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人教版高中英语选修七(Book 7 Unit 3)Unit 3 Under the sea根据下面的提示,用英语写一篇短文,介绍中国的海南岛。1.海南岛就像一只雪梨,横卧在中国南部的南海(the South China Sea)之上;2.面积:35,400平方公里(中国第二大岛);3. 历史:6000多年;4. 人口:9,000,000多,包括三十多个民族;5. 居民谋生方式:种水稻、捕鱼等;6. 不但气候四季宜人,而且风景名胜众多。Hainan Island, the second largest island in China, covers an area of 35,400 square kilometres with a history of over 6,000 years. It is like a pear, lying above the South China Sea. Hainan Island has a population of over 9 million which consists of over 30 nationalities. The people there make a living by growing rice, fishing and so on. Not only is the climate there pleasant all the year round but also there are many famous places of interest.1.文章体裁:说明文。2.行文逻辑:总体概括诸项分述。3.词汇短语:运用了较高级的词汇和短语。如:cover(占用),consist of(由组成),make a living(谋生),places of interest(名胜)等。4.句式句法:运用了多样化的句式结构。如:with结构:with a history of over 6,000 years;现在分词短语作状语:lying above the South China Sea;定语从句:which consists of over 30 nationalities;倒装句:Not only is the climate there pleasant all the year round等。.单词荟萃1.witness vt.当场见到;目击 n.目击者;证人;证据2.opposite prep.在对面 adj.相对的;相反的3.flee vi.(fled,fled) 逃避;逃跑 vt.逃离4.urge vt.催促;极力主张;驱策5.abandon vt.放弃;遗弃;抛弃6.conservation n.保存;保护7. narrow adj.狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的8.boundary n. 边界;范围;分界线9.shallow adj. 浅的;肤浅的10.accommodation n.住所;住宿accommodate vt.容纳;提供住宿11.shore n. 岸;海滨offshore adj. 离岸的;近海的12.depth n.深(度);深处deep adj.深的deepen vt. 使加深 vi.变深13.relationship n.关系;血缘关系;交往related adj.有关系的14.pension n. 养老金;退休金pensioner n. 领取养老金者15.reflect vi.思考 vt.映射;反射;思考reflection n.映像;思考;反映16.aware adj.意识到的;知道的awareness n.意识17.vivid adj.生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的vividly adv.清晰地18.sharp adj.锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的sharpen vt. 削尖;磨快;使敏捷19.tasty adj.好吃的;可口的taste vt.品尝tasteless adj. 无味的;无鉴赏力的20.scare vt.恐吓 vi.受惊吓scared adj.恐惧的;害怕的scary adj.吓人的.短语检测1.help ()out 帮助 (某人)摆脱困境或危难2.be abandoned to 沉浸于3.on the Internet 在网上4.in need of 需要5.yell out大喊6.be/become aware of 对知道、明白;意识到7.upside down 上下翻转8.(be)scared to death 吓死了9.get close to 靠近10.reflect on 反省11.sort out 整理;分类12.in the meanwhile 与此同时,在此期间.佳句再现1.定语从句:It was a time when 那是一个的时期_(那是一个时期)the killer whales, or killers as they were then called, helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.2.be about to+动词原形表示即将发生的事情This was the call that announced there_(即将有)a whale hunt.3.see+宾语+being done结构As we drew closer, I could_(看到一条鲸鱼正在遭到攻击) by a pack of about six other killers.4.with+宾语+介词短语 结构Im sitting in the warm night air _(手持一杯冷饮)and reflecting on the daya day of pure magic!5.where, there be意为在的地方,有,where 引导地点状语从句The water was quite shallow but _(在珊瑚礁尽头的地方,有) a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor.答案:1. It was a time when2.was about to be3.see a whale being attacked4. with a cold drink in my hand 5. where the reef ended, there was【巧学助记】构词法记忆形容词后缀-ous,表示具有性质的variety n.变化;多样性;种类various adj.不同的;各种各样的curiosity n.好奇心curious adj.好奇的danger n.危险; 危险物dangerous adj.危险的caution n.警告; 小心cautious adj. 谨慎的规律记忆in+名词+of型短语in need of 需要in charge of 看护, 管理in case of 如果发生, 如遇到in favour of 赞成, 有利于in honour of 为了纪念in spite of 尽管in terms of 就来说in view of 鉴于, 由于单词点睛1234561 witness vt.(to see sth. happen)当场见到;目击 vi.(to provide or serve as evidence of)作证 n.(a person who sees sth. happen and is able to describe it to other people)目击者;证人(1)witness sth. 目击、目睹某事witness to sth./doing sth. 为某事作证;证明某事(2)be a witness to 是的目击者bear/give witness to sth. 作证;证明某事温馨提示 在短语witness to中,to 为介词,其后要跟名词、代词或动名词。如:Who witnessed to his signing the documents?谁见证了他签署这些文件?【语境助记】The witness who witnessed the accident gave witness to the police and promised to be a witness.目击了这场事故的目击者向警察提交了证据并且答应做证人。【活学活用】(1)Three weeks ago, I witnessed a near-disaster a few miles west of here.三个星期前,我在离这儿西边几英里远的地方目睹了一次几乎酿成的灾难。(目击,目睹)(2)The police are making further investigations into this case, for there were no witnesses at the scene. 由于现场没有目击证人,警方对此案件还在进行进一步调查。(目击者,见证人)(3)Dont trust his words. His ragged clothes are just a witness to his poverty.别相信他的话,他破旧的衣服就能证明他很穷。(证明,证据)(4)She brought several persons of good credit to _her reputation.她带来几位很有声誉的人为她的名誉作证。(5)语法填空。The late twentieth century _(witness) the rapid development of Chinas economy.With the advent of the Internet, we_(witness) the most important change in our lifestyles in the past 100 years.The worker witnessed to _(see) the accused near the scene of the crime.答案:(4)bear/give witness to(5)witnessedhave witnessedhaving seen2 opposite adj.(as different as possible from sth.)相反的;不同的 n.(a person or thing that is as different as possible from another)相反的事物,对立的人(或物);反面 prep.与相对be opposite to 在对面;与相反just the opposite 恰恰相反【活学活用】
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