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1Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? Section A(第 2 课时)教学目标重点难点表建议的句型教学过程快乐预习一、词汇必备:1. let v. 准许;让 2. us pron. 我们(we 的宾格)3. lets 完全形式 4. play v. 玩;打(球) 。短语:打乒乓球 5. well interj. 喔;嗷;唔(用来引出一句话,继续讲述或填补间歇)6. sound v. 听起来 短语:听起来不错 7. good adj. 良好的;令人满意的8. sport n. 运动 短语:做运动 9. we pron. 我们 宾格形式 。10. many adj. 大量的 11. club n. 社团;俱乐部 12. more pron 更多的;更大的 13. class n. 班级;一节课二Lets play soccer.让我们踢足球吧。【精讲】Lets是祈使句,用来提出建议。lets=let us,us 是人称代词宾格,意为“我们” ,放在动词 let 后作宾语。lets 后接不带 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语,结构为:let sb do sth.“让某人做某事” 。如:Lets play basketball.让我们打篮球吧。其肯定答语一般为:OK!/Good!/Great!/All right./That sounds good. 否定答语为:Sorry,I/No,lets等。如:Lets play computer games. 让我们玩电脑游戏吧。OK.好吧。Lets play baseball. 让我们打棒球吧!Sorry, I dont have a baseball. 对不起,我没有棒球。“play+球类名词”意为“打/踢 球” ,此类短语中,球类名词前不加冠词。Play + volleyball/ping-pong/tennis/baseball/soccer/basketball【跟踪训练】用所给词的适当形式填空Let (we)join(参加)the basketball club.Lets (play)volleyball.Let (I)spell it for you.1. That sounds good. 那听起来很好。sound 意为“听起来” ,是系动词,其后跟形容词作表语,当主语是第三人称单数时,sound要加 s 变成“第三人称单数”形式。如:His idea sounds good. 他的主意听起来很好。【跟踪训练】The music(音乐) (sound)relaxing.these songs(歌曲) (sound)great.2当堂检测一、 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Let (I)have a look at the photo.2.I (not have)a baseball.3.Lets (play)games.4. That (sound)great.5.We have many (club)at school.二、单项选择( )6. We have many books here and we need .A. many B. lotC. more D. much( )7.How many do you have at your school?A. class B. classesC. teacher D. student( )8.We a soccer ball.A. arent have B. dontC. dont have D. doesnt have( )9. Lets sports after class.A. to play B. playsC. playing D. play( )10.The music(音乐) sweet(甜美的).A. look B. soundC. are D. sounds课后练习三单项选择( )11. you have a computer?A. Do B. DoesC. Are D. Is( )12. your mother have a volleyball?A. Do B. DoesC. Are D. Is( )13.Let join the football club.A. we B. theyC. she D. us( )14. Lets play basketball.No, I dont a basketball.A. has B. haveC. am D. is( )15. Lets play volleyball.OK. That sounds good.A. a B. anC. the D. /3板书设计: 课后附记:
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