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108 附件 2 行政秘书情境英语基本句型行政秘书情境英语基本句型 接打电话常用句型接打电话常用句型 1 我是李英 This is Li ying speaking Li ying is speaking 2 我能跟 通电话吗 I d like to speak to please May I speak to please 3 很抱歉打扰您 I m sorry to have disturbed you 4 很抱歉让你久等了 I m very sorry to have kept you Waiting 5 请问您是谁 Who s that speaking please 6 请别挂断电话 Hold the line please 7 很抱歉 我们这儿没有这个人 I m sorry there is no one by that name here 8 您拨打的电话是错的 The telephone number you dialed is wrong 9 我可以打电话预约吗 Can I make an appointment by phone 10 希望能尽早看到您 I d like to see you at your earliest possible convenience 11 您什么时候方便 What time would be convenient for you 12 您好 我可以和 通话吗 109 Hello may I speak to 13 您能帮我接通 吗 Would you put me through to 14 您能把这个电话转给 吗 Would you transfer this call to 15 布郎先生恐怕现在不在这儿 I m afraid Mr Brown is at a meeting now I m afraid Mr Brown is out to 16 您可以晚一点再打来吗 Would you mind calling again later 17 对不起 我没听懂 请再说一次 好吗 I m sorry I don t understand Could you repeat that please 18 您需要留言吗 Shall I take a message Is there any message 19 等他回来 我让他打电话给您 I will ask he to call you back as soon as he is free 来访接待常用句型来访接待常用句型 1 早上好 小姐 有事吗 Good morning madam can I help you 2 能告诉我您要问他什么事吗 Can I ask what you wish to see him about 3 布朗先生和您有约见吗 Does Mr Brown has an appointment with you 4 您什么时候方便呢 When would suit you When would be convenient for you 5 您看在哪里方便呢 Where would suit you 110 Where would be convenient for you 6 我会记下来的 I ll make a note of that 7 请问您的姓名是 Can I have your name please 8 有一个紧急会议 Have an urgent session 9 布朗先生现在很忙 实在抽不出时间 Mr Brown is engaged at the moment and has no time to spare 10 布朗先生正在等您 我这就告诉他您来了 Mr Brown is expecting you I ll tell him that you are here 11 请您在那里坐一会儿 好吗 Would you like to take a seat over there for a moment please 12 请随我来 Please come with me 13 请往这边走 This way please 14 请乘电梯 请下电梯 Would you get on the lift please Would you step out please 15 见到您很高兴 Nice to see you 16 你要茶还是咖啡 Which do you prefer tea or coffee 16 给 Here you are 17 实在抱歉 我无能为力了 I am awfully sorry I couldn t be of any help 安排公务旅行常用句型安排公务旅行常用句型 111 1 布朗先生 我已经拟好了你下星期公务旅行的日程表 你能看一下吗 Mr Brown I ve drafted a schedule for your business trip next week You may have a look 2 我们想预订 CA9763 航班的机票 从 出发 目的地为 We would like to book a seat on Flight CA9763 departing from and arriving at 3 我想问一下上海到天津的火车 I m enquiring about the train service leaving Shanghai for Tianjin 4 请问行李重量限额多少 Could you tell me what the weight allowance is 5 什么时候确认订票 When should I confirm this booking 6 付款后请尽快确定我的预订 Please confirm the booking as soon as payment is made 7 能帮我更改一下预订吗 Can you change the reservation please 8 我更愿意坐早班的航班 I prefer a morning flight 9 希望能尽早看到您 I d like to see you at your earliest possible convenience 10 我要为 预订贵宾馆的房间 I d like to book a room in your hotel for 11 一个单人间 每晚 多少钱 What s the price for a single room 12 能否将他订的票改到今天 Is it possible to change his booking to today 13 确认预约需要付定金吗 Do you require a deposit to confirm a reservation 14 团体订房有折扣吗 Is there a discount for company booking 筹办会议常用句型筹办会议常用句型 112 1 我们打算星期四下午开个会 We are going to have a meeting this Thursday afternoon 2 请记得通知到每一个人 会议下午 2 点半开始 Please remember to notify everyone that the meeting will begin at 14 30 3 如果您不能出席会议 请在 11 月 2 日前打电话告知 电话号码 8 Please ring 8 no later than November 2th if you are unable to attend 4 会议在您的办公室举行 而不是在会议室 The meeting will be held in your office not in the conference room 5 我们能否将会议推迟到下星期的前几天 Could we postpone our meeting to sometime early next week 6 你请李先生参加这个会议 好吗 Could you ask Mr Li to attend this meeting 7 请为会议做好准备工作 Do well the preparation work for the meeting 8 会议将被延迟 40 分钟开始 The meeting will be delayed by forty minutes 9 我希望你能给这次会议写份议程表 I d like you to write up an agenda for this meeting 10 开会前请准备好议程 The agenda should be prepared before the meeting 11 主持人宣布开会 Call to order by presiding officer 12 你最好在会议前印好并分发出去 You d better print and distribute before the meeting 13 请把一切都准备好 尽快向我汇报 Please get all things ready and report back to me as soon as possible 14 你得做会议记录 You have to take the minutes 15 会议由王先生主持 The meeting was chaired by Mr Wang 113 16 我们作为这次会议的工作人员 得知您能参加 十分高兴 We as the staff of this meeting are very happy to know that you could attend 17 会议期间请将 胸卡 佩戴在外衣上 Here is your name card You are requested to pin it on your coat during your conference 18 有关您的住宿安排 会场座位 议程表等 我们将马上给您送上书面通知 请您事先过目 As to your hotel arrangement your seat number at the meeting an agenda and so on we will give them to you in printed from soon Please go over them before hand 19 我们非常高兴今天能和大家共聚一堂 特别高兴的是 G 史密斯先生的光临 Ladies and Gentleman we are extremely happy to have all of you join us today in this hall We are today specially honoured to have the presence of Mr G Smith 20 他现在发表演说 He will now deliver his address to the General Assembly 21 今天的会议到此为止 再次谢谢大家 I would like to close today s meeting now Thank you again all of you 信函处理常用句型信函处理常用句型 1 回复一则信 广告等 With reference to your letter advertisement We are writing to enquire about 2 要求行为 寄送 Could you please sent me Please send me 3 请求给予信息 I would like to know whether We are interested in and we
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