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Unit 4 Life on Mars第六课时Task目标导航类别课时要点重点单词electronic adj.电子的重点短语a guide to.的指南somewhere quiet 安静的地方feel like 想要,感觉像重点句型1.Most people may prefer to watch the amazing low-gravity basketball game instead.大多数人更喜欢看令人惊叹的低重力篮球比赛。2.Goods from the Earth are hard to find.来自地球的货物很难找到。教学重点1.让学生掌握基本的四会单词、短语及句型。2.让学生能用流程图中的信息补全草稿。教学难点1.让学生完成一份流程图。2.让学生学会用流程图组织话题。3.让学生写一篇在另一个星球上生活的指南。教学过程预习指导一、方法指导1.搜集关于火星生活指南方面的常用词汇和句子。2.试填写Page 62中Part A的流程图。3.预习Page 63的Part B的文章,理解文章大意。二、预习检测.汉译英1.电子的electronic2.的指南a guide to.3.安静的地方somewhere quiet4.想要,感觉像feel like5.公共交通系统public transport system6.低引力的篮球比赛low-gravity basketball game7.没有空气污染的交通traffic with no air pollution8.一种受欢迎的娱乐活动a very popular form of entertainment.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.在火星上有无空气污染的交通。There is traffic with no air pollution.2.我不能确信是否有外星人。Im not sure whether/if there are any aliens.3.你知道网上影院是什么样子的吗?Do you know what online cinemas are like?4.现在很流行的一种休闲方式就是在线游戏。A very popular form of entertainment at present is online games.课堂教学Step 1 情景导入1.讲解流程图的作用。2.分析Page 62中Part A的语境。3.教授生词与短语。Step 2 完成教材Part A的任务1.小组合作,让学生用方框中的短语完成流程图。2.小组合作,相互讨论,说出四大类的要点。Step 3 完成教材Part B的任务1.用Page 62中流程图的信息完成Page 63中Part B的填空练习。2.小组合作,相互检查答案,并全班核对答案。3.老师讲解文章中的语言知识点。4.学生自由朗读文章,注意语音和语调。限时训练.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1.The bus is old and dirty.It makes my journey uncomfortable(不舒服的).2.When speaking to a stranger(陌生人) youd better be careful.3.We have to explore the possibility(可能性) of working with them.4.The train stopped suddenly and all the passengers(乘客) were worried.5.Have you ever thought of moving to another planet(行星).根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.Dont have the baby crying(cry) all the time.2.Some students worried about living(live) on Mars.3.There are many people in the hall.Its too crowded(crowd).4.Air pollution(pollute) is the most serious problem at present.5.The book is worth reading(read).You can learn a lot from it.Step 4 完成教材Part C的任务1.归纳讨论另一个星球上可能出现的不同事物。2.仿写流程图,同桌相互检查书写的正确性。3.结合Part A 的流程图和Part B的内容,仿写一篇文章介绍某一个星球的生活指南。4.老师请几位学生上台展示自己的文章,并评选出优秀的生活指南。限时训练书面表达假如你是李华,热爱科学,你上月随同我国科学家一起去了火星考察。请你结合课本所学内容写一篇80100词的发言稿,向同学介绍在火星上的所见所闻,要点如下:1.火星上的生活与地球上的生活不同。2.人们有更多的空间。3.机器人做我们的大部分工作。4.火星上有许多购物中心,还有许多网上影院。5.火星上的交通也很特别,公共交通系统非常舒适,不会产生空气污染。6.你的感想。【参考范文】Attention,please!Im very pleased to have this chance to tell you something about life on Mars.Life on Mars is really different from that on the Earth.People have more space and robots help us do most of our work.There are lots of shopping malls on Mars as well as online cinemas.The transport on Mars is also very special.The public transport system is very comfortable and produces no air pollution.Although there are some disadvantages of living on Mars,like the gravity problem,living on Mars is a very interesting and wonderful thing.With the development of technology,more people would be sent to Mars.Im looking forward to it and I think its worth waiting for it.Thanks for your attention!板书设计1.guide作名词,意为“手册,指南;导游”,后面跟介词to,意为“方面的指导/指南”。guide作动词,意为“给领路;给当导游”。不少名词后面都可接介词to引导的短语作定语,表示“的”,类似的名词有way,answer,key,entrance,attitude,reply,solution,attention,devotion,contribution,road等。2.feel like意为“想要;感觉好似”。表示“想要”时,相当于want或would like,但是feel like后接动名词形式。feel作连系动词,后接形容词,构成系表结构。3.prefer意为“较喜欢,更喜欢”,后面可以跟名词、代词、动词不定式或动名词。(1)prefer sb to do sth.意为“宁愿某人做某事”。(2)prefer A to B意为“跟B比起来更喜欢A”。(3)prefer to do.rather than do.意为“宁愿做而不愿做”。教学反思在具体的教学过程中,老师让学生分组讨论,既可以调动学生的积极主动能力,形成自己的意见和看法,又在很大程度上锻炼了学生口语交际能力。在本课时结束时,老师布置的课后写作内容也是对学生综合能力的考查,锻炼了学生的思维能力及写作能力。3
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