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七年级下学期1-12单元句子翻译专练及答案句子翻译 Keys:(答案):Unit1 Where is you pen pal from?1.你的笔友是哪里人? Where is your _ _ _? ( pen , pal , from )Where does your _ _ _ _? ( pen , pal ,come, from )2.他是澳大利亚人。 He is _ _. (from, Australian)He comes _ _. (from, Australian)3.他住在哪里? Where _ he_. (does , live)4.他住在悉尼。 He _ _ _. ( lives, in, Sydney)5.她来自多伦多。 She _from _. ( is / comes, Toronto )6.我们能说一点英语。 We can _ _ _ _. ( speak , a , little, English )(or: speak , English, a, little )7.她讲什么语言? _ _ does she _. ( What , language , speak )8.你最喜爱的科目是什么? _ your _subject? ( Whats , favorite )9.他有一个法国的笔友。He _ _ pen pal _ _. ( has, a, in France )10.体育很有趣,我非常喜欢体育。 P.E._ _,and I _ _very much. ( is, interesting, like , it )11. 我想要(结交)一位中国的笔友。 I _ a pen pal _ China. (want, in)12.我喜欢和朋友一起看电影和做运动。 I like _ to the movies _ my friends and _ sports. (going, with, playing)13. 你能尽快给我写信吗? Can you _ _ _ _? (write, to, me, soon)14. 请尽快写信告诉我有关你的情况。 Please _ and _ me _ yourself. (write, tell, about) Unit2 Wheres the post office?1. 在邮局的旁边有一家超市。 There is a _ _ _the post office. (supermarket, next, to)2.向右拐,沿着布莱吉街前行。_ _ and go _ _ Bridge Street. ( Turn right, straight down) 3.一直朝前走,然后左拐。 Just _ _ and _ _. (go, straight, turn, left)4.公用电话在图书馆的对面。 The pay phone _ _ _the library. (is, across, from)5. 图书馆在餐馆与超市之间。The library_ _the restaurant_the suapermarket. (is, between, and)6.请问,附近有邮局吗? Excuse me. _ _ a post office in the _. (Is, there, neighborhood)7. 在第一大街左转, (你就可以)欣赏这个城市的静谥的街道和小巧玲珑的公园。_ _ on First Avenue and _ the citys quiet streets and small parks. (Turn, left, enjoy, )8.步行穿过公园。_ _ _ _ the park. (Take, a, walk, through)9.我知道你要来了。I know you _ _. (are, arriving)10.从机场乘出租车。_ _ _ from the airport. (Take, a, taxi)11.让我来告诉你到我家的路。_ _ _ you the _ _ my house. (Let, me, tell, way, to) Unit3 Why do you like koalas?1.让我们先看长颈鹿吧。Lets _ the giraffes _. (see , first)2.为什么你想要看海豚?因为它们非常可爱。 Why do you _ _ see the dolphins? _ theyre very _. (want, to, Because, cute )3.你还喜欢其他什么书吗?_ _ books do you _. (What, other, books, like)4.树袋熊白天睡觉,但是在晚上起来吃树叶。Koalas sleep _the day, but _ _ they _ _ and eats leaves. (during , at, night, gets, up)5.我觉得有点冷。I feel _ _ cold. ( kind, of)6.乔治喜欢玩雪。George likes_ _ _snow. (playing with the )7. 树袋熊很懒,每天睡眠休息20个小时。 A koala is _, and it _ and _ 20 hours _ _. (lazy, sleeps, relaxes, every, day)8.长颈鹿生活在非洲。Giraffes _ _ _. ( live, in, Africa)9.大象喜欢和他的朋友一玩耍和吃草。Elephants _ _ _ _ their friends and eat grass. (like, to, play, with, )10.熊猫非常漂亮,但是非常害羞,因此请安静。Pandas are _ _ , but theyre very _, so please _ _. ( very, beautiful, shy, be, quiet) Unit41.他想成为译名电影员演。 He _ _ _a film actor. ( wants, to, be)2.银行职员与钱和人打交道。 Bank _ _ _ people and money. (clerks, work, with)3.人们在我这里存钱或者把钱从我这里取走。People _ _ _ _ or _ their money _ me. (give, me, their, money, get, from)4.护士穿白色制服帮助医生。Nurse _ a white _ and _ doctors. (wears, uniform, helps)5.我有时候在白天工作,有时候在晚上工作。Sometimes I work _ _ _ and sometimes _ _. ( in, the, day, at, night)6. 警察的工作很有趣,但有些危险. Policemens work_ _but _ _ _. (is, interesting, kind, of, dangerous)6.我妈正忙于做饭。My mother _ _cooking. (is, busy)7.当人们非常忙时,晚上他们就出去吃饭。They _ _ _ when people _ _ to dinners. (are, very, busy, go, out )8.我们是一所为5-12岁孩子提供的国际性的学校。We _ _ _ _ _ children _ 5-12. (are, an, international, school, for, of)9.他教我英语,我教他汉语。He _ _ English and I _ _ Chinese.
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