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partthree 非延续性动词转换成延续性动词arrive beherebegin start beondie bedeadcomeback bebackleave beawaygetup beupbuy havecometowork workgoout beoutbegintostudy studyfinish beoverputon wear或beonclose beclosedgotoschool beastudentborrow keepgettoknow knowopen beopencatch acold have acold join bein或beamemberof fallill sick asleep beill sick asleep freetalk Birthdayparty1 place 2 Withwhom3 Dowhat4 Gifts5 Feel要求 1 你昨天举办了自己的生日party 从以上几个方面向朋友说下party的情况 2 不少于10句话 BirthdayPartyIhadabirthdaypartyinthegardenyesterday Weenjoyedourselvesattheparty Ispentthetimewithmanyfriends Wesangalotofpopsongs Andtheysangabirthdaysongtome Mymumlitthecandlesandputthemonthecake Iwastouchingatthemoment ThenIcutthecakeandshareditwithmyfriends AtthepartyIreceivedalotofgifts Ifeltveryexcited Lesson121 Themaninhat Revision Lesson119Atruestory storyn 故事happenv 发生thiefn 贼enterv 进入darkadj 黑暗的torchn 手电筒voicen 说话的 声音parrotn 鹦鹉exercisebookn 练习本 1 MrLuXundiedin1936 He alotoffamousnovels A wroteB waswritingC haswrittenD wouldwrite 2 Howwasyourweekendonthefarm Great We withthefarmers A enjoyourselvesB wentfishingC willworkD makefriends 3 WhatdidMrJonesdobeforehemovedhere He acitybusforovertwenty fiveyears A isdrivingB droveC haddrivenD drives 4 Heturnedoffthelightandthen A leavesB hasleftC willleaveD left Revision Lesson119 120Exercises Revision Lesson119 120Exercises 5 Fatherusually hisnewspaperafterdinner A readB readsC readingD isreading 6 Look Theboy withhismotherinthepool A isswimingB isswimmingC areswimmingD areswiming 7 It steno clockandJack still 仍然 hishomework A is doB is doingC are doD are doing 8 Doesyourmother Englishnow A teachesB teachC taughtD isteaching 9 I llgoswimmingwithyouifI freetomorrow A willbeB shallbeC amD was 10 Jimmyisleavingforaholiday Really Where he A has goneB will goC did goD would go 11 Frank toseehisgrandmaifhe freetomorrow A willcome willbeB comes isC willcome isD comes willbe 12 Janehas toBeiJing Shewillcomebacktomorrow A beenB goneC wentD neverbeen Revision Lesson119 120Exercises Revision Lesson119 120Exercises 13 WhowillgotothestationtomeetLorry Iwill I herseveraltimes A metB havemetC hadmetD willmeet 14 youever totheUS Yes twice A Have goneB Have beenC Do goD were going 15 WhenIreachedhome myparents theirsupper A arehavingB havealreadyhadC havehadD hadalreadyhad 16 We theworkbysixyesterdayevening A finishedB wouldfinishC hadfinishedD hadbeenfinished let splayagame Findthedifferencesasmoreasyoucan Keywords expressions Keywords expressions customern 顾客forgetv 忘记managern 经理servev 照应 服务 接待countern 柜台recognizev 认出 Keywords expressions 1 customer k st m n 顾客custom风俗customs海关guest旅馆的旅客passenger乘客aregularcustomer老顾客顾客至上 Customerisgod Keywords expressions 2 forget f get v 忘记 forgot forgotten 反义词rememberforgettodosth忘记要做某事forgetdoingsth忘记已经做过某事Forexample Iforgettosendanemailtohim 忘记要发邮件 邮件还没发 Iforgetsendinganemailtohim 忘记已经发过了 邮件已经发出了 remembertodosth忘记要做某事rememberdoingsth忘记已经做过某事 Keywords expressions 3 manager m nid3 n 经理salesmanager销售经理GeneralManager总经理Heisourmanager manage m nid3 v 管理manageacompany经营公司 阿里巴巴雅虎中国马云 搜狐张朝阳 微软盛大唐骏 谷歌李开复 腾讯QQ之父马化腾 Keywords expressions 4 serve s v v 1 服务 接待 侍候 Thewaiterservedhimaglassofbeer 服务员端给他一杯啤酒 2 服役 Hehasservedinthearmyforthreeyears 他已在部队服役3年 3 充当 作 之用 serveas担任 充当Thebigstonecanserveasourtable service s vis n 那家餐馆的服务很差 Theserviceinthatrestaurantispoor atone sservice听候某人吩咐 听凭某人差遣 parttwo Keywords expressions 5 counter kaunt n 柜台atthejewelrycountercheckoutcounter 付帐柜台 在珠宝部 6 recognize rek naiz v recognise 1 认出Irecognizehimnow 我现在认出他来了 Theyrecognizedthismanwithoutdifficulty 他们毫不费力地认出了这个人 2 承认 确认 他不承认自己犯下了大错 Hedidn trecognizethathehadmadeabigmistake recognize as把 当作 承认 为 Johnisrecognizedasthebestfootballplayerinourschool recognitionn 识别 承认 outof beyondrecognition面目全非Allthedeadandinjuredwereburnedbeyondrecognition 所有的伤者和死者都被烧的面目全非 listenandfillintheblanks LessonOnehundredandtwentyone ThemaninahatIboughttwo1dictionariesherehalfan2ago butI3totakethemwithme Who4you sir Theladywhois5 6thecounter Which7didyoubuy expensive forgot served standing behind books hour Thebookswhichareonthe8 Didyou9thisgentlemanhalfanhourago Caroline He10he sthemanwhoboughtthesebooks Ican t11 counter serve says remember ThemanwhoIservedwas12ahat Haveyougotahat sir Yes Ihave Wouldyou13it14 please Allright Isthisthemanthatyouserved Caroline Yes I15himnow wearing put on recognize readandanswer Questionsonthetext 1 Whendidthecustomerbuythedictionaries 2 Whoservedthecustomer 3 Whydidn tCarolinerecognizethecustomerstraightaway Heboughtthemhalfanhourago Theladywhowasstandingbehindthecounter Becausethemandidn twearahat learnthetext Languagepoints 1 Iboughttwoexpensivedictionariesherehalfanhourago butIforgottotakethemwithme takesthwithsb把某物带走我去那个村庄的时候我随身带了一些药 ItooksomemedicinewithmewhenIwenttothevillage takesbsth takesthtosb把某物拿去给某人I lltakesomepresentstomyfriendsinBeijing I lltakemyfriendsinBeijingsomepresents dictionary Languagepoints 2 Whoservedyou sir Theladywhoisstandingbehindthecounter served是serve的过去式 服务 I llservethepeoplewithheartan
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