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三年级上册英语绘本测试题班级 _ 姓名 _ 英文名 _一 、听录音,将你所听到的单词前面的字母编号写在题号前。(10*1=10分)( )1. A. where B. what ( )2. A. bedroom B. bathroom( )3. A. camera B. swimsuit ( )4. A. slim B. swim( )5. A. pumpkin B. peaches ( )6. A. fall B. spring( )7. A. mooncake B. mistake ( )8. A. lemonade B. sandwiches( )9. A. grandmother B. grandfather ( )10. A. yummy B. sweet二、听录音,将你所听到的句子编号写在题号前括号内。(10*2=20分)( )1. A. The queen has a quiet duck. B. The queen has a quacking duck.( )2. A. Frank the rat is in a bag. B. Frank the rat is on an apple.( )3. A. May I have some music? B. May I send a message?( )4. A. Here it is. B. Here you are.( )5. A. Who is he? B. Who is she?( )6. A. A biscuit can be a butterfly. B. A biscuit can be a banana.( )7. A. A police officer can help. B. A firefighter can help.( )8. A. A teacher can help. B. A doctor can help.( )9. A. The year of rooster. B. The year of rabbit.( )10. A. This is my sister. B. This is my brother.三、选择单词正确的意思,把字母序号写在题号前的括号内。(10*1=10分)( )1. Zodiac A. 年龄 B. 月份 C. 生肖( )2. bedroom A. 厨房 B. 卧室 C. 客厅( )3. table A.床 B. 饭桌 C. 椅子 ( )4. doctor A.警察 B. 医生 C. 消防员( )5. hungry A. 渴的 B. 累的 C. 饿的( )6. summer A. 冬天 B. 夏天 C. 春天( )7. sweet A. 甜的 B. 酸的 C. 美味的( )8. lollipop A. 玉米 B. 果冻 C. 棒棒糖( )9. butterfly A. 蜻蜓 B. 蝴蝶 C. 瓢虫( )10. boat A. 小船 B. 自行车 C. 公共汽车四、请将中文意思写在单词的下面。(15*2=30分)1. rooster 2. candy 3. snake 4. what 5. help 6. who 7. summer 8. friend 9. mooncake 10. miss11. my 12. ox 13. beach 14. chair 15. bathroom五、 将下列句子的中文意思写在句子下面。(15*2=30分)1. The year of rabbit. 2. Who is she?3. I see five chairs. 4. A teacher can help.5. Where is my shoe? 6. Fall has red leaves.7. Lets go to the beach. 8. Sam runs in the sun.9. What time is it? 10. Call me when you miss me.11. The duck keeps quiet. 12. I need a nice nose.13. What a dancing dad! 14. He is so strong!15. This chocolate looks yummy.附所考绘本标题:1. The Chinese Zodiac2. Who is this?3. What do you see?4. Who can help?5. Where is mu shoe?6. I like fall7. Lets go to the beach8. We have a picnic9. Try it10. Who is he?11. A big,big day12. If you give a mouse a mooncake13. Call me when you miss me14. Tick tock15. Sam wants to be strong16. Mr No-nose17. Dancing dad18. The biscuits19. Frank the rat20. A quiet duck可编辑范本
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