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模 块 三 Unit 3 Back to the past 单词:1. _ (vt. ) 兴建,创建 2. _ (vt. & vi. ) 逃避,逃跑;迅速离开3. _ (n. ) 研究者,调查者 4. _ (n. ) 灾难5._ (adj. ) 商业的,贸易的 6. _ (n. ) 废墟,毁坏7._(vt. ) 破坏,毁灭 8. _ (n. ) 遗物,遗迹,遗骸9. _ (vt. ) 使腐化,使堕落 (adj. ) 贪污的,腐败的10. 讲座 (n.) _ 11. (使)下沉,(使)沉没(v.)_联想串记12. _(vi. ) (火山等)爆发 _(n. ) 爆发13. _(vt. ) 装饰,装潢 _(n. ) 装饰,装饰品14. _ (adj. ) 文化的 _ (n. )文化15. _(adj. )历史的;与历史研究相关的 _(adj. )有历史意义的 _(n. ) 历史16. _(n. ) 解决办法,解答 _(vt. ) 解决,解答17. _(n. ) 表达;表情,神色_(vt. ) 表达,表示18. _(vt. ) 宣布,宣称 _(n. ) 宣布,宣告;宣言,声明;申报,声明(书)19. _ (adj. ) 意识到的,知道的;察觉到的_ (n. )认识,意识20. _(n. )毒药,毒物(vt. ) 毒害,下毒_(adj. ) 有毒的21.埋葬,安葬(vt.)_ _.(n)22.担心的,关心的,有关的(adj.)_(n/vt) 挂念 _(prep.)关于 23.纪念的(adj.)_ _(n.)记忆 _(vt.)记住 24_ adv. 不幸地_adj.不幸的_ (反义词) adj.幸运的 _ n运气,财富. 短语互译1.因.而闻名_ 2. 夺取;接管;掌握 _ 3. 对造成伤害 _ 4. 结果 _ 5. 进行,执行,实施 _ 6.在船(车或飞机)上 _ 7. 无疑,确实 _ 8. 起义,反抗 _9. 阻碍(某人) _ 10. 受够了 _11. 患(病) _ 12. 意识到 _13. 状况良好 _ 14. 认为.是. _15.对.有影响 _ 16. 融解,抛锚,出故障 _ 17.保护之下 _ 18. 砍倒;削减_19.把某人逼疯. _ 20.听讲座 _ 21.被活埋 _ 22. 和一起_ 23. 安排某人做某事_24.导致_25.纪念_ 26.条件是 _27.扑灭,生产,出版 _ 28.向某人抱怨_29. 用.装饰._30.没能逃离这座城市_31.对.宣战_ 32.厌倦了_33.阻止做_ 34.由于的结果_五、句子互译1. 主语+ be believed/said/reported/thought. . . + to do_(人们相信,它逐渐被掩埋)by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 400. 2. 动名词的复合结构The desert was once a green land with huge trees, but they were cut down and that _(导致这座城市被埋葬)by sandwhat a pity! 3. could have done表示猜测When asked how a statue from distant Greece _ (可能出现)in China, researchers explained that no doubt this was a result of Alexander the Greats influence. 4. 动词-ing作伴随状语Then he turned his eyes east, and marched all the way to India, _(战无不胜). 5.我感到很幸运,能赢得这次旅行的一个名额. I _ _ _ _ _ _ on this trip.6.People started to dig in the area for treasure,_(这导致了很大的破坏)7在城市附近有一座叫维苏威的火山。8很不幸,所有的人都被活埋了,城市也被埋了!9.今天我见到了罗马古城庞贝,它就跟两千年前一模一样。10.When I walked around the city,I saw streets just as they had been ,with stepping stones along the road so you didnt have to step in the mud on rainy days11.Philosophy can be thought of as a way of looking at the world around us, or of answering the great questions of life.12.Finally, some people had had enough of him, so they send him to court for questioning the existence of the Greek gods and for corrupting the young people of Athens.13. Alexander the Great spread the Greek culture from Europe to Africa and Asia, influencing the world for centuries to come.14. A saying goes that Rome wasnt built in a day15._ _ _ _(很难想象)how science will change our life in future.16._ the homework _(未完成), he went to play soccer with his friends.17.The Paints are _. (具有极大地文化价值)。学以致用:1.在湖的四周环绕着许多百年参天大树。_2.据说他已经去世20年了。_3.圣诞晚会结果很成功。_4.他被老师表扬让他高兴了整整一天。_5.他走得太晚了,不可能赶上末班车。_3
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