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必修3 Unit 5 Canada -“The True North”基础强化练序号内容数量备注一单句填空10个答案(详解)二完成句子10个三词汇串写1篇四语法强化个1 单句填空 1. She was _ at the _ looking dog and stood there trembling with _. (terrify)2. The town is _ by the _mountains and its water comes from there. (surroundings)3. The patient is _ better today and I think she wont feel the _pain after taking this medicine. (slight)4. At present there is no hope of _in this dispute and the _have a difficult life. (settle)5. The girl _her boyfriends family with her liveliness and sense of humour. Ha! I also have such_. (impressive)6. He left as a poor, working class boy and returned as a(n) _ (wealth) man.7. I listened to his adventure with a(n) _ (mix) of excitement and disbelief.8. You are making great progress. Im really _ (please) with your work this term.9. She was _ (terrify) at the thought of being alone.10. There are some very _ (impress) buildings in the town.2 完成句子1. Xu Shanduos wonderful performance has inspired many people to believe that happiness in life is _ (人人伸手可及).2. Not only is Canada a traveling paradise for tourists but also an ideal fairyland to _ (定居) for people all over the world.3. He_(对有天赋)communication, and thus he _ (设法做到) mix with all kinds of people in his job.4. He prefers to work out the puzzle by himself _ (与其/不愿) seek help from others.5. It is suggested that government _ (采取措施) to prevent the infectious disease from spreading.6. 站在塔顶上,我发现自己被云雾包围着。然而我仍能看到远处的山。那迷人的景色给我留下了深刻的印象。Standing at the top of the tower, I _ by some clouds. However, I could still see the mountains _. The beautiful scenery impressed me a lot.7. 加拿大占地面积约1000万平方公里,有3000多万人口,是世界第二大国家。 Canada, with an area of approximately 10 million square kilometers and a population of slightly over 30 million, is _ in the world.8. 全家将去北京旅行的消息使孩子们非常激动。The news that the whole family would _ cheered the kids up.9. 明媚的阳光、宜人的气候以及迷人的风景使加州南部成为最吸引人的旅游胜地之一。The constant sunshine and mild climate as well as its impressive scenery make southern California _.10.铅对孩子尤其有害能造成学习及行为等问题,这一事实令我感到很惊讶。I am surprised at _ lead is especially harmful to children and can lead to learning difficulties and behavioral problems.3 词汇串写 A Journey across Canada After a_ (考试)last autumn, Kuang crossed the_(大陆) _ (向东)to Toronto to visit his _(校友), the _(距离)_(度量) _ (大概)5,000 kilometers,His train started from Vancouver, a city_(被包围) by mountains. After _(证实) his_(行李) was_(登上) the train, Kuang _(安坐下来) in his seat. _(有天赋) communication, he started _(聊天) with another passenger _ (在。内)5 minutes. Their _(话题) included the _(加拿大的传统), the_(首相), the _(混合) of races, and the _(令人恐怖的) Great Fall. After a nice_(自助餐厅) at noon, he was _(高兴) to find that the _(风景) was _(印象深刻). He saw beautiful _(海港) _(远处), _ (富裕的市区)areas and _(枫树) forest that covered thousands of _(亩). He even _(想办法) _(看见)an _(鹰) flying _(向上)over_(丛林).Kuang reached Toronto which lies_(稍微) near the _(边境) at a _(薄雾笼罩的黎明). There was _(霜) and the _(宽阔的市区) streets were very quiet. Though it was early, Kuang phoned his schoolmate in a _ (附近电话亭)at once _(宁愿) waiting for him to come. They had a good time together.4 语法强化 (一)1. I have no idea _ (that, when) the train crash happened.2. Word came _ (whether, that) the date of our meeting would be changed.3. He cant answer the question _ (how, that) he got the money.4. Long ago, the idea _ (that, how) the world is round shocked many people.5. The feeling that Im able to do _ (that, what) I like all day really makes me happy.6. The suggestion _ (when, that) I walk rather than drive was completely unacceptable.7. I get very stressed by traffic jams and the thought _ (which, that) Im going to be late.8. The question _ (as, whether) the diseases going to last a lifetime remains unanswered.9. How long will it be before people wake up to the fact _ (that, which) anyone can catch AIDS?10. The news _ (where, that) my city won the bid to host the Games greatly encouraged us.(二)1The belief,as is a commonly accepted saying _ practice makes perfect fails to work wonders if repeated without action.Awhat BwhichCthat Dwhere2Word came _ Napoleon would come to inspect them.AwhenBwhyChowD
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