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江苏省太湖高级中学高三英语必修Unit1 That Must Be A Record(SEFC BOOK 3A)一、教学课型:阅读课阅读课是学生综合运用本单元所学词汇和功能等知识,使用各种阅读技巧(如略读、跳读等)以及其他微技能(如识别关键词、确定主题句、预测等),通过听说读写等活动进行语言学习的课型。二、教材分析:1、教材内容:阅读部分是一篇说明文体载的文章,本课的中心话题是“吉尼斯世界记录”,内容涉及到出版畅销书吉尼斯世界记录诞生的背景,吉尼斯世界记录的内容介绍,跟中国有关的记录、体育方面的记录,为什么人们会对世界记录感兴趣以及申请吉尼斯世界记录的程序和注意事项等。语言技能和语言知识都是依据“吉尼斯世界记录”这一中心话题而设计的。2、教学目标:1)训练学生的阅读技能,丰富有关主题的语言和知识的信息。 2)培养学生的阅读理解能力,训练学生归纳段落和中心大意的能力。3)培养学生的多元文化意识,同时也使学生得到人类挑战极限、锐意进取精神的熏陶。4)学会写说明文的步骤和格式,发展学生综合语言运用能力。 3、教学重难点:1指导学生使用各种阅读技巧(如略读、跳读等)以及其他微技能(如识别关键词、确定主题句、预测等)2指导学生归纳段落和中心大意的方法。3. 帮助学生理解以下句型和运用此句型“adj./adv./n.+ as + Sub. + v., +main clause.”。4指导学生写说明文的步骤和格式。三、教学设计:1、总体思路:本节课是在多媒体教学环境中实施的大容量、快节奏的课堂教学。教师首先让学生进行Brainstorm,激活他们脑海中已有的有关吉尼斯世界记录的知识,让学生的注意力集中到这一话题上来。接着让学生进行智力测验-六个问题组成的多项选择题,这些问题均来自真实的生活,容易激发学生参与的热情和对单元中心话题的兴趣。之后引导学生采用预测的方法,通过讨论和回答,以此来启发学生,培养学生的推断和综合预测的能力。对文章的处理是首先采用快速阅读的方法,培养学生在进一步发展综合语言运用能力的基础上,着重提高用英语获取信息、处理信息,分析问题和解决问题的能力。然后让学生找主题句和归纳段落大意来使他们了解文章的脉络,让学生着重理解作者介绍的条理和方法,理解文章的大意和有关重要细节。接着有计划地引导学生对文章作深层次的理解,活动的形式多种多样,有选择题、正误判断题、信息填空题、问答题等,以上教学活动旨在让学生了解和掌握课文内容,提高学生用英语表达观点的能力,同时进行德育渗透,如培养学生向人类挑战极限、锐意进取的精神。之后引导学生对课文内容的巩固,检查学生对课文的理解程度;让学生就几个问题进行讨论,活跃课堂气氛,引导学生联系实际,拓展思维,由课文导向课外,让学生逐步加深对吉尼斯世界记录的认识,并通过小组讨论培养学生的合作意识。最后让学生以小组讨论的形式完成表格的填写,然后,挑选几个小组,让他们派代表汇报小组讨论的内容。这样可以充分调动学生参与的积极性,使每个学生都能体验共享写作资源的喜悦。通过以上由浅入深的引导,逐渐实现从语言的输入和内化到语言成果的输出,提高学生运用语言的能力。2、教学过程:Step I. Lead-in & Warming-up1. Look at the title “That Must Be A Record”. When you see the word “record”, what will you think of?2. let students watch a video about world records and ask students some questions about world records mentioned in the video.A. Whats the highest mountain on earth and how high is it? (Mount Everest/Mount Qomolangma, about 8848 metres)B. Whats the longest river on the earth and how long is it? (the River Nile in Africa, about 6600 kilometres)C. What kind of train is the fastest? How fast is it? (Maglev train, at an amazing 430 km/h)D. How tall is the shortest man in the world? (The shortest mature human in the world is only 57cm tall.)E. How tall is the tallest man in the world? (The tallest man in the world is 2.72 metres tall.)3. You seem to have known some of the records. Now lets have a little quiz to see how much you know about the world records.( m=metres cm=centimeters h=hours) 1 The lowest temperature ever recorded on earth is _.A. -75.4 B. -89.2 C. -110.7 2 The worlds tallest man is _.A. 2.35m B. 2.45m C. 2.55m 3 The youngest college graduate was _.A. 10 years old B. 12 years old C. 14 years old 4 The highest number of goals in a soccer career is _.A. 1,279 B. 546 C. 3,850 5 The longest beard is _.A. 73 cm B. 1.83m C. 2.33m 6 The longest lecture lasted _.A. 32.5h B. 62.5h C. 82.5h (The teacher asks students to work in pairs to work out the answer in two minutes and check the answers with the whole class. Suggested answers: B A A A B B ) 4. If wed like to know more about the world records, which book shall we refer to? Why? The Guinness Book Of World Records. Because it contains all kinds of world records such as the biggest, the smallest, the fastest, the slowest, the longest, the shortest, the oldest, the youngest etc. Would you like to tell us something about the book?-The first edition was published in 1955.-In 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver, the then managing director of the Guinness Brewery, went on a shooting party and became involved in an argument ,which was the fastest bird in Europe? He realized that a book supplying the answers to this sort of question might be popular.-There are many Chinese records.-.设计说明 该教学步骤的第一个环节采用Brainstorm的形式,既联系学生的生活经验又让教师了解学生对该话题的认知水平。使学生在轻松愉快的环境中结合本单元的中心话题,从而激活他们脑海中已有的有关吉尼斯世界记录的知识,让学生的注意力集中到这一话题上来。第二部分为一个小测验,是由六个问题组成的多项选择题,分别问“地球上已有记录的最低温度、世界上最高男子的身高、最年轻的大学毕业生的年龄、足球职业生涯中取得的最多进球数、最长的胡子和最长的演讲时间”等。这些问题均来自真实的生活,容易激发学生参与的热情和对单元中心话题的兴趣。Step II Prediction If you are asked to write a passage about the Guinness Book of World Records, what will you write?- the history of the Guinness Book of World Records- the birth of the Guinness Book of World Records- the advantages and disadvantages of the Book- how to apply for a world record- the reason for applying for a world record- peoples comments on the book- the purpose of editing the book- .设计说明 该教学步骤采用预测的方法,通过学生的讨论和回答,以此来启发学生,培养学生的推断和综合预测的能力,激发学生对话题的兴趣和阅读下面文章的欲望。讨论时应鼓励学生独立思考,运用自己已有的文化背景知识和语言知识,阐述不同的看法。Step III ScanningYou have so many good ideas. Now lets come to the passage to see what the writer will tell us. Scan the passage and tick out what are mentioned in the passage. the birth of the bookthe history of the book the reason for applying for a world record some examples about world records in sportspeoples com
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