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2015年全国各地中考英语试题分类汇编代词1. College students are old enough to teach_.(15安顺市)A. them B. their C. themselves D. they答案:C2. David talked with a friend of _on the internet for a long time yesterday. (15安顺市)A. he B. his C. him D. himself答案:B3. -Do you know Alice? -Yes. I know _ very well. (15杭州市)A. she B. herself C. her D. hers答案:B4. _ are you talking about? - Something about the A (H1N1) flu.(15杭州) A. What B. Where C. Why D. How答案:A5.-Are the keys over there _?-No go and ask Anna. They may belong to her. (15南京市)A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself答案:C6. Make sure youve got the tickets and guidebooks and _before you leave. (15苏州市)A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing答案:C7. -Do you have anything important to say for yourself? -_ except sorry. (15宁波市) A. Something B. Nothing C. Anything D. Everything答案:B8.-Where is my pen? Have you seen _?-Oh, sorry. I have taken _ by mistake. (15烟台市)A. it; yours B. them; his C. it; mine D. them; hers答案:A9. Look!Whats _ in the sky? It looks like a kite. (15山西省)A. this B. that C. those答案:B10. Mom and Dad are _ movie lovers. They have many hobbies in common. (15山西省) A. both B. either C. neither答案:A11.-Which would you like to drink, coffee or orange juice?-_. Please give me a cup of tea. (15广州市)A. Neither B. Both C. All D. None答案:A12. An old friend of my sisters always helps my brother and_ with English. (15广州市)A. I; our B. me; ourselves C. I; my D. me; our 答案:D13 Does _ know the answer to the question? -Me. (15绍兴市)A. everybody B. anybody C. somebody D. nobody答案:B14. - The shoes dont fit me. Would you please show me _? - Sure. Here you are. (15绵阳市) A. the other one B. the others C. another pair D. another one答案:C15. Mr. Wang is very friendly, and _ like him very much.(15北京)A. we B. us C. our D. ours答案:A16. _ won the 100th gold at the Olympics for China? Zhang Yining, shes from Beijing. (15北京)A. Who B. What C. When D. Where答案:A17. My sister has two skirts. One is yellow, _ is black. (15北京)A. other B. another C. others D. the other答案:D18. - Look, thats Mike, your classmate. - Yes. Lets go and say hello to _.(15通化) A. himB. he C. her D. hers答案:A19. - What do you think of their school? (15宁夏) - Its really beautiful. But I dont think their school is as big as _. A. ours B. us C. we D. our答案:A20. - Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? -Im afraid _ day is possible. (15宁夏) A. neither B. either C. some D. any答案:A21. Things made by hand are usually more expensive than _ produced in factories. (15宁夏)A. these B. this C. that D. those答案:D22. Millie gave_ a baby cat yesterday that hurt _ when it fell from the tree(15苏州)Ame;it Bmyself;itself Cme;itself Dmyself;it 答案:C23. Do you wont tea or coffee?(15苏州) _,I really dont mindANone BEither CNeither DAll答案:B24. Who is the best friend of _ at school?(15阜康)I think Helen is. We often help each other. A. mine B. his C. yours D. hers答案:C25. My daughter wants a rabbit for long, but I have no time to buy_ for her. (15东营)A. it B. one C. the one D. that答案:B26. -Excuse me, are these books _? -No, they are _ classmates.(15福州) A. his; he B. hers; hers C. your; mine D. yours; my答案:D27. -Is there _ in todays newspaper? (15福州) -Yes, our National Table Tennis Team won all the seven gold medals once more.A. something new B. anything new C. somebody special D. anybody special答案:B28. Which is more useful, listening or speaking?I think _ of them are useful.(15齐齐哈尔)A. none B. both C. all答案:B29. Is Miss White _ English teacher, Maria? No, she teaches _ geography.(15恩施) A. your; my B. you; mine C. you; us D. your; us答案:D30. Id like _ grapes and pears. Oh, I only need _ orange juice.(15恩施) A. some; a few B. a few; some C. a little; few D. a little; a few答案:B31. -Whatdoyouusuallydo inyour sparetime, playingtheviolin or the piano?-Ido_ ofthem.I practice singingwithsome volunteers.(15宜昌)A. either B. both C. all D. neither答案:D32. This
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