去式 Revision 1 Iwanttobuyap ofshoes 2 Theyworkedveryh 3 Whendidyouw television 4 Don tj offthewall 5 MyfatherwenttoDaliantwomontha air ard atch ump go Revision 1 sizedoyouwant Sizesix A WhereB WhatC What sD Which s2 I oneofmyfriendsinthestreetlastweek A ammeetingB meetsC metD meet3 What you onSundays A did doB do didC did didD do do4 Mymother abeautifuldressformeyesterday A buysB buyC boughtD buyed B C D C 4 6 2020 ago u adv 以前buy bough bai v 买pair p n 双 对fashion f n n 服装 流行式样uncomfortable n k mf t b l adj 不舒服的wear wore w v 穿着 takepictures tookpictures climbedmountains singanddance sanganddanced eatgoodfood ategoodfood 我爱学中文 learnedChinese learnChinese ategoodfood sanganddanced tookpictures learnedChinese Whatdidyoudoyesterday I climbedamountain gussing Whatdidshe he theylastweek cleanedtheroom watchedTV climbedamountain sanganddanced tookpictures ategoodfood boughtpresents rowedaboat WhatdidTomdoonhisholiday sawelephants wentskiing wentice skating makeaconversation Sichuan MountEmei Wheredidyougothedaybeforeyesterday IwenttoSichuan Whatdidyoudo Iclimbedamountain HongKong Wheredidhegoyesterday HewenttoHongKong Whatdidyoudo Heategoodfood Japan Wheredidtheygoontheirholiday TheywenttoJapan Whatdidtheydothere Theywentshopping museum Wheredidtheygoyesterday Theywentto Whatdidtheydothere They museum tookpictures Beijing Beijing visitedmygrandparents Wheredidgolastweek Theywentto Whatdiddothere they They they Dali Wheredidgoontheirholiday Theywentto Whatdidtheydothere They Dali sanganddanced they 4 6 2020 Lesson77Terribletoothache NewWords appointmentn 约会 预约 p intm nt urgentadj 紧急的 急迫的 d nt tillprep 直到 为止 til 填空 1Tom appointment withthedoctor hehasatoothache 2Lily not gotosleepuntil10 00o clock 3Pleasebequick It svery 紧急的 试着做做吧 hasanappointment didn t urgent appointment p ntm nt haveanappointment有一个约会Doyouhaveanappointment 你有约会吗 makeanappointmentwithsb和某人有约IwanttomakeanappointmentwithTom 我和汤姆有个约会 n 约会 预约 拓展 daten 约会 一般指男女之间约会 Howtoaskoutagirlondate 你如何邀约女孩出门约会 mentn 名词后缀 以ment结尾的词通常是名词 development发展 agreement同意 movement动作 urgent d nt anurgenttelephonecall一个紧急的电话anurgentmeeting一个紧急的会议It sveryurgent 我很着急 adj 紧急的 急迫的 till t l prep 直到 为止 Canyouwaittillthisafternoon 你能等到今天下午吗 Theydancedtillmidnight 他们跳舞一直跳到半夜 Theshopisopenfromeighttillfiveo clock 商店的营业时间是从上午八点到下午五点 WheredoesMr Croftgothismorning Doeshehaveanappointmentwiththedentist Howdoeshefeel What swrongwithhim Whendoeshewanttoseethedentist Canhewait ListentothetapeandAnswerquestions Listening Questions Answers WheredoesMr Croftgothismorning Hegoestoahospital Hegoestoaclinic Questions Answers Doeshehaveanappointmentwiththedentist No hedoesn t Questions Answers Howdoeshefeel Hefeelsawful Questions Answers What swrongwithhim Hehasaterribletoothache Questions Answers Whendoeshewanttoseethedentist Hemustseethedentistnow Questions Answers Canhewait Hecanwait buthistoothachecan t Nurse Goodmorning Mr Croft Mr Croft Goodmorning nurse Iwanttoseethedentist please Nurse Doyouhaveanappointment Mr Croft No Idon t wanttodosth wantsth haveagoodtimehavelunchhaveabath Nurse Isiturgent Mr Croft Yes itis Itisveryurgent Ifeelawful Ihaveaterribletoothache Ifeelhappy Hefeelsill haveaheadachehaveafever Nurse Canyoucomeat10a m onMondayApril24th Mr Croft Imustseethedentistnow nurse Nurse Thedentistisverybusyatthemoment Canyoucomeat2p m Mr Croft Thatisverylate Canthedentistseemenow Nurse I mafraidthathecan t Mr Croft Can tyouwaittillthisafternoon Mr Croft Icanwait butmytoothachecan t Answerthefollowingquestionsaccordingtothetext Canyoucomeat10a m onMondayApril24th Imustseethedentistnow nurse Thedentistisverybusyatthemoment Canyoucomeat2p m Thatisverylate Canthedentistseemenow I mafraidthathecan t Mr Croft Can tyouwaittillthisafternoon Icanwait butmytoothachecan t Sumup Have1 haveagoodtime abath acake adrink2 havesomemoney someenvelopes3 haveaheadache afever flu anearache 4 6 2020 Notesonthetexts课文注释 课文语言点练习 选择 1 Can tyouwaitthisafternoon A forB atC tillD in 2 Youmustcome2p mFriday A on atB at onC in onD at in 3 I mafraidhecannotseeyounow A andB thatC ofD then C B B 4 6 2020 1 Doyouhaveanappointment 你有预约么 文化背景 西方国家一般看病都不是去大医院而去私人医院 医生很忙需要接待很多病人 只能安排好时间 按预约时刻去看病 其他时间一般没办法看病 4 6 2020 2 Isiturgent 很急么 这句话 一般常用于医院 买票 排队等情况 Ifeelawful 我觉得很糟糕 感官动词 形容词feelawful 4 6 2020 3 Ihaveaterribletoothache 我得了严重的牙疼 terriblea 很差的 糟糕的Thisisaterriblefilm 这是部糟糕的电影 4 6 2020 4 April24th4月24号读作 Aprilthe24th 4 6 2020 5 I mafraidthathecan t Mr Croft 恐怕他办不到呀 Croft先生I mafraidthat 句子表示否定 不是真的害怕 而是语气婉转 4 6 2020 IamafraidthatIcan tcometonight 恐怕今天晚上我不能来了I mafraidthatitwillraintomorrow 我担心明天会下雨 Don tbeafraidthatpeoplewilllaughatyou 不要害怕人们会嘲笑你 Review 宾语从句跟在两类词后 表示人的情感或心理活动的形容词afraid sure sorry glad anxious confident proudS be adj 宾语从句主句和宾语从句中有that连接 后边加句子 当主句是一般现在时 从句可以用任何时态 我担心我明天去不了了 IamafraidthatIcan tcometomorrow 很抱歉我昨天没有去 IamsorrythatIdidn tgoyesterday 我跟高兴你能帮助他们 Iamgladthatyoucanhelpthem 2 S v that 从句其中的动词为
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