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四年级英语 Unit1 Our School 姓名:_ 分数: _一、找出不同类的单词(10分)( )1. A. phone B.fridge C. computer room ( )2. A. one B.sceond C. first ( )3.A.floor B.art room C. music room ( )4.A.library B.teachers office C. teachers desk ( )5.A.chair B. desk C. homework二、选择正确的答案。(20分)( ) 1.Is this the washroom? _. A.Yes, it is. B.No, it is. C.No, it isnt. ( ) 2. What can you do in the playground ? -_. A. Say hello B.Play football C.Read a book( ) 3. How many students are there in your class ? -_. A. four B. forty yuan C. forty( ) 4. The music room is _ the second floor. A. on B.at C.in( ) 5. Do you have a gym ? -_. A. Yes, it is . B. Yes, we do. C. Yes,I can.( ) 6. The library is on the _ floor. A.one B.two C.second( )7. Do you have a musicroom ? A.No,we do B.Yes,we do C.Yes,you do( ) 8.We can read books in the _. A.library B.TV room C.gym( ) 9._is the class room? It is on the second floor.A. Wheres B What C.Where( ) 10. -Do you have an art room? -Yes,we do.Its _the music room. A. in B. next to C. of三、选择正确的答案填入括号(20分)1.( )1. Lets go to the playground! A. No, it isnt.( )2. Is that a music room ? B. Forty-five. ( )3. Where is the gym? C. It is on the second floor.( )4.Do you have a library D. OK!( )5. How many students are there in your class? E. yes,we do.2.( )1. Go to the teachers office. A.Water the flowers.( )2. Go to the canteen. B. Eat some noodles.( )3. Go to the library. C.Play football.( )4. Go to the playground. D.Read a story-book.( )5. Go to the garden. E.Hand in the homework.四、连词成句(注意首字母大写和标点符号, 四线三格正确书写。20分)1. is the that library (?) 2. our classroom is this(.)3. first on its the floor (.) 4. artroom have you an do (?) 5. .school your beautiful is(.)五、读一读,补全对话(10分)Mr. Li: _(1)This is the teachers office. That is my classroom.Visitor A:_.(2) Mr. Li: Thirty-nine.Visitor B: _.(3)Mr. Li: Yes.Visitor A:_.(4)Mr. Li: Yes! The library is on the first floor._(5) A: This way, please. B: Do you have lunch at school? C: Welcome to our school!D: Do you have a library? E: How many students are there in your class?六、阅读理解,从AB两个句子中,选择合适的选项。(10分) Welcome to my school. There are 30 classrooms in my school. Look, this is a big playground. In this building(大楼), you can see the gym, the library and the art room are on the first floor. There are many story-books and picture books in the library. You can read books in it. My classroom is on the second floor. Its big and clean. I like it.( )1、There are classrooms in my school. A、thirty B、thirteen( )2、The playground is . A、small B、big( )3、The library is on the floor. A、first B、second( )4、My classroom is A、clean B、small( )5、I my school. A、dont like B、like此文档可自行编辑修改,如有侵权请告知删除,感谢您的支持,我们会努力把内容做得更好
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