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Unit4Robertisn twell Linda Hello Karen But isn t Karen How are you I m fine Robert well Linda Oh I m him Karen I m He s He sorry What s the matter not sure very well with hot isn t Linda Ishe Karen he hungry No isn t hungry Linda Ishe Karen he s Linda Robert Iam thirsty Yes very thirsty Poor sorry Linda the Karen The svery What about doctor doctor busy Linda Yes butRobertis Karen notvery Butyouare Better than ill Perhaps ill right safe sorry IsRoberthungryorthirsty He s thirsty onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteentwenty 5 5 10 and makes 3 10 1x13 10 2 2x7 5x3 9 5 4 7 3x4 4x5 20 times makes 6 9 7x3 21 twenty onetwenty twotwenty threetwenty fourtwenty fivetwenty sixtwenty seventwenty eighttwenty ninethirty Numbers 23 29 21 25 22 30 24 26 28 27 Bingo 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Bingo 15 16 17 18 19 26 20 22 23 24 25 21 27 28 29 30 找同义词和反义词 同义词 反义词 wellgoodfine hot cold fat thin well good fine ill short long big small Heisthirsty 描述图片He Sheis Heishungry 描述图片He Sheis Sheisill 描述图片He Sheis Sheiswell Heiscold 描述图片He Sheis Heishot Heistall 描述图片He Sheis Heisshort Sheisfat 描述图片He Sheis Heisthin Sheishappy 描述图片He Sheis Sheissad Sheisclever 描述图片He Sheis Heisstupid silly Itissilly Itisfunny NewWordsandExpressions or或者clever聪明的stupid愚蠢的sad伤心的happy高兴的story故事funny有趣的silly愚蠢的 Fillintheblanks IsRobert No heisn t Ishe Yes heis hungry thirsty Fillintheblanks IsLucy No sheisn t Isshe Yes sheis cold hot Fillintheblanks IsPaul No heisn t Ishe Yes heis stupid clever Fillintheblanks IsKaren No sheisn t Isshe Yes sheis ill well Fillintheblanks IsWilliam No heisn t Ishe Yes heis happy sad Fillintheblanks Isthisstory No itisn t Isthisstory Yes itis silly funny 将以上句型改成一问一答 IsRoberthungry No heisn t He sthirsty IsRoberthungry No heisn t Ishethirsty Yes heis IsKarenill No sheisn t Isshewell Yes sheis IsWilliamhappy No heisn t Ishesad Yes heis IsLucycold No sheisn t Isshehot Yes sheis IsPaulstupid No heisn t Isheclever Yes heis 将以下句型改写成一问一答 看图填空及读对话 Is or Heisn t He s Robert hungry thirsty hungry thirsty Is or He sheisn t He s she s Lookatthepictureandanswer Whoisthirsty Robertis Heisverythirsty Whois XXis He Sheisvery I itisthisJenkinsisn tsilver i meetgreenteacherkeyplease pronunciation e yesredpencilJenkinsdressdeskumbrellanephew thathatbagcamerablackfamilyKarenand Pronunciation onhotdogPollyRobertwhatballhallPauldaughterfourfourteen 国际音标 u putbooklookwomangoodfoot u doyouwhorulerbluesuittoo 感谢亲观看此幻灯片 此课件部分内容来源于网络 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除 谢谢配合
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