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第二课时Section A (3a3c)主备内容Section A (3a3c)教学目标【知识目标】Important words:overcome;caring;oursImportant phrases:look back at;pride of overcoming fear;make a mess;keep ones cool;try to be on time for morning readingsImportant sentences:1Looking back at these past three years,I remember many things.2And now its time to graduate.We will leave our lovely school.3Ill miss the school trees and flowers and our kind and caring teachers.【能力目标】1引导学生了解文章的类型和主题。2培养学生欣赏诗歌的能力。【情感目标】回忆初中生活留下的印象深刻的事情。教学重难点重点:培养学生理解并欣赏诗歌的能力。让学生体会诗歌的韵律和重音,并有感情地朗读。难点:指导学生用诗歌的形式写下自己的记忆与经历。教法学法交际法;问答法Step 1自主学习【新词自查】根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1I am sure you can _overcome_(克服) all kinds of difficulties and enter a good university.2The disabled boy worked hard and _graduated_(毕业) from the Tsinghua University.3Mr.Wang is one of the most popular teachers because he is knowledgeable and _caring_(体贴人的)4No.6 school team has better players than _ours_(我们的)5As soon as their parents left,the children made the house a _mess_(一团糟)Step 2情景导入【参考案例】用多媒体教唱毕业歌,然后询问同学们:初中毕业在即,你有什么美好的记忆与大家分享或者有什么离别愿望想对大家说吗?Questions:1What do you want to say to your teachers?_2What do you want to say to your classmates?_设计意图:通过上述活动,使学生对这节课的内容有了一定的了解,从而达到导入新课的目的,引起学生学习诗歌的兴趣。Step 3完成教材3a3c的任务【操作案例】1要求学生快速默读这首诗歌,熟知大意,并回答3a的问题,然后邀请几位同学给出自己的答案,全班一起检查讨论。2先邀请几位同学有感情地朗读这首诗歌,教师要注意发音,及时纠正。然后播放录音,全班同学一起跟读。3诗歌内容巩固练习。让学生用自己的话把这首诗歌改写成一篇小短文。4完成教材3b的任务,要求学生再次阅读这首诗歌,写出与3b的方框中所给单词押韵的单词。5根据3c所给的提示回答下列问题:你曾经有过以下的经历吗?你感觉怎样?作者对这些经历是怎么想的?设计意图:将听、说、读、写的任务结合起来,不仅锻炼了学生的语言综合运用能力,还巩固了学生对目标语言的学习、识记和运用。【知识点拨】Looking back at these past three years.回顾过去3年的时光。look back at意为“回首往事;回忆;回顾”。 如:Looking back at his childhood,there is nothing to be regretted.回首他的童年,没有什么遗憾的事。Pride of overcoming fear.克服恐惧的自豪感(充满胸膛)。overcome (过去式overcame;过去分词overcome)为及物动词,意为“克服;战胜”。相当于get over。如:The biggest challenge for him is to overcome his shyness.对他来说最大的挑战是克服害羞。And making a great big mess.结果弄得一团糟。make a mess意为“弄得一团糟”。mess此处是名词,意为“混乱;杂乱;不整洁”。如:She makes a mess of her job.她把工作弄得一团糟。此外,in a mess 意为“乱七八糟”,表示状态。如:His room is always in a big mess.他的房间总是乱七八糟。Im trying to keep my cool.我在尽力保持冷静。keep ones cool 意为“保持冷静;沉住气”,cool在此作名词。如:If you can keep your cool when in trouble,that means you have grown up.如果你能在困境中保持冷静,那就意味着你长大了。Step 4板书设计Section A (3a3c)Important words:overcome;caring;oursImportant phrases:look back at;pride of overcoming fear;make a mess;keep ones cool;try to be on time for morning readingsImportant sentences:1Looking back at these past three years,I remember many things.2And now its time to graduate.We will leave our lovely school.3Ill miss the school trees and flowers and our kind and caring teachers.Step 5完成精英新课堂学生用书。对于本节课的阅读,我让学生快速默读诗歌,通过回答3a的问题,熟知大意;接着让学生用自己的话把这首诗歌改写成一篇小短文,从而完成了第二次的理解;最后通过完成3b的任务,写出与3b方框中所给单词押韵的单词。这样不仅锻炼了学生的语言综合运用能力,还巩固了学生对目标语言的学习、识记和运用。
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