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Unit6 A Lets learn教案一、教学目标1. 语言知识目标:(1) 能够听、说、认读eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen。(2) 能在情境中运用How many . do you see? _ and _ makes _. I see . 进行相关对话。2. 语言技能目标:(1) 能够听、说、认读数字11-15,并能拓展运用,感受数字的重要性。(2) 能够运用数学思维解决课堂问题,注重学科间的渗透,培养思维能力。(3) 能够在创设的多种情景教学中勤于思考,主动探究,积极参与。3. 学习策略、情感态度、文化意识目标:(1) 将教学内容与数学教学整合,培养学生逻辑思维。(2) 通过多种教学活动,培养学生参与合作,勇于竞争的意识。(3) 了解中西方对某些数字文化理解的差异。二、学情分析三年级下册的学生接触英语快到一年的时间,有一定的英语学习基础和口语表达能力,学习积极性高。在前面的单元,他们已经学习了关于1-10的表述,初步接触了How many ? 此外,15之内的加法计算对他们来说非常简单。这些都为本课时的学习打下了基础。三、重难点教学重点:(1) 听、说、认读5个核心词汇。(2) 运用句型How many . do you see? _ and _ makes _. I see . 根据不同的情况进行会话。教学难点:(1) 数字thirteen, fifteen的发音和认读。(2) 运用句型How many . do you see? _ and _makes _. I see . 根据不同的情况进行会话。四、教学过程活动1【导入】Warm-upStep1: Greetings.1. 老师先空拍三下,学生也空拍三下。T: One, two, three, four, five.Ss: One, two, three, four, five.Step 2: Lets pose.T: Hi, guys. Lets pose.活动2【讲授】PresentationStep 1: 教学句型How many do you see? I see 1. 初步感知How many do you see? I see T: You did a very good job. All of you can win a sticker. Look at the picture. (PPT一幅动物园的图)T: Whats this?Ss: Cat.T: Yes. How many cats do you see? (贴黑板How many do you see?) Lets count. One, two 学生也加进来一起数。T: I see six. (贴黑板I see )(换tiger, bird进行同样的练习)2. Pair work: Rock Paper ScissorsT: How many fingers do you see? (PPT左边呈现一只手出2根手指头) I see two fingers. (右边呈现一只手出3根手指头) I see three fingers. How many fingers do you see?(PPT呈现算式3 + 2 = ?)Ss: I see five.T: (PPT左右只手同时出,一边2,一边5) How many fingers do you see?(PPT呈现算式2 + 5 = ?)Ss: I see seven.T: 教师请一位学生到前面来一起做剪刀石头布的游戏,都用单只手随意伸出手指头,看谁最先说出数字之和。引导学生们一起说How many fingers do you see?T: Now you can play this game with your partner. (PPT出示如下规则) Pair work: Rock Paper ScissorsTips:1. Stretch any fingers with one hand and say how many fingers do you see. (单手出指头,嘴里说How many fingers do you see?)2. Say the sum of two hands as quickly as you can. (尽可能快地说出你和同伴两只手的指头和)3. Time: 2 minutes(时间:2分钟)T: One, two, three.Ss: One, two, three.T: I think you like this game. Mike and Sarah like it, too. (PPT呈现Mike 和Sarah玩石头剪刀布的情境。引导学生一起说How many fingers do you see? I see )Step 2: 教学111. 教授eleven读音T: (Mike和Sarah继续玩,一边出10根手指头,一边出1根手指头) How many fingers do you see?Ss: (出示算式10 + 1,学生跟读录音eleven。)T: 拿11的卡片,让全班读、抽小组读、抽单个读。(贴黑板eleven)2. 教授句型结构 . and . makes .T: (指算式10 + 1) Ten and one makes Ss: Eleven.T: 教师指着“+”说and。(贴黑板and)T: (黑板出现图片“蛋糕”) Whats this?Ss: Cakes. 继续出现单词bakes,takes让学生感知“akes”的读音,引出“=”读makes。(贴黑板makes)T: (PPT上部分出示句型结构. and . makes .,下部分出示算式。)(2+9) 带领学生一起说Two and nine makes eleven.(3+8) 用嘴型鼓励学生说Three and eight makes eleven.(4+7) 手势示意学生说 Four and seven makes eleven.3. Group work: I can say.T: You are clever. Can you read them? (PPT出示如下等式) First read them together, then read them one by one. Here are the tips.5 + _ = 11 8 + _ = 11 7 + _ = 11Tips:1. First read them together. (首先一起读)2. Then Group leaders check your members. (然后小组长检查组员读)3. Time: 2 minutes. (时间:2分钟)T: Eleven, eleven, eleven.Ss: Eleven, eleven, eleven.T: Let me check. Can you read them?(算式在PPT上旋转,随意停下来,问学生Who can read this one? 学生读出算式。)Step3: 教学121. 教授12的读音T: (转盘转到5 + 7 = ?的时候停下)Ss: Five and seven makes .T: How to say 12?S: Twelve.T: OK. You are the little teacher, and you teach them. 学生拿卡片当小老师。(贴黑板twelve)2. Group work: Math expertsT: You are a good teacher. (PPT出示: _ + _ =12) and makes 12, I think you have many answers. Now discuss with your group members, and show your answer on the board.Tips:1. Show your answer on the board. (在白板上填出正确的答案)2. Read it. (读出等式)3. Time: 2 minutes.T: Twelve, twelve, twelve.Ss: Twelve, twelve, twelve.T: Who can show your answer?Ss: .Step 4: Group work: Figure out how to read 13, 14, 15.T: How to read 13, 14, 15? Here is an envelope. Lets open it.1. 教学13(1) 教学13的读音T: Something about 13. Lets see. 由three感知th的发音,由bird感知ir的发音,由green感知een的发音来教授thirteen的发音。(贴黑板thirteen)T: TA, read it. You check the GLs, and GLs check the GMs.Group work tips:1. Teacher Assistants check the Group Leaders. (小助手检查小组长)2. Group Leaders check the Group Members. (小组长检查组员)Check tips:1. Read the word loudly and correctly. (读单词声音洪亮)2. Pay attention to your tongue and stress. (注意舌头的位置和单词重音)T: Thirteen, thirteen, thirteen.Ss: Thirteen, thirteen, thirteen.(2) Show your answer to the equation.T: Whats your answer? 学生用白板展示算式。(3) The story of 13T: (教师用英文讲,中文翻译在PPT上)In western countries, thirteen is regarded as an unlucky number. People dont want 13 people to have dinner or have 13 dishes. But in China, we dont have this idea. (在西方国家,“13”被认为是不幸的象征。他们避免和“13”有关的事物。比如:没有13号楼和13号门牌;在剧场,你找不到13排和13座;他们忌讳13日出游;忌讳13人同席就餐;13道菜更是不能接受了。但是中国人不这么认为。)(4) Put 13 into use T: (出示商店的场景,13个苹果,出示How many _ do you see? _ and _ makes 13. I see 13. ) How many _ do you see?Ss: T: And
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