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Lesson13 Anewdress 1 Greetings 1 1Whatishis hername 1 2Howoldisshe he 1 3Howishetoday 1 4Whatclassareyouin 1 5Whoishe she 1 6Whosecoatisred 1 7Whosepencilisthis 1 8Whoseisthisbook 1 9AskmeifIamastudent 2 0Askmeifthisismyfather sumbrella 2 课文导入 3 1WhatcolorisAnna sdress 3 2IsAnna sdressnice 3 3WhatcolorisAnna shat 3 4IsAnna shatsmartorlovely 3 语法知识4 1名词所有格与形代之间的转换 翻译 1 这是Tim的衬衣 2 这是Linda的衬衣 3 那是Steven的爸爸 ThatisSteven sfather ThisisLinda sblouse Thisisherblouse ThisisTim sshirt Thisishisshirt Thatishisfather 4 那是Peter的上衣 5 这是我妈妈的短裙 6 这是你爸爸的领带 7 这是我们老师的上衣 8 这是他们妈妈的衬衣 ThatisPeter scoat Thatishiscoat Thisismymother sskirt Thisisherskirt Thisismyfather stie Thisishistie Thisisourteacher scoat Thisishis hercoat Thisistheirmother sblouse Thisisherblouse 5 词汇讲解 1 colourn 颜色greenadj 绿色eg 我的帽子是绿色的 2 comev 来somecolourlovelysonmotherbrotherupstairsv 楼上到楼上来看看吧 Myhatisgreen 划线提问 Whatcolourisyourhat Comeupstairsandseeit 3 smartadj 漂亮的 时髦的 聪明的eg 它真漂亮 Steven非常聪明 4 sameadj 相同的 与the练用 e e ei It sverysmart Stevenisverysmart namecakegamefacemake It sthesamecolour 它是相同的颜色 5 lovelyadj 开爱的 秀美动人的 那是一顶可爱的帽子 Helen是一个开爱的女孩 Thatisalovelyhat Helenisalovelygirl 6 串课文 6 1知识要点Whatcolour syournewdress Comeupstairsandseeit Hereitis Whatcolourisit It sthesamecolour 6 2颜色询问 句型 Whatcolour s It s 1 Peter scoatisred 2 Thisisgreen 3 Thatbookisblue 4 Mypeniswhite Whatcolour sPeter scoat Whatcolouristhis Whatcolour sthatbook Whatcolour syourpen Lesson14 Whatcolour syour 你的 是什么颜色的 7 1词汇case keis n 箱子carpet ka pit n 地毯颜色red红色yellow黄色black黑色orange橙色pink粉色purple紫色brown棕色grey灰色Whatcolour syour It s 7 2图片分析图片 替换练习 20 70 Whatcolour syourumbrella It sblack 80 90 WhatcolourisAnna sblouse It syellow 100 101 Whatclouristhis It sgreyandblack 8 题型训练 8 1判断下列各组单词划线部分读音是否相同 相同的打 不同的打 1 applecat 2 sisterwhite 3 whatwho 4 somestudent 5 blackclock 8 2单选题 1 Whatcolorarethey I know A amB amnotC don tD don tno 2 Who sthatman Themaninablackcoat Myteacher A WhichmanB WhatmanC ThismanD Aman3 Thegirl theredcoatismysister A inB onC atD puts4 Canyou thepicturegreen A lookatB seeC lookD color5 Whatcolor green A arethey It sB arethey They reC isit TheyareD areyou They re Sheis A swimB swamC swimmingD swims 7 Iamgood Art A atB forC onD of8 Damingispaintingapicture hismother A atB forC on D with9 Iplay football A atB C theD a10 He upveryearlyeverymorning butyesterdaymorninghe uplate A getgetB getsgetsC getsgotD gotgot 8 3根据词的正确形式填空 1 who coatisthat 2 this aremypens 3 Theyaremy shirt 4 Doyoulikered and green 5 We be students 6 Isthis you sweater 7 who isthispen 8 Heis a an Englishteacher 9 These be动词 theteachers 10 Whatcolour be动词 yourhat 8 4句型训练1 1 Shehasanorangesweater 变为否定句 2 Mycoatispink 对划线部分提问 3 Ilikesea 变为一般疑问句 4 Thisletterismine 变为复数句 5 Doesyourpenlookverybeautiful 做否定回答 6 Myhatsareyellow 对划线部分提问 7 WecanspeakEnglish 否定句 8 It ssixo clock whattime 9 TheteachersarewatchingTV what 10 Therearetwoapplesonthedesk Howmany 8 5阅读题 Ihaveagoodfriendinmyhome It sacat ItsnameisMimi It swhiteandyellow Andit sverybeautiful Iplaywithitafterschool Itoftenplayswithaballorlines Myfriends MaryandAlicecometoseeit butitisbehindsofasorinabox Ourfamiliessitinasofaanditcangotherewithus Intheevening Imuststudyatmydesk butitisonthedesk too Atthattime Iputitdown Isitmygoodfriend Guess please 1 Mimiisthenameofa A boyB girlC catD bird 2 Whoismyfriendinmyhome A MaryB AliceC MimiD Mybrother 3 Canmyfriendsseemycatinmyhome A Yes theycan B No theycan t 4 Ioftenplaywith afterschool A aballB thecatC booksD lines 5 andIputthecatontothefloor A Thecatisn tmygoodfriend B Idon tplaywiththecat C Iwanttogotobed D Imuststudyintheevening
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