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中考英语常用词汇详解Offer的用法一、off的基本意思和用法:Offer既可作名词又可作动词用。做动词用意思为“主动提供;提出做某事”,例如:He offered his seat to me. (他把座位让给了我。)offer还有“出价,出售”之意。例如:They offered me the house for 7,000 dollars. (他们提出以7,000美元的价格把房子卖给我。)作名词用的意思为“提供,提出,出价”,是可数名词。例如:He made an offer of 5,000 dollars for the car. (他出价5,000美元买这辆小汽车。)She made an offer of help. 她主动提出帮助。Thank you for your kind offer to help. 谢谢您表示愿意提供帮助。二、offer的常用搭配1)offer后常接to do 做宾语,表示“主动提出做”;也可直接跟名词。Mary offered to lend me her bike.玛丽提出将自行车借给我。Never offer to teach fish to swim.不要班门弄斧。Our monitor offered to help us. 班长表示愿意帮助我们。They offered a new proposal. 他们提出了新的提案。2)offer sb. sth.= offer sth. to sb. 主动给某人某物,例如:He offered me his help. = He offered his help to me 他表示愿意助我一臂之力。3)offer做名词用时,常与make, accept 等动词搭配使用。意思分别为 “出价做 ; 接受 的建议/报价;”They made an offer of $ 5 million for the diamond necklace. 他们出价500万美元买那个钻石项链。We accepted an offer of help. 我们接受了援助的建议。Theyve decided to accept our original offer. 他们已决定接受我们最初的报价。Alice made an offer to help me with my English. 爱丽丝主动提出帮助我学英语。4)offer与for搭配:offer sb. sth. for (some money) 向某人开价卖例如:They offered me the computer for 1000 dollars. 他们开价1000美元把那部电脑卖给我。offer sb. some money for 向某人开价买例如:they offered him 5,000 dollars for the computer. 他们肯出5,000美元买他那台电脑。5)此外,还有下列常用搭配:agree to an offer 同意提议 ;a fair offer合理的提议; a free-will offer自由捐款;on offer 削价出售;under offer 已有人出价要买的(待售房屋)三、supply,offer,provide的用法辨析:虽然这三个词都有“提供”的意思,但内涵和用法上还是有明显的不同。例如:offer既表示主动慷慨地给别人提供某物,也可表示无主动之情地提供。常用于offer sbsth或offer sthto sb的固定搭配中。例如:They decided to offer the job to Joe. 他们决定把这份工作给乔。The guesthouse offers all kinds of food to foreign visitors这个招待所供应外宾各种食品。provide用于表示无主动慷慨之意地为人或物提供需要或有用的东西,仅仅是出于某种责任。常用于provide sbwith sth或 provide sthfor sb的固定搭配中。例如:They provided sufferers with good food and clothes他们向受难者提供食物和衣物。They provided some necessary support for the injured. 他们为受伤者提供了一些必要的援助.supply通常指定期“供应”,强调替代或补充所需物品。常用于supply sbwith sth或 supply sthto for sb结构。例如:The school supplied the students with textbooks. 学校为学生提供教科书We supply power to the three nearby towns. 我们给附近的三个城镇提供电力。keep的用法(1):keep 有及物动词,不及物动词两种词性,其含义丰富且搭配能力很强,有很多用法、能构成很多短语。赶快看看吧!1)Keep vt. 保存(留/持/守)(相当于maintain)如:It can help to keep vegetables, fruit and meat for a long time in hot summer. 在炎热的夏天,它有助于蔬菜,水果和肉的长期保存。2)keep 遵守,维持(相当于obey)Everybody must keep the rules.人人必须遵守规章制度。The policemen are keeping order in the streets .警察在街上维持秩序。3)Keep 经营,管理(相当于manage , run)如: His father kept a grocers store for a few years.他的父亲开了几年杂货店。4)Keep照顾,养活(相当于take care of , raise,)I have a large family to keep .我得养活一大家人。5)Keep 饲养(相当于feed)The old man kept a lot of animals, like dogs,pigs and cats.这位老人养了许多动物,像狗,猪和猫。6)Keep使处于什么状态,用作此意时,后面常接宾语+宾补。“宾补”常由现在分词,过去分词,形容词,副词和介词短语充当。如:He kept me waiting for half an hour.他让我等了半个小时了。Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.少说话,多观察。(此句中的shut 和open 都是形容词)The doctor kept me in for a week.医生一周没让我出门。(此句中的in 不是介词,而是副词,是at home的意思)We must keep it locked up.我们一定要把它锁好。He always keeps his books in good order .他总是把书放的整整齐齐。7)Keep 留下,不用还You can keep the pen if you like .您要是喜欢就留下。Keep the change . 零钱不用找了。8)keep 借(相当borrow但下列句中不能用它替换)How long may I keep this book ?You can keep it for two weeks, then you must renew it.这本书我能借多久?你可以借两周,然后,你必须来续借。9)keep vi.保持,继续(处于某种状态),用作此意解时,其后常接形容词,副词和介词短语做表语。如:why do you keep silent?你为什么不说话?We kept in during the cold weather.天冷时,我们就不出去。Traffic in Britain keeps to the left.英国的交通是靠左边行驶的。10)(食物等)存得住,保持新鲜如: The fish wont keep , we must eat it now.这鱼存不住,我们必须现在就吃掉。11)keep消息等,留以后再讲 如:The news will keep. 这个消息以后再宣布吧。即学即用:判断正误1) He kept me to wait for many hours.He kept me waiting for many hours.2)How long may I borrow this book?How long may I keep this book?用英语表达下列句子:3)请把它留下来作个纪念吧。4)这钱您可以留着零用。5)他问我们是怎样使人民币保持这样稳定的。6)这次感冒使得她三天没起床。6)一定要让我们经常了解你们的情况。答案:1) He kept me to wait for many hours. 说明:keep后面不能接不定式作宾补。He kept me waiting for many hours. 2)How long may I borrow this book? 说明:borrow是短暂性动词,不能与How long等表示一段时间的状语连用。How long may I keep this book? 用英语表达下列句子:3)请把它留下来作个纪念吧。Please keep it for a souvenir.4)这钱您可以留着零用。You can keep this for pocket money.5)他问我们是怎样使人民币保持这样稳定的。He asked how we managed to keep renminbi so stable.6)这次感冒使得她三天没起床。The cold kept her in bed for three days.7)一定要让我们经常了解你们的情况。You must keep us informed of how things are going with you.keep用法(2)keep 有及物动词,不及物动词两种词性,其含义丰富且搭配能力很强,有很多用法、能构成很多短语。Keep doing 与keep on doing 的区别keep 有很强地搭配能力,能构成很多短语和句型。一 )Keep doing sth. ;keep on doing sth. 均可表示“不断/老是做某事”如:孩子总是问个不停。Children always kept asking questions.有些人老是犯同样地错误。Some people kept on making the same mistakes.二 )Keep doing sth.与 keep on doing sth.的区别1)keep doing 还可表示一直做某事,强调没有停止。keep on doing 则强调动作反复而不是动作一直没有停止,以及某人做某事的决心.例如:Why do the dogs keep barking?这些狗为什么不停地叫?The girl kept on raising her hand.这个女孩不停地举手。2)若表示连续不断的动作,或某一动作的持续状态,宜用Keep doing
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