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上海市冠龙高级中学2005年上学期高二英语期末考试高二英语试卷Part OneListening: (20) Part A. Short Conversations:( 10)1.AIts exactly 3:35BIts a little before 3:30.CIts exactly 3:30DIts a little after 3:30.2.A. $6.00B. $12.00C. $18.00D. $24.03.A. He has not forgotten about the dollarB. He thinks she is forgetful.C. He doesnt expect her to pay him back.D. He isnt planning to use the money soon.4.A Satisfied.BImpatientC AmusedDTired.5.AShes a housewife.BShes a nurse.CShes a maidDShes a guard.6.A. There is still time to finish.B. She cannot do it quickly.C. He needs the letters tomorrow.D. He doesnt know what time it is.7.A. Peter never likes to play tennis.B. Peters unable to play tennis with them.C. Peter isnt a very good tennis player.D. Peter is in town for a game of tennis.8.AClassmates.B Coach and athlete.CBoss and secretaryD Student and teacher.9.A. She agrees that they met before.B. She met Professor Wang at the mans office.C. She denies the fact that they met before.D. She wants to meet the man at Professor Wangs office.10.A. It was impossible for him to come to the party.B. He stayed home to study for his exam.C. Everybody was surprised by his attendance at the party.D. He had expected to come to the party for a long time.Part B. Passage 6Question 11 through13 are based on the following passage.11.A. It gets its water from the ocean.B. Ir is a little saltier than the ocean.C. It is far from the ocean.D. It is larger than any state.12.A. The lake is too deep.B. The speaker was too heavy.C. The water held up the speaker.D. The speakers eyes hurt.13.AInteresting.BPainful.CUseful.DSurprising.Question 14 through16 are based on the following passage.14.A. A man sold his friend.B. A man ordered a steak for his dog.C. A dog ate his steak with a knife.D. A dog ordered something for itself.A. The dog could speak.B. The waiter served the dog, too.C. The owner of the dog was rich.D. The dog was sold in the end.A. The rich man would probably be disappointed.B. The rich man would probably be proud of the dog.C. The dog would probably be happier.D. The dog would probably become cleverer.Part C Longer Conversations 4Blanks 07 through 20 are based on the following conversation.The place the man would visitSouth-East17._The suggestion of the womanVisiting Malaysia and 18._The length of time the man has19._ weeksThe job of the woman To prepare a suggested 20._Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answerPart TwoGrammar and vocabulary2521. Wouldnt it be _ wonderful world if all nations live in _ peace with one another?A. the ; /B. a ; /C. a ; theD. the; the22.He has made quite _ friends in the past _ months. He will never forget _ time he spent with them.A. a few ; few; a littleB. a few ; a few ; littleC, few ; few ; a littleD. a few ; a few ; the litte23. _ the spelling mistakes made by him in his composition was_ _A. A number of ; surprisingB. A number of ; a surpriseC, The number of ; surprisingD. The number of ; surprised24. The_ in the factory consists of several different kinds of _.A. machines; machineryB. machinery ; machines C, machines ; machinesD. machinery ; machinery25.The door _ into a large hall which can hold dozens of people.A. opensB. is openedC. is openD. has been opened26. _ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the USA.A. FoundingB. FoundedC. Being foundedD. It was founded27.Why dont you take a little break? - Oh, we just had_.A. itB. thatC. thisD. one28. The teacher commanded that the student who ignored the school discipline _ out of the classroom.A. wentB. must goC. had to goD. go29. Ill take down your name and address in case you _ as a witness.A. are neededB. will be neededC. her neededD. needed30.He was said_ a foreign country with secret papers.A. to be arrested to supplyB. to have been arrested to supplyC. to be arrested for supplyingD. to have been arrested for having supplied.31. Some children are mad over video games. They just cant tear themselves away from them _ they start.A. ever sinceB. even ifC. once D. as32. Look at these clouds._.A. It rainsB. It will be rainingC, It is going to rainD. It is to rain33.By the end of 2000, the population of this small town _.A. has doubledB. had doubled C. have doubledD. almost double34. Most of his pocket money _ CDs.A. is spent to buyB. has spent buyingC, has spent forD. is spent on35. I cant pay_ he asked.A. as high a pric
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