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1Unit 7 How much are these socks?学习目标重点难点识读单词了解知识点教学过程快乐预习词汇:1.短袜 2.男衬衫 3.短裤 4毛衣 5.鞋 6.裙子 7.T恤衫 8黑色的. 9.白色的 10.绿色的 11.红色的 12.蓝色的 13.黄色的 14.价格 15.买 16.卖 17.出售 18.想要 19.帮助20负担得起 21你自己 22任何人 23看见 24短的 25商店二、词汇用法: 1 多少. is the T-shirt?这件衬衫多少钱?价格 n. 同义句What is the price of the T-shirt? are the apples?同义句 What is the price of the apples?2.帮助 v. help sb. with/do sth. Lily often her mother the housework.在某方面帮助某人 I often my sister apples. 买help oneself/oneselves to yourselves some fish,children.随便吃随便用 Can I you?同义句What can I do for you?帮助 n. I need . (一些帮助)3.卖 v. n. 反义词买 v. on sale 廉价出售 These shoes are for15 dollars. sell sth. That store sports things.sell sth. to sb. She often clothes that old man.同义句The old man often clothes from her.buy .sth. for. sb I _ a red sweater_ my brother.4 看,看见 look,see,watch,read,have a look. the blackboard and listen to me carefully. She ,but she cant anything. Lets go and the red sweaters. Lily likes books and newspaper,but her parents like TV.5 想要 v. 需要 v. want sth. 想要某物 She a chair.want to do sth. 想要去做某事 They some skirts.want sb. to do sth. 想要某人去做某事 They Sally some skirts.他们需要大量的水。They water.6 本节课我们学习的日常用语:-Here you are !-Thank you !/Thank you very much !/Thanks a lot !-You are welcome ! / Thats OK./ Thats all right./(Its)my 2Unit 7 How much are these socks?(第 2 课时)pleasure.(我很乐意。 )学习目标 重点难点教学 过程3板书设计: 课后附记:Unit 7 How much are these socks?(第 3 课时)【快乐预习】一、词汇翻译:1.这件衬衫 2.这些短裤 3.这件黑色的书包 4.那件红色的短裤 5.这个大的蓝色的帽子 6.那些长的黄色的短袜 7.一美元 8.十美元 9.一元 10.十五元 11.多少钱 12.多少水 13.多少苹果_二、根据提示完成句子1. is this T-shirt? (这个 T 恤衫多少钱?) seven 。 (它 7 美元)2. is that ? (那个 帽子多少钱) 15 .(它 15 美元)3. , I will it!(好的,我买下它了!) 4. these socks ?(这些袜子多少钱) fifteen Yuan.(它们 15 元)5. those shoes?(那些鞋多少钱?) fifty yuan.(它们 50 元)6. I_ take them. (我买了)随堂检测 三、用所给词的正确形式填空:1. How much _(be) these shoes? _ are 7. 2._(多少钱)are the blue socks?3.The _ (价格)of the red sweater is 30.4.The price of the blue socks _(be) 3.5.I want blue (短裤).How much _(be) they?6.This hat is too (大).I want a small one.四、按要求完成句子1.Those are my sisters skirts (变单数句) my sisters . 2.That dress is fifteen dollars.(就划线部分提问) ?3.The blue pants are 15.(就划线部分提问)_ _?4.There is some water in the bottle.(就划线部分提问) ?5.I can see 5 apples on the table.(就划线部分提问)_ _?6.is,bag,how.the,sweater,white,much ?(连词成句)7.are,ten.they,dollars .(连词成句)5学习目标预设环节教学过程快乐预习一词汇1.一件毛衣 2.一个背包 3.一顶桔色帽子 4.想要什么 5.想要干什么 6.想要某人做什么 .这双鞋 8.这条短裤 9.这双袜子 10.帮助某人做什么 11.在.方面帮助某人 二根据上下文完成对话-Can I you? -What can I do you? -Yes, .I want sweater. - Yes, please. I the shoes .- do you want? - What color you want?-Blue. -Green.- you are. -Here you .-How is it ? -How much they?-Nine (dollar). -Only twenty ( yuan ).-Ill it。 a lot. -Ill take . Thanks a lot.-You re welcome. - Thats .【检测】 1How much (be )the T-shirt? 2 How much (be)these shorts?3.Jenny (want)a green sweater.4.My mother wants (watch) TV.5.He wants (I)to help him.6.That boy often helps me (buy) things.7.Miss Li helps me (with/in) English every day.8.I need your (help) 。6Unit 7 How much are these socks?(第 4 课时)板书设计: 课后附记:学习目标重点难点介词的用法广告 的写法教学过程7Unit 7 How much are these socks?(第 5 课时)快乐预习一、短语互译:1.多少钱 2.服装店 3.廉价销售 4.服装大甩卖 5.图书大减价 6.来买 7.卖给 8.运动包 9.以 15 美元的价格
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