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Unit 5-Unit 6知识梳理.网络构建词汇单词*consist state powerful mistaken narrow unknown republic Europe form *Atlantic general *influence basis *inland *conquer *upper union judge queen cigarette proof own foot employ sheet grain westwards *approach historical *prediction exact *forecast ensure *system *consumer *reform necessity crowded goods tiny *cashre main importance regular medical deal *physician cure educator distance lifelong hopeful well-prepared *cheat *wrist programme reality词组*consist of be made up of make the most of hold together in general keep in touch with. pay attention to deal with in store语法名词性从句.重点精讲重点单词1.cure 例句集锦v.(1)This medicine has cured thousands of people.此药治疗好了成千上万的人。The doctor cured him of cancer.医生治愈了他的癌症。(2)What cant be cured must be endured.谚无能为力之事只得忍耐。It seems that nobody can cure me of smoking.似乎没有人能使我戒烟。The shock of losing my purse cured me of all my former absent-mindedness.失去钱包的打击,使我一改过去心不在焉的坏毛病。(3)This wound cures easily.这种伤容易治好。n. (1)In three weeks a perfect cure was obtained.三星期内完全治好了病。(2)He went to the country for a cure.他到乡下去疗养。(3)He hoped to find an effective cure for AIDS.他希望找到艾滋病的有效治疗法(药)。(4)a cure for unemployment 解决失业的办法用法归纳*cure 可用作动词(vi.vt.)和名词。主要义项有:治疗,治愈;矫正,革除;治疗法,治疗药;解决方法。特别提示cure不能直接跟双宾语,而应用cure sb. of sth.。2.deal例句集锦 v. (1)The profit was dealt out fairly.那笔利润分得公平。She dealt(out)each child a pencil.=She dealt a pencil(out)to each child. 她分给每个孩子一枝铅笔。(2)deal with a problem 处理一个问题This book deals with the Middle East.这本书讨论中东问题。The question is how to deal with the increasing amount of traffic in the streets.问题是如何去应付街上不断增加的交通量。(3)You should deal fairly with them.你应该公平地对待他们。I refuse to deal with him.我拒绝跟他打交道。He is hard/easy to deal with.他难于/容易相处。(4)Our company deals mainly in cameras.本公司主要经营照相机。The store deals only in trousers.那商店只卖裤子。Which firm do you deal with?你跟哪家公司交易?I usually deal at that store.我通常在那家商店买东西。n. (1)make a deal in oil products 达成油品的交易(2)Its(Thats)a deal.那就成交了;一言为定。用法归纳*deal可用作动词(vi.vt.)和名词。作及物动词时意为“分配”。作不及物动词时意为“处理;应付;涉及;对待;交往;交易;经营”,此时常与介词with连用。作名词时意为“成交,交易”。特别提示deal with 常与how连用,而do with 常与what连用。3.remain例句集锦v.(1)If you take 2 from 7,5 remains.7减2余5。The fact remains that she is a liar.她是个说谎者的事实仍在。Of the five sisters only two now remain.五姊妹中现在只剩下两个。Much remains to be done.很多事有待去做。(2)He went but his wife remained.他去了但是他的太太留了下来。 Well remain here three days more.我们还要在这儿停留三天。She remained where she was.她留在原处。They remained at the hotel till Monday.他们住在旅馆,直到星期一为止。(3)For a moment he remained speechless.有一会儿他默默无言。The natural beauty of the country remains unchanged.那个国家的天然美景依然未变。Her love affair remains a secret.她的风流韵事依然是个秘密。They remained friends.他们依然是朋友。He remained sitting there.他继续坐在那里。n.the remains of a meal吃剩的食物,剩菜残肴用法归纳*remain可用作动词(vi.)和名词。主要义项有:留下;停留,逗留;依然是;剩余(物)。特别提示remain作连系动词时,不能用被动语态。 4.require例句集锦 v. (1)Your presence is urgently required.你务必到场。I will do what is required of me.凡是要求我做的事,我都会办到。He required more help from me.他要求我提供更多的帮助。He was required to leave.他被要求离开。She required that I(should)go at once.她要求我立刻去。(2)This job requires strength.这份工作需要体力。This bicycle requires repairing/to be required.这辆自行车需要修理。The situation requires that immediate action(should)be taken.情势上需要立即采取行动。用法归纳*require一般用作及物动词。主要有两个义项:要求,命令;需要。作“要求,命令”讲时主要搭配形式为:require+名词/不定式的复合宾语/that从句(从句谓语动词should+动词原形,其中should可省略)。作“需要”讲时主要搭配形式为:require+名词/动名词(不定式的被动式)/that从句(从句谓语动词should+动词原形,其中should可省略)。特别提示require 后跟动名词的主动式表示被动,亦可用不定式的被动式;后跟宾语从句时常用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,should可省略。重点短语1.be made up of 例句集锦China is made up of 56 nations.中国有56个民族。The committee is made up of representatives from all the universities.委员会是由所有大学的代表组成的。Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen.水是由氢和氧两种元素组成的。相关归纳(1)be made of/from 由制成This kind of paper was made from rags.这种纸是用旧布制成的。These wine bottles are made of glass.这些酒瓶是由玻璃制成的。(2)be made into(某种原料)可以制成(某种成品)Bamboo can be made into many useful tools.竹子可以制成很多有用的工具。Stones can be made into bridges.石头可以建桥。2.make the most of例句集锦We should make the most of our opportunities.我们应该尽量利用我们的机会。We have only a few hours so we must make the most of our time.我们只有几小时,所以我们必须善于利用我们的时间。Shes not really beautiful,but she makes the most of her looks.她并不十分漂亮,却很会打扮。相关归纳(1)make use of 使用,利用Any citizen can make use of the public library.任何一位公民都可以使用这家公共图书馆。Our factory is making increasing use of robots.我们的工厂对机器人的使用与日俱增。Make good(the best)use of your brains.要善用你的头脑(将你的头脑作最佳的利用)。(2)take advantage of 利用;欺骗He took advantage of the holiday to finish his homework.他利用假期完成他的作业。He took advantage of my kindness.他利用我的仁慈。He took advantage of his friend.他占了他朋友的便宜。He took full advantage of the
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