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SCN:14610299 Name:Liu Luchuan1. IntroductionMy report detailed explain what goals, objective and policies. Combined with the illustrates the relations between three and the effect to the enterprise. With combination of case illustrates the contribution and the differences between formal and informal organization, and explains the open system theory and application in Shangri La Hotel, put forward a kind of control strategy for Shangri La and prove its practicability.2.1 Organizational goals, objectives and policies2.1.1 GoalsGoals is a person or a system design to achieve a plan and commitment to the ideal results: a person or organization the desired end on some kind of hypothesis development. Many efforts within the limited time achieve the goal, set a deadline.In the case of Shangri-La Hotel business when the goal is to be able to survive and get Samsungs reputation. Secondary goals for local businessmen have good relations. The medium-term goal hotel is sustainable development, striving to become the five Stars Hotel. In the period of economic recession, the goal is to back to their original performance, and the goal is for consumers to improve the quality of services to meet the needs of the guests and expectations. They provide high quality equipment and facilities to the guests to the hotel product operation goal. The goal is to reach the standards of food, the maintenance of corporate image, they are using green organic food. Service goal: to provide customers with high standard and unexpected service.2.1.2 Objectivesmore specific than goals and identify the specific path to be taken in order to achieve goals.theobjectivesshouldbeSMART-Specific.Measurable.attainable,RealisticandTime-bound.In company management, objectives is to unite the enthusiasm of the staff, proactive tools.Goals help companies solve the development direction, objectives to help the company achieve short-term tasks, in other words, formulation of objectives is to achieve goals, must therefore be objectives and goals of maintaining the direction of inconsistent can deviate, for example in the case, 2016, the Shangri La Hotel can get two multinational companies before the mission and in the first quarter of 2016 business guests growth 30%.2015 in December, the kitchen staff to complete the training.2.1.3 PoliciesA general rules or guideline for managers and staff to make decisions,such as,through their pricing policies, recruitment policy, environmental policy, compensation policy to guide their behavior. In the case, all food must be through the end of the Craig to sign. Guests seated within 5 minutes to get service. Only Craig and Saskia can sign up for the goods. Although the policy is used to reduce the uncertainty, but it has a negative image, such as restrictions on employees level of creativity and innovation, so efficiency will be reduced. When the external environment changes, due to the policy of the rigid, the efficiency that is brought to the hotel will also reduce the, thus affecting the hotel development.2.1.4 RelationshipOnly enterprises to establish, goals, objectives, and policies, help in the effective management, and delivery provides a desired results. At the same time, for through clear what to do to guide behavior, the enterprise objectives and policies cannot violate goals if you violate so the hotel will lose the direction into chaos. Therefore, objectives and policies must and goals are consistent, in other words, goals need to implement the support, objectives need for support, and powerful have practical significance can ensure the realization of the goals and objectives, otherwise if policies are contrary to the goals. Then he would adjust or cancel.2.2 The formal and informal organization2.2.1 Formal OrganizationDefinition:Formal organization is a fixed set of rules of intra-organization procedures and structures.Informal organization is the people in the common work process in the formation of the natural feelings, preferences and other emotions based on the loose, there is no formal provisions of the group.Purpose:Formal organization in order to achieve organizational goals and consciously established.Informal organization in order to enhance the cohesion.Formal organization is the result of planning rather than spontaneous formation. Characteristics of its organization reflects a certain degree of management thinking and beliefs. The informal organization can form spontaneously as hobbies, etc.2.3 The Open system theoryDefinition:An open system is a system that has external interactions. Such interactions can take the form of information, energy, or material transfers into or out of the system boundary, depending on the discipline which defines the concept.External Macro environment:Political,Bank to provide him with support to help her identify the problem, so she did not bankruptExternal envi
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