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Unit 2 What time do you go to schoolSection B Step 1Warmingup and revision 1Watch the video. Pay attention to the clock, and talk about the time.2Check the homework.Let some students report their family members daily activities. Step 2 PresentationShow a big clock. Change the time, and ask students “What time is it?”Lead the students to answer these questions, and then lead in to the key sentences.(帮助学生们用past和to来回答时间)时间表达法有两种形式:(1)按照时间的顺序,用数词先说“时”,再说“分”。如:six thirty 六点半;seven fifteen七点十五分;nine fiftyfive 九点五十五分。(2)如果分钟数不超过30,即30,可用“分钟past钟点”表示:如果分钟数超过30,即30,可用(60分钟原分钟数)to(原钟点数1)表示。如:ten past five五点十分; a quarter past seven 七点十五分;half past nine 九点半;a quarter to twelve十一点四十五分。Step 3MatchingWork on 1a.1Match the activities with the time of day. 2Check the answers with the students.答案 half past six in the morning _3_; a quarter past three in the afternoon _1_; a quarter to seven in the evening _2_; a quarter to ten in the evening _4_Step 4Pair workWork on 1b.1Practice with your partner according to 1a. Use the following sentences:When do students usually eat dinner? They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.2Let some pairs ask and answer questions. Step 5ListeningWork on 1c.1Let students read the activities in 1c first. Then let students listen to the recording and circlethe activities they hear. 2Listen again. Then check the answers with the class. Work on 1d.1Listen to the recording again. Write the times next to the activities you circled in 1c. 2方法指导:第一遍只听不写,第二遍边听边写时间。一定要将活动的内容听准确。3Check the answers.答案 1.get up 5:302.run 6:003.eat breakfast 7:004.go to school 7:455go home 4:156.do my homework 5:308.eat dinner 7:1510.go to bed 9:00 Step 6TalkingWork on 1e.1Ask and answer questions about Tom.A: When does Tom usually get up?B: He usually gets up at half past five.2Let some pairs ask and answer questions aloud. Step 7Homework Play “ask and answer” game about your daily life.Step 1Free Talk1Talk about the activities you think are healthy.2Thinking of other healthy activities you know.Make a list on a piece of paper. Then report your list to the class. 3Check the activities in 2a you think are healthy. 答案 go to bed early; play sports; eat vegetables; take a walk Step 2 ReadingWork on 2b.1Fast reading. Tony and Mary are brother and sister. They have healthy and unhealthy habits. Who is healthier?Please read through the passage quickly and try to find out the answer to this question.2Careful reading.Students read the passage again and circle the healthy activities in the passage.3Let some students read out the healthy activities. Check the answers with the class.Work on 2c.1Ask the students to read the passage again and write down the unhealthy habits of each person. Then think of healthy activities for them. 2Talk about the healthier activities for them in groups, and write down your opinions. 3Let some groups report their answers to the class. 4综合学生们提出的意见,将最佳答案写在黑板上,供学生们参考。Step 3Language points (详见P课堂互动探究及详见PPT)clean; lots of; I dont haveso; eitheror; take a shower and eat good breakfastStep 4ExercisesStep 5Homework 1Remember the new words and expressions in the period. 2Ask students to make sentences with the main phrases in this period. eitheror; lots ofStep 1Warmingup and revision1Check the homework. 2Revision (1)Have a dictation of the new words and expressions learned yesterday.(2)Let some students read the passage aloud. Step 2 Reading Work on 3a.1Number these sentences in order to make a story about a daily routine.2Check the answers答案 3, 2, 5, 4, 6, 7, 1, 8, 9 Step 3Writing Work on 3b.1Please write about your own daily routine.2Students make a list first before they try to write their own routine. 3Exchange their routines and check each others answers. 4Let some students read their routines to the class as a model. Step 4Self Check 1 1Look at the words in the box below. First you should make phrases with the words in the boxes. 2Make a model for the students first. eg. taste good3Students work in groups and try to make phrases correctly. Write down their phrases on a piece of paper. 4Check the answers with the class. 5Now use the phrases to complete the sentences. 6. Check the answers with the class. 答案 (1)tastes good(2)take a walk(3)brush your teeth(4)have a good job(5)get dressed(6)clean my room Step 5Self Check 2 1 Complete the conversations with questions and answers. Use the words in the brackets to help you.2方法指导: 学生先阅读一遍对话,掌握对话大意,然后根据句子的主语来确定谓语动词的数。 之后,根据括号中的提示来进行提问或回答。最后,再通读一遍自己编写的对话,看是否通顺恰当。3Let some pairs read their conversations aloud to the class. Other students check the answers together.答案 1.A: What time/When does your mother usually get up?
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