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主席先生,各位同事:气候变化是重大的发展问题,攸关各国的国计民生,影响世界经济发展和各国的共同繁荣。国际社会应以深远和宽广的眼光,从全局和战略的高度,携手合作,共同应对气候变化的挑战。联合国在气候变化领域发挥着不可替代的作用。今天举行的气候变化问题高级别会议表明,国际社会支持联合国继续在气候变化领域发挥领导作用,引领全球应对气候变化的努力。主席先生,本次会议应通过充分和民主讨论,广泛听取各方意见,凝聚各方共识。中方希望会议在以下方面取得积极成果:坚持“共同但有区别的责任”原则。发达国家应完成京都议定书确定的减排指标,帮助发展中国家提高应对气候变化的能力,并在2012年后继续率先减排。发展中国家也应根据自身国情并在力所能及的范围内,采取积极措施,尽力控制温室气体排放增长速度。维护公约确立的基本框架。联合国气候变化框架公约在气候合作方面发挥了领导作用,应继续成为未来国际合作的基本框架。中方也欢迎其他相关倡议和机制开展务实合作。它们应成为公约框架有益的补充。平衡推进气候变化领域国际合作。减缓、适应、资金和技术是应对气候变化的重要手段,应同等重视。应重视加强对发展中国家的资金援助和技术转让。在此过程中,不能单纯强调市场机制的作用,更不能把应对气候变化的任务全部推向市场。主席先生,适应气候变化是发展中国家最为关心的问题,也是应对气候变化挑战的重要组成部分。中方主张在适应问题上开展务实合作,加强各国能力建设。中方愿就此强调以下几点:一、着眼长远,促进可持续发展。各国应将适应气候变化作为落实千年发展目标的重要组成部分,推动将适应问题纳入国家经济和社会发展战略。国际社会,特别是发达国家应本着共同发展的伙伴精神,根据公约原则,帮助发展中国家提高适应能力,增强应对气候灾害的能力。二、加大投入,提供充足的适应资金。应尽快启动议定书的适应基金,并对所有发展中国家开放。应更加完善全球环境基金和清洁发展机制的运作,使发展中国家更易受益。还应扩大适应资金来源,为发展中国家适应气候变化提供新的和额外的资金支持。三、依靠科技,加强技术合作与转让。国际社会应积极探讨建立有效的技术推广机制,降低成本,加强信息交流、技术转让和共享,确保广大发展中国家买得起、用得上环境友好型技术。要努力减少贸易和技术壁垒,加强技术研发和创新方面的国际合作。主席先生,中国是遭受气候变化不利影响较为严重的发展中国家。中国政府已将环境保护列为基本国策,将科学发展观作为执政理念,成立了国家应对气候变化领导小组,颁布了一系列法律法规,并制定了应对气候变化国家方案。为应对气候变化,中国采取了一系列政策措施,取得了积极成效。1991年至2005年,中国累计节约能源约8亿吨标准煤,相当于减排18亿吨二氧化碳。中国一次能源消费构成中煤炭的比重从1990年的76.2%降至2005年的69.1%。1980年至2005年,中国植树造林活动累计净吸收二氧化碳30.6亿吨,森林管理累计净吸收二氧化碳16.2亿吨,减少毁林排放二氧化碳4.3亿吨。从上世纪70年代以来,中国实行计划生育,累计少生3亿多人,相当于每年少排12亿吨二氧化碳。中国的“十一五”规划提出,到2010年,中国单位国内生产总值能耗比2005年末降低20%左右,主要污染物排放总量减少10%,森林覆盖率由18.2%提高到20%等。为适应气候变化,中国不断增强在农业、自然生态系统、水资源等领域适应气候变化的能力,防灾备灾,减少灾害性天气事件的损失。中国将力争新增改良草地2400万公顷,治理退化、沙化和碱化草地5200万公顷;中国将力争实现90%左右的典型森林生态系统和国家重点野生动植物得到有效保护,自然保护区面积占国土总面积的比重达到16%左右,治理荒漠化土地面积2200万公顷等。中国的努力是全球应对气候变化的组成部分。中国将根据公约和议定书,本着“共同但有区别的责任”原则,承担应有的国际责任和义务,为气候变化国际合作做出更大贡献。中国还愿继续在力所能及的范围内,帮助非洲和小岛屿发展中国家提高适应气候变化的能力。最近,中国在亚太经合组织会议上提出了“亚太森林恢复与可持续管理网络”倡议。中国愿与各方一道,将该倡议落到实处,促进亚太地区应对气候变化的努力。中国愿与国际社会共同努力,推动建设一个和谐发展、清洁发展、可持续发展的世界。谢谢主席先生。Mr. Chairman,Dear Colleagues,Climate change is an important development issue which concerns the wellbeing of people of all countries and affects the growth of world economy and our common prosperity. All the members of the international community should view challenges posed by climate change in a broad and long-term context and make concerted efforts to address them.The United Nations plays an irreplaceable role in tackling climate change. Todays meeting demonstrates that the international community supports the United Nations in continuing to play the leadership role in galvanizing global efforts into addressing climate change.Mr. Chairman,Todays meeting should help build consensus through full and democratic discussions and exchange of views among all parties. China hopes it will make progress in the following aspects.First, adhere to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. Developed countries should meet their emission reduction targets set in the Kyoto Protocol, help developing countries build capacity in tackling climate change and continue to take the lead in reducing emissions after 2012. Developing countries should also take proactive measures and control the growth of greenhouse gas emissions to the best of their ability and in keeping with their particular conditions.Second, uphold the basic framework established under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Convention has played a leading role in global cooperation in climate change and future cooperation should continue to be conducted within the framework of the Convention. China also welcomes practical cooperation under other initiatives and mechanisms, which should serve as supplements to the framework of the convention.Third, advance international cooperation on climate change in a balanced way. Mitigation, adaptation, financing and technology, being all important means in addressing climate change, should receive equal attention. It is necessary to increase financial assistance and technology transfer to developing countries. But in doing so, one should not lay undue emphasis on the role of the market mechanism. Still less should one attempt to shift all the responsibilities of tackling climate change onto the market.Mr. Chairman,Adaptation to climate change is an issue of greatest concern to developing countries, and it is also an important part of the effort to address challenges of climate change. China supports practical cooperation on adaptation in order to strengthen capacity building of all countries. In this connection, I wish to emphasize the following points:I. Take a long term view and promote sustainable development. All countries should take adaptation to climate change as an important part of their efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and incorporate it into their economic and social development strategy. The international community, developed countries in particular, should act as partners for common development and help developing countries strengthen adapta
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