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孤山之歌一首史诗般的歌曲 失去家园的矮人们,悲伤地凝望曾经的故土,立誓战斗至死,直至夺回孤山上被强占的宝藏 (百度和酷我上的歌词翻译有些乱,让人不知所云,其实整首歌就是一首壮丽的诗。在此区区重新翻译如下,如有错误请多指正)Far over, the Misty Mountains rise远方,亘古的迷雾山脉绵延起伏Leave us standing upon the height我们站在至高之处,What was before, we see once more回想它过去的样子,Is our kingdom, a distant light我们曾经的王国是否已成为渐去的希望?Fiery mountain beneath a moon月光之下的山脉如烈火般炙热The words unspoken: well be there soon正如我们心中那无以言表的誓言:我们必将回归For home, a song that echoes on因为逝去的家,是一首永远在心中回荡的歌,And all who find us will know the tune只有真正了解我们的人们,才懂得那旋律中的悲伤Some folk we never forget一些民族我们绝不会忘记,Some kind we never forgive一些民族我们绝不会饶恕,Havent seen the back of us yet看见我们身后所背负的一切吗?We will fight as long as we live我们会战斗直至生命结束。All eyes on the hidden way无数双眼睛在黑暗深处看着To the Lonely Mountain pave在朝往孤山的道路上,Well ride in the gathering storm我们会投身进那猛烈的风暴之中,Until we get our long forgotten gold直到我们夺回早已遗忘的宝藏。We lay under the Misty Mountains cold我们躺在冰冷的雾山之下,In slumbers deep and dreams of gold陷入不醒的沉眠,做着拥有宝藏的梦,We must awake, our lives to make但我们的信念注定我们必将醒来,And in the darkness, a torch we hold在黑暗之中,我们手持火炬From long ago, when lanterns burned很久以前,心中的渴望就开始燃烧Until this day, our hearts we yearned直到今天,我们的心依然在忍受煎熬。A fate unknown, the Arkenstone那世代相传的宝藏,是我们不为人知的命运What was stolen must be returned 那被强占的一切必将归还。We must awake and mend the ache我们必须觉悟,承认那心中已久的渴望,To find our song for heart and soul 找回我们心和灵魂之歌。Some folk we never forget一些民族我们绝不会忘记,Some kind we never forgive一些民族我们绝不会饶恕,Havent seen the end of it yet看见故事的结局了吗?Well fight as long as we live 我们会战斗直至生命的结束。All eyes on the hidden door所有的人注视着那隐匿之门,To the Lonely Mountain borne走上了那通往孤山的道路,Well ride in the gathering storm我们会投身进那猛烈的风暴之中,Til we get our long forgotten gold 直到我们收复那早已遗忘的宝藏Far away, the Misty Mountains cold远方,迷雾山脉亘古冰冷
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