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Singapore Math Kangaroo Contest 2018 Primary 6 Grade 6 Contest Paper Name School INSTRUCTIONS 1 Please DO NOT OPEN the contest booklet until the Proctor has given permission to start 2 Duration 1 hour and 30 minutes 3 There are 30 questions in this paper Each question scores 3 points in Section A 4 points in Section B and 5 points in Section C No points are deducted for Unanswered question 1 point is deducted for Wrong answer 4 Shade your answers neatly in the answer entry sheet 5 PROCTORING No help should be given to any student in any way during the contest 6 No calculators are allowed 7 All students must fill and shade in your Name Index number Level and School in the Answer sheet provided 8 Students are not allowed to leave the venue within the first hour of the contest and 15 minutes before the end of the contest 9 Students must show detailed working and transfer their answers to the answer entry sheet 10 No spare papers can be used in writing this contest Enough space is provided for your working of each question 11 Students are not allowed take any answer script reference materials and contest paper out of the venue Rough Working Singapore Math Kangaroo Contest 2018 Primary 6 Grade 6 Section A Correct 3 points Unanswered 0 points Wrong deduct 1 point Question 1 The drawing shows 3 fl ying arrows and 9 fi xed balloons When an arrow hits a balloon it bursts and the arrow fl ies further in the same direction How many balloons will not be hit by arrows A 3 B 2 C 6 D 5 E 4 Question 2 There are three objects on the table What does Peter see if he looks at the table from above A B C D E 1 Singapore Math Kangaroo Contest 2018 Primary 6 Grade 6 Question 3 In the fi rst try Diana obtained 14 points with two arrows on the target In the second try she obtained 16 points How many points did she get in her third try 14 points16 points A 17 B 18 C 19 D 20 E 22 Question 4 A garden is divided into identical squares A fast and a slow snail move along the perimeter of the garden starting from the corner S but in diff erent directions The slow snail moves at 1 meter per hour 1 m h and the faster snail moves at 2 meters per hour 2 m h At what point will the two snails meet A A B B C C D D E E Question 5 Alice subtracted two 2 digit numbers Then she painted two boxes What is the sum of the two digits in the painted boxes A 8 B 9 C 12 D 13 E 15 2 Singapore Math Kangaroo Contest 2018 Primary 6 Grade 6 Question 6 A fi gure below is made of four equilateral triangles and a square The perimeter of the square is 36 cm What is the perimeter of the fi gure below A 144 cm B 120 cm C 104 cm D 90 cm E 72 cm Question 7 The picture shows the calendar of a certain month Unfortunately an ink spot covers most of the dates What day is the 25th of that month A Monday B Wednesday C Thursday D Saturday E Sunday Question 8 What is the least number of times we have to roll a regular die to be sure that at least one number will be repeated Die is the singular form of dice A 5 B 6 C 7 D 12 E 18 3 Singapore Math Kangaroo Contest 2018 Primary 6 Grade 6 Question 9 The fi gure is made up of 3 squares as shown below The side length of the smallest square is 6 cm What is the side length of the biggest square 2cm 2cm A 8 B 10 C 12 D 14 E 16 Question 10 In the following fi gure the circles are light bulbs connected to some other light bulbs Initially all light bulbs are off When you touch a light bulb this light bulb and all its neighbours are lit At least how many light bulbs do you have to touch so that all the light bulbs are lit A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 E 6 Section B Correct 4 points Unanswered 0 points Wrong deduct 1 point Question 11 Which of the four squares has the largest ratio of the black area to the area of the whole square A A B B C C D D E They are all the same 4 Singapore Math Kangaroo Contest 2018 Primary 6 Grade 6 Question 12 Nine cars arrive at a crossroads and drive off as indicated by the arrows Which fi gure shows these cars after leaving the crossroads A B C D E Question 13 Each of the spots covers one of the numbers 1 2 3 4 or 5 so that both of the calculations following the arrows are correct What is the number between the plus sign and minus sign A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E 5 Question 14 A lion is behind one of the three doors A sentence is written on each door but only one of the three sentences is true Door 1 The lion is not behind this door Door 2 The lion is behind this door Door 3 The sum of two and three is fi ve Which door is the lion behind A Door 1 B Door 2 C Door 3 D All three doors are possible E Both door 1 and door 2 are possible 5 Singapore Math Kangaroo Contest 2018 Primary 6 Grade 6 Question 15 Two girls Eva and Olga and three boys Adam Isaac and Urban play with a ball When a girl has the ball she throws it to the other girl or to a boy When a boy has the ball he throws it to another boy but never to the boy from whom he just received it Eva starts by throwing the ball to Adam Who will make the fi fth throw A Adam B Eva C Isaac D
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