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高三英语阅读训练AChina launched its second manned space mission, sending two astronauts into orbit as it opened a new chapter in its ambitious drive to become a global space power. Shenzhou VI, based on Soviet Soyuz technology, lifted off on a Long March 2F carrier rocket from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 9 am (0100 GMT) for a five-day mission carrying air force pilots Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng. Some 40 seconds after Wednesdays launch the craft disappeared into the clouds, but a camera on board showed Nie waving as the launch centre said lift off and all signals were normal.中国刚刚进行了第二次载人飞船发射,将两名宇航员送入轨道,揭开了其充满雄心跨入世界空间强国行列的新篇章。 当地时间10月12日,基于前苏联联盟火箭技术的中国“神舟”六号飞船,由位于酒泉卫星发射基地的长征2F型火箭送入太空,空军飞行员出身的费俊龙、聂海胜将在空间轨道停留5天时间。火箭升空约40秒之后逐渐消失在云层之中,21分钟后飞船进入了固定轨道,发射中心报告发射工作及各种信号一切“正常”。BSouth Koreas largest mobile phone operator said Thursday that it will offer cell phone users a new noise service that it says will repel mosquitoes.SK Telecom Co. said subscribers can pay 3,000 won (US.50) to download a sound wave that is inaudible to human ears but annoys mosquitoes within a range of three feet. Customers can then play the sound by hitting a few buttons on their mobile phonesThe company claimed that the service worked during tests.The service, which begins Monday, has one drawback: it consumes as much battery power as normal cell phone rings.韩国最大的移动电话运营商7月10日表示他们将向手机用户提供一项全新的干扰音服务,他们称,这项服务是用来驱蚊的。 韩国鲜京电讯公司表示,定制此项服务的用户只需花3000韩元(合2.50美元)便可下载一种声波。这种声波可以在三英尺的范围内驱赶蚊虫,而人耳却听不见。用户只需按几下手机按键便可播放该声波。该公司宣称此项服务在测试中运行良好。此项服务于7月7日开通,但它目前的一个缺点就是耗电量相当于播放一般手机铃声。CIf winning is everything, British anthropologists have some advice: Wear red. Their survey of four sports at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens shows competitors were more likely to win their contests if they wore red uniforms or red body armor. Across a range of sports, we find that wearing red is consistently associated with a higher probability of winning, report Russell A. Hill and Robert A. Barton of the University of Durham in England. Their findings are in Thursdays issue of the journal Nature. In their survey, the anthropologists analyzed the results of four combat sports at the summer games: boxing, tae kwon do, Greco-Roman wrestling and freestyle wrestling. Scientists dont precisely known how wearing red might give athletes an advantage. But the color delivers implicit messages of vigor and danger. When people get angry, their faces turn red. Its also a reason why stop signs are red. So are most Ferraris.如果获胜对您来说很重要,那么英国人类学家建议您: 请穿红色的衣服参加比赛。他们对2004年雅典奥运会上的四个运动项目进行了调查研究,结果表明穿红色运动服或防护外套的运动员在比赛中获胜的可能性更大。 “通过对不同体育项目的研究,我们发现穿红色衣服通常意味着更高的获胜可能性。”英格兰杜伦大学的拉塞尔A希尔和罗伯特A巴顿说。他们的研究结果发表在本周四出版的自然杂志上。人类学家们还分析了雅典夏季奥运会中四项对抗性运动的比赛结果,它们分别是拳击、跆拳道、古典式摔跤和自由式摔跤科学家们并不很确定穿红色衣服是如何使运动员获得优势的,但这种颜色暗含着活力和危险的信号。当人们愤怒时,他们的脸会涨得通红。这也是为什么停车标志被做成红色的一个原因,还有那么多红色的法拉利跑车。DRobot Home GuardWorried about leaving your house empty while on holiday? Japan has the answer: a robot house-sitter.Roborior is a watermelon-sized eyeball on wheels which glows purple, blue and orange and is armed with a digital camera, infrared sensors and a videophone. Weve had robots before that were just toys, but the Roborior can actually be put to practical use in the home, said Takako Sakataof the department store chain Takashimaya. Takashimaya will sell the machines, developed by Japanese robot maker Tmsuk and Sanyo, for ?1,400 each. We received a lot of inquiries, Ms Sakata said. Our initial plan is to sell 2,000.你是否常为度假在外无人看家而忧心忡忡?现在,日本研制成功的看门机器人能为你解除后顾之忧。 据卫报8月20日报道,这款看门机器人名叫罗伯丽娅。它看起来像一只眼球, 底座不时发出红、蓝、黄光。罗伯丽娅身上被安装有数码相机、红外线感应器和视频电话。 报道说,这款由日本Tmsuk机器人制造商和三洋电子公司联合推出的看门机器人目前市场售价高达28万日元(约合2600美元)。本周,它开始在日本五六家商场进行展出,并吸引了大量的顾客订货。日本百货龙头高岛屋的发言人表示:“以前,我们的家用机器人仅仅是玩具而已,但罗伯丽娅是一款实用型的家庭机器人。”据高岛屋发言人介绍,展出后已经收到大批订单,商场预计首批能售出2000个。EDrink up that beer - another will soon be whisked to the table thanks to a hi-tech pint glass that tells bar staff when it needs refilling.Developed by a Japanese electronics company, the intelligent glass is fitted with a radio-frequency coil in its base and emits a signal to a receiver set in the table when its empty, New Scientist magazine reported Thursday.The iGlassware system works by coating each glass with a clear, conducting material, enabling it to measure exactly how much liquid has been sipped or guzzled.When empty, the glass sends an electronic cry for more beer from the table to waiters equipped with hand-held computers on frequencies similar to those used by mobile phones.如果无论你坐在酒吧的什么位置,当你的酒杯快要见底的时候,不用你招呼,酒吧的服务生就会马上过来为你斟酒,这个创意听起来很不错吧?其实只要用一种高科技的啤酒杯就可以实现这一切了。 据周四的新科学家杂志报道,这种智能啤酒杯是由一家日本电子公司研制的。这种酒杯是将一枚可以发射无线电频率的线圈置于杯子底部,这样当酒杯空了的时候线圈就会向吧台的接收仪器发出信号。这种智能酒杯的工作原理是给酒杯涂上一层光洁的传导材料,这样无论顾客是小啜还是狂饮,这套系统都可以测量出酒杯中还剩下多少酒。当酒杯空了的时候,它就会从顾客坐的桌子发出电子提示声提醒服务生需要添酒了,而服务生手中则拿着可以接收频率的掌中电脑,就和手机发出频率的道理差不多。FDavid Beckham has said he will sit down before Christmas with Real Madrid and agree a new contract that should take him al
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