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第一部分必修2Unit3 第一部分必修2Unit3 第一部分必修2Unit3 第一部分必修2Unit3 第一部分必修2Unit3 保存 保护 保持 吞下 吞咽 伴侣 陪伴 地位 身份 上级 上司 更好的 更高的 巧合 碰巧 信号 发信号 表明 谋杀 幸存 存活 content disturb desire whichever punishment various apply outgoing optimistic curious curiosity curiously fortune fortunately fortunate scientific science scientist breathe breath inspire inspired inspiring inspiration organization organize organizer devotion devote devoted requirement require connection connect connected death dead die dying explorer explore exploration discourage courage encourage encouragement Fortunately fortune inspiring inspired inspiration devoted devotion devoted organization organizers organized becuriousabout setsail searchfor alongwith beknownas comeacross aswellas dieof inconnectionwith resultin payoff starin getintouchwith comeintouse befitfor beincontrol ofsth lookupto ofalltime lookupto becuriousabout cameacross ofalltime paidoff setsail cameintouse beincontrolof hadalreadygone Ifgivenenoughcare It stheteacher spraisethat curious toknow curiosity wascuriousabout CuriousaboutAustraliancities tofind fortunate fortunately Unfortunately makingalotofmoney makingafortune with tolive becontentwiththeknowledge nevercontentourselveswiththeknowledge disturbing disturbed disturbed disturbed should make should wait Myrequirementisthat inspiring todo inspiration inspired should begiven for hasadesireforsuccess desirestosucceed application to applying Ifyoureallyapplyyourselftoyourstudy Applyingyourselftoyourstudy runacross meetwith happentomeet meet bychance accident等 cameout comeupwith comealong resultedin resultedfrom asaresult resultingin asaresultof payfor payback paidoff will havesaved hadstopped willhavecompleted hadleft that didn trealizetheimportanceoflearningEnglishwell until Itwasnotuntil thatherealizedtheimportanceoflearningEnglishwell didhe realizetheimportanceoflearningEnglishwell superior proved desired apply Present discouraged inspired disturbed Compared devotion applyforajob asaresult theybecamegoodfriends Itisthetimeandenergywespendonthepresentthat onlytofind unlesswatered notonly butalsoamoderncity amazing madebetterchanges hashadagreateffecton devotedhimselfto ofalltime nationalities Whatiscertainisthat madegreatachievements
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