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1 天水一中天水一中高二级高二级 2018 20192018 2019 学年度第二学期第学年度第二学期第二二学段考试学段考试 英语试题英语试题 命题 杨林梅 邓文婷审核 杨平 满分 150 分时间 100 分钟 第第一一部分部分阅读理解 共两节 满分阅读理解 共两节 满分 40 分 分 第一节 共 15 小题 每小题 2 分 满分 30 分 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中 选出最佳答案 A Welcome to the Electronic Village to explore new ways of language teaching and learning Electronic Village Program Thursday June 18 2015 Nearpod 9 00 a m to 10 00 a m Room 501 Nearpod is a software program that creates a rich context for students to learn vocabulary The presenter will show how to use it TEO 2 00 p m to 3 00 p m Room 502 Our students come from different backgrounds but have the same desire to learn on line The presenter will use examples from his first on line class to explain how any teacher can begin teaching on line with TEO Kahoot 10 30 a m to 11 30 a m Room 601 Kahoot software can be used to create grammar tests which can be graded on a network It can provide students with instant feedback includingreportsabouttheir strengths and weaknesses Prezi 3 30 p m to 4 20 p m Room 602 Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses draw students attention to speaking more fluently The presenter will show how students can use Prezi to confidently present on a variety of topics including introducing family friends and hobbies 1 Nearpod can be used to A offer grammar testsB teach listening on line C help vocabulary learningD gain fluency in speaking 2 If you want to improve your speaking skills you can go to A Room 501B Room 502C Room 601D Room 602 3 Which of the following can assess your grammar learning A Nearpod B TEO C Kahoot D Prezi 2 B Complainers have a complaint about everything in their life This usually comes from the fact that they are unsatisfied or angry about their own personal lives The complainer has a need for their concerns to be accepted Whether it is in their professional or personal life the complainer can t have peace of mind until someone listens to their concerns They feel dissatisfied and they don t just want things to change they want to be heard and understood The key to effectively dealing with a complainer is by using your active listening skills and trying to understand what their interests and needs are They want to be heard and acknowledged not ignored and argued with Listen to the concerns It s not enough sometimes just to fix the problems The person has a psychological need for someone to acknowledge his or her concerns Let them get all of these piled frustrations out of their system before you address the problem Listen and accept what they have to say Encourage them to keep on talking until all these frustrations have been let out Empathy 同情 with them Imagine yourself walking around in their shoes and see the situation from their point of view Empathy is an important tool that you can use to serve cooperation Use empathetic statements such as If I were in your shoes I d be really angry too Reword their concerns back in your own words This lets them know that you have been listening and have understood everything correctly Repeating is also a powerful agreement building tool Ask them what they would like you to do In most cases you will already know what the person wants but ask them what they would like you to do because it lets them walk away happy 4 By saying If I were in your shoes I d be really angry too the listener means A If I put on your shoes I would be angry too B If I wore your shoes I would also be happy too C If I were in your situation I would also be angry D If I knew the situation of your shoes I would not wear them 5 According to the passage what s the main purpose of the complainer s complaints A They want to have an argument with someone B They are concerned about others life C They are dissatisfied with both their job and their life D They need a listener and understanding 6 According to the passage what would you best say before getting away from a complainer if you were a listener A I m sorry to hear that but it s no use complaining like that B I m also unsatisfied with my own job C Pardon What job would you like better D What can I do for you 3 7 The author writes the passage mainly to A teach readers how to deal with complainers B teach readers to be patient with complainers C help deal with complainers problems D help readers listen to complaints better C It s been just over a year since 9 year old Zion Harvey received a double hand transplant 移植 and now what he really wants to do is playing football I feel happy about my new hands and I don t feel different I like that now I can throw a football further than when I didn t have hands he said The nation s youngest hand transplant patient has been working hard to learn how to use his new hands He lost his hands and his feet 7 years ago after suffering from a serious infection In August the boy showed off his new abilities by throwing out the first ball at a baseball game Dr Scott Levin team leader of Zion s operation said Zion was faced with the operation much braver than many adults I
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