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SEPTEMBER 28TH OCTOBER 4TH 2019 WeWork and the future of the office China s other Muslims Poverty in America a special report Schr dinger s cheetah TwitterdumandTwaddledee The reckoning Answer d All of the Above Options trading is subject to significant risks and is not suitable for all investors Multiple leg strategies entail additional costs Options trading privileges subject to TD Ameritrade review and approval Before trading options carefully read Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options Contact TD Ameritrade at 800 669 3900 for a copy This is not an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction where we are not authorized to do business TD Ameritrade Inc member FINRA SIPC 2019 TD Ameritrade Which options strategy could you use to generate income Start options trading at If you know the answer we like the way you think At TD Ameritrade our award winning experience is designed to take your options trading to the next level Get access to our intuitive trading platform thinkorswim specialized options education and a trade desk team ready to gut check your toughest options strategies a Covered Call b Credit Spread c Iron Condor d All of the Above The Economist September 28th 20195 Contents continues overleaf1 Contents The world this week 8A summary of political and business news Politics Leaders 11Twitterdum The promise and the perils of impeachment 12Twaddledee The reckoning 14Quantum computers Supreme achievement 14 The future of the offi ce Work in progress 16Agriculture Bureaucratic herbicide Letters 18On economists Colombia Syria Stanley Baldwin the Bible China Tories Briefi ng 20Impeachment Telephone justice Special report Poverty in America Poor America After page 42 United States 23The Supreme Court 24Electronic monitoring 26Paying college athletes 26Opinion polling 28Primary health care 30Lexington Lessons from Harlan County The Americas 31Justin Trudeau s troubles 32Bello The war against corruption Asia 33Japan s risky tax hike 34Prisons in the Philippines 35Sinophobia in Kazakhstan 35Immigration to South Korea 36Malaysia s youth vote 38Banyan Protests in Indonesia China 39Repressing Islam 42Chaguan Propaganda blunders in Hong Kong Middle East it lost 196m in its latest fi nancial year Peloton will have to up the pace as it becomes a public company Leaders 11 A merica almost didn t have a president The men who ar rived at the constitutional convention in 1787 brought with them a horror of monarchy Absent a fi gure of George Washing ton s stature the young country might have adopted a parlia mentary system of government Yet having created the offi ce the founders had to devise a way to remove presidents who abuse their positions not all people are Washingtons They defi ned the mechanism an impeachment vote in the House followed by a trial in the Senate The question of what exactly a president should be impeached for treason bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanours was deliberately left to Congress Hence though impeachment is a constitutional provision it is also a political campaign That campaign began in earnest this week when Nancy Pelosi directed her Democratic colleagues in the House to begin impeachment hearings into President Do nald Trump This will not necessarily lead to impeachment In the past though impeachment hearings have generated a mo mentum of their own The process is fraught with risks on both sides One thing seems certain the process will further divide a country that is already set against itself Ms Pelosi has taken such a momentous step because she be lieves the president s behaviour towards Ukraine s government crossed a line If that seems an obscure reason to contemplate unseating a president remember that impeach ment proceedings against Richard Nixon had their origins in an offi ce burglary and the ones against Bill Clinton began with an aff air with an intern Mr Trump appears to have let Ukraine s government know that relations with America including the supply of aid depended on it pur suing an investigation into the family of a politi cal rival that would be more serious than a break in or a fl ing It would mean the president had subverted the national interest to pursue a political vendetta The federal government often gives foreign powers promises of aid in exchange for doing something that America wants them to do The Ukraine case is diff erent see Briefi ng America has an interest in ensuring that Ukraine is able to defend itself against Russian aggression which is why Congress came up with a pack age of 391m in military aid for its newly elected government Mr Trump acted against the national interest in putting that aid on hold while pressing Volodymyr Zelensky Ukraine s president to investigate Hunter Biden who had business dealings in Uk raine and is the son of the Democratic front runner Joe Biden If that were not clear enough Mr Trump also sent his personal law yer to meet an adviser to Mr Zelensky and repeat the message In a country as corrupt and vul
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