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单证缮制与操作试题 第 1 页 共 9 页 2017 年全国外经贸单证专业培训考试 单证缮制与操作试题单证缮制与操作试题 考试时间 6 月 11 日下午 16 00 18 00 一 根据已知资料回答以下单选题 请在答题纸上作答 每题 2 分 共 40 分 SALES CONTRACT The Seller Shanghai Yahua Trading Corp Contract No 2017YH056 16 Huangxing Road Shanghai China Date May 18 2017 The Buyer Erort Co Ltd 18 Boulevard Paul Vaillant Couturier France Description of Goods Quantity Unit Price Amount Rattan Furniture Item No PFA 578 As per the Order No 2017YH037 1000sets CIF Marseilles USD680 00 set USD680 000 00 TOTAL 1000sets USD680 000 00 Total Amount SAY U S DOLLARS SIX HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THOUSAND ONLY Packing 1 set are packed in two export standard cartons Time of Shipment Before the end of July 2017 Loading Port and Destination From Shanghai China to Marseilles France Partial Shipment Not Allowed Transshipment Allowed Insurance To be effected by the seller for 110 invoice value covering All Risks and War Risk Terms of Payment By L C at 45 days after sight reaching the seller before June 15 2017 and remaining valid for negotiation in China for further 15 days after the effected shipment L C must mention this contract number L C advised by BANK OF CHINA All banking Charges outside China the mainland of China are for account of the Buyer Documents Signed commercial invoice in triplicate Full set 3 3 of clean on board ocean Bill of Lading marked Freight Prepaid made out to order blank endorsed notifying the applicant Insurance Policy in duplicate endorsed in blank Packing List in triplicate Certificate of Origin issued by China Chamber of Commerce Signed by THE SELLER THE BUYER Shanghai Yahua Trading Corp Erort Co Ltd 王 旭 Murielle 1 根据合同 合理的信用证开证日期应为 A June 15 2017 B the beginning of June 2017 C May 18 2017 D Before the end of July 2017 单证缮制与操作试题 第 2 页 共 9 页 2 如果提单日期为 July15 2017 信用证的有效期应为 A July 30 2017 B July 15 2017 C Aug 15 2017 D Aug 30 2017 3 根据合同 信用证的到期地点应为 A 开证申请人所在地 B 货物所在地 C 受益人所在地 D 目的港 4 根据合同 信用证的开证申请人应为 A Shanghai Yahua Trading Corp B Erort Co Ltd C Bank of China D Banque de France 5 根据合同 信用证的受益人应为 A Shanghai Yahua Trading Corp B Erort Co Ltd C Bank of China D Banque de France 6 根据合同 信用证金额应为 A USD680 00 B USD688 00 C USD688 000 00 D USD680 000 00 7 根据合同 信用证的币别应为 A 欧元 B 美元 C 英镑 D 人民币元 8 根据合同 信用证的付款期限应为 A 即期 B 出票后 45 天 C 提单日期后 45 天 D 见票后 45 天 9 根据惯例 信用证项下汇票的付款人应为 A 开证行 B 开证申请人 C 受益人 D 通知行 10 根据合同 信用证关于分批装运和转船的规定应为 A 允许分批不允许转船 B 不允许分批允许转船 C 允许分批允许转船 D 不允许分批不允许转船 11 根据合同 信用证的装运港应为 A 上海 B 马赛 C 巴黎 D 南京 12 根据合同 信用证的目的港应为 A 上海 B 马赛 C 巴黎 D 南京 13 根据合同 信用证的装运日期规定正确的是 A before July15 2017 B before July 1 2017 C before July 31 2017 D July 31 2017 14 根据合同 信用证项下保险单的险别应为 A 平安险 B 平安险加战争险 C 一切险 D 一切险加战争险 15 根据合同 信用证的贸易术语应为 A CIF B FOB C CFR D CIP 16 根据合同 信用证项下保险单的保险加成应为 A 发票金额 B 合同金额 C 合同金额的 110 D 发票金额的 110 17 根据合同 信用证项下海运提单的抬头应为 A 空白指示 B 记名指示 C TO BEARER D Erort Co Ltd 18 根据合同 信用证项下原产地证明的出单人应为 A 受益人 B 出口地商会 C 商检机构 D 出口地海关 单证缮制与操作试题 第 3 页 共 9 页 19 根据惯例 信用证项下商业发票的签署人应为 A 出口地商会 B 商检机构 C 受益人 D 开证申请人 20 根据合同 承担信用证开证费用的人应为 A 议付行 B 受益人 C 开证行 D 开证申请人 二 根据已知资料指出下列开证申请书中错误的地方 请在答题纸上作答 每错 1 分 共 22 分 已知资料 2016 年 6 月 20 日 上海锐特维斯科技有限公司 SHANGHAI RETRVIS TECHNOLOGY CO LTD 15 CHANGXING ROAD SHANGHAI CHINA 从 STS PLUS CO LTD 1 209 HANNAMDONG YOUNGSAN KU SEOUL KOREA 进口对讲机 2000 台 达成以下主要合 同条款 1 Commodity RETEVIS brand walkie talkie 2 Quantity 2000 sets 3 PACKING In cartons 4 Unit Price USD 6 50 set CIF Shanghai 5 Amount USD 13 000 00 6 Time of shipment During Nov 2016 Port of Loading Seoul Korea Port of Destination Shanghai China Partial shipment Allowed Transshipment Not Allowed 7 Insurance To be covered by the seller for 110 invoice value covering ICC A and War Risk 8 Payment By irrevocable letter of credit at 45 days sight to reach the seller not later than June 25 2016 Valid for negotiation in Korea until the 15TH day after time of shipment 9 Document 1 Signed commercial invoice in 3 fold 2 Signed packing list in 3 fold 3 Full set of clean on board ocean B L in 3 3 originals issued to order and blank endorsed marked Freight Prepaid and notify the applicant 4 Certificate of Origin in 1 Original and 1 copy issued by the chamber of commerce in Korea 5 Insurance policy Certificate in duplicate endorsed in blank for 110 invoice value covering ICC A and War Risk showing the claim currency is the same as the currency of the credit 相关资料 1 信用证号码 CO1622111057 2 合同号码 RT20160625 Shanghai Retevis Technology Co Ltd 外经贸单证员李浩于2016年6月23日向BANK OF CHINA SHANGHAI BRANCH 办理申请电开信用证手续 通知行是 KOOKMIN BANK SEOUL KOREA 单证缮制与操作试题 第 4 页 共 9 页 IRREVOCABLE DOCUMENTARY CREDIT APPLICATION TO KOOKMIN BANK SEOUL KOREA Date July 23 2016 Beneficiary full name and address SHANGHAI RETRVIS TECHNOLOGY CO LTD 15 CHANGXING ROAD SHANGHAI CHINA L C NO CO1722111059 Contract No RT20160625 Date and place of expiry of the credit NOV 15 2016 in CHINA Partial shipments not allowed Transshipment allowed Issue by teletransmission which shall be the operative instrument Loading on board dispatch taking in charge at from SHANGHAI CHINA Not later than OCT 31 2016 for transportation to SEOUL KOREA Amount both in figu
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