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资料名称: 常见英语 非谓语动词 用法 教材版本:人教版 适用年级: 九年级 学期:下学期你须理解的要点:1、什么是非谓语动词;2、非谓语动词在句子中的用法,即非谓语动词可以当哪种成份(什么语);3、常用非谓语动词的形式;4、考试经常考到的某些 谓语动词 后面把 非谓语动词 充当宾语、补语的各种习惯用法:到底是to do或do还是doing、done。前言:动词除了主要在句子中当谓语 之外,还可以当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补语(用于补充说明宾语的,全称宾语补足语),此时的动词统统称为非谓语形式。动词在句子中当谓语时,须详细考虑时态上的问题(过去、现在、将来)、状态问题(一般、进行、完成)、语态问题(主动、被动)等。动词在句子中当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补语时,虽然有时候也得考虑上述项目,但那是高中一级的知识,目前初中阶段只涉及考虑三种形式:to do (或do,即省略to了的不定式)、 doing、 done,即不定式、动名词、过去分词。一、下面只举例常见用法。当主语:e.g.1、To buy this book took me 100 yuan. 2、Running is good for your health.注:不定式当主语时常放到句子后面去,而在原来的位置以形式主语 it 来代替。 e.g.To buy this bike took me 100 yuan.It took me 100 yuan to buy this book .当宾语(常考):e.g.3、They decided to buy a new TV. 4、We enjoy talking in English.当表语:e.g.5、My work is to feed the animals . 当定语:e.g.6、Have you got something to eat ? Do you know the crying boy ?( 动名词当定语)当状语:e.g.7、 I must go home to get some more money . (目的状语) 8、The mans cutting the big tree (by) using a long knife(方式状语)(by常省略)当补语(常考):e.g. 9、Mr Wei asked me to go with him .10、 Did you make the boy laugh ? 11、We saw a woman running along the road . 12、 We had our pictures taken .二、常考知识点有1、不定式、动名词作宾语,2、不定式、动名词或过去分词作补语。 其它用法,即作主、表、状、则少见。因此须掌握有哪些动词作谓语时,它们的后面常跟何种非谓语动词形式作宾语或补语。例如:enjoy 后只跟doing作宾语;want 后只跟to do 作宾语;start 后既可跟to do 又可跟doing作宾语,而意思一样;forget 后既可跟to do 又可跟doing作宾语但意思不一样三、下列动词作谓语时,其后面只跟不定式作宾语或补语。1want、need、wish、hope、agree、decide、plan、afford、pretend、mean、manage、choose、refuse等后有第二动词作宾语时,须采用不定式形式。e.g. I want to take some books to the classroom. The schoolgirls hope to be policewomen in the future. Do you think he can afford to buy the digital camara ? We need to buy some more food for our supper.2ask、tell、teach、allow后面跟有第二动词作补语时,须采用不定式形式。e.g.Mr Green asked Xiao Ming to go with him. Could you teach me how to play computer games ? We dont allow them to do like this!注1:help 这个动词比较特殊,其后面不定式作宾语或补语既可带to也可以不带to.e.g. The boy helped her mother (to) feed the animals. (当宾补) We must help (to) put away the clothes. (当宾语)(具体地说有to时表示主语不直接参与动作,只是提供条件予以帮助;无to时表示主语直接参与动作。如下:)e.g. Computers can help us to solve many problems.电脑帮我们解决很多问题。(电脑只是提供了计算上的便利条件,而解决问题最主要的还是我们自己。) We help decorade the Chrismas tree. 我们帮忙装饰圣诞树。(我们直接参与一起做)注2: 但当今英语中help后的不定式当宾/补语时带to或不带to都已经不分得很明显了。注3:want、need两词后若跟动名词则可表达被动之意:e.g. The trees want watering in time. 这些树得按时浇水(被浇水)。The house needs repairing .这房子得修补了(被修补了)。 (可用to be repaired代替)注4:need 在肯定句中当作实义动词,后跟带to的动词不定式作 宾语:I need to go by myself. need 在疑问句、否定句中当作情态动词,后跟无to的动词作谓语:I needn t go any more.四、下列动词(或动词词组)作谓语时,其后面只跟动名词作宾语,(作补语的比较少见)。enjoy、finish、practise、keep、mind、miss(错过)、give up、put off、keep on、take part in 、make a contribution to 等。e.g. I enjoy swimming so much. Have you finished reading the book yet ? The little boy keeps playing all day. My father has given up smoking .五、有些动词的后面既可跟不定式又能跟动名词作宾语,(作补语的比较少见)。 1)后面 既能跟不定式又能跟动名词作宾语,且意思基本上一样的,有下列动词: begin、start、prefer、continue、 e.g. Lets begin to run/ running ,OK? When shall we continue to go /going on a field trip ? 2)后面既能跟不定式又能跟动名词作宾语,但意思分别不同的,有下列动词: stop 、go on 、try 、remember、forget 、learn 、regret、find、hate、like等。e.g.1、Stop writing and listen to me. 不写了,听我说。(停下正在做的事) Weve walked so far, why not stop to have a rest ?我们都走得这么远了,为何不停下休息一阵子?(停下正在做的,去做另一件事)2、Dont stop, we should go on working !我们继续工作。(继续原来做的事) If you have finished your homework, you can go on to check it out .如果你们已经做完作业, 接下来可以检查作业了。(接着做另外一件事)3、Since we have been here, we must try to finish our work in time.我们既然已经来了,就得努力/设法及时完成这项工作。(已着手做事,关键在于想办法做好) Hewant to try finishing the work within a week. 他想试看能否在一周内完成这项工作。(只想尝试一下,成功与否无关紧要)4、Remenber to turn off the light before you leave.走前记得关灯。(要记住尚没发生的事) I remember seeing him.我记得见过他。(做过的事记忆犹存)5、Dont forget to bring your English book to school tomorrow. 别忘了明天带你的英语书来学校。(忘记要去做某事,这个某事的动作尚未发生)Sorry, I forget (about) saying something to you. 注:常有about在forget的后面对不起,我忘了跟你说些什么来着。(忘记了做过的某事,某事的动作已经发生)6、I regret to tell you that I dont agree with you. 我遗憾地告诉你,我不同意你。(对要做的事表示 遗憾) How I regret helping such a person! 我多么后悔帮了这种人!(对已发生的动作表示后悔)7、Edisons mother found him to be a good pupil.爱迪生的妈妈发现他是个好学生。(当补语) We found the man cutting a big tree .我们发现那个人正在砍一棵大树。(当补语)8、I like swimming a lot.我非常喜欢游泳。(一向以来的爱好或习惯) I like to swim with you this afternoon.我愿意与你今下午去游泳。(表示当时某一次的选择)9、My uncle hates smoking .我叔叔厌恶抽烟。(一向厌恶抽烟这件事,不论是谁抽) My uncle hates to smoke 我叔叔讨厌(不想)抽烟。(讨厌这次自身去实
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