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锦屏高级中学 20182019 学年第二学期期中考试高二年级英语学科试题考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分 第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分20分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)( )1. Whydontthespeakerstakethebus?A. Becauseitistoolate. B. Becauseitistoocrowded.C. Becauseitcostsmoremoney.( )2. WhenwillMr. Brownhavetobeattheairport?A. By8:30 a.m. B. By 9:30 a.m. C. By10:30 a.m.( )3. WhatdoesJimdo? A. Astudent B. Anofficer. C.Ateacher( )4. Whatdoesthewomanmean?A. Shewillcometothebarbecue. B. Shewillhavetomissthebarbecue.C. Shethinksthemanisjoking.( )5. Wheredoestheconversationprobablytakeplace?A. At a hotel B. At a travel agency C. At an airport第二节 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。( )6. Whywasthemanlateforschool?A. He almost hit a dog. B. Hegotintoacaraccident.C. Hespilledbreakfastonhimself.( )7. Whatdidthewomanmakefortheman?A. SomesteakandFrenchfries. B. SomefriedchickenandFrenchfries.C. SomebeefandFrenchfries.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。( )8. Whereisthewomanprobably?A. Inachangingroom. B. Ataschoolcafe. C. Ataninformationcenter.( )9. Whatsportwouldthemanliketoplay? A. Basketball. B. Tennis. C. Football.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。( )10. Howlonghasthemanworkedhard?A. Foracoupleofdays. B. Foracoupleofweeks. C. Foracoupleofmonths.( )11. Whatwillthemandofirstduringtheholiday?A. Haveagoodsleep. B. Haveanicedinner. C. Goonashorttrip.( )12. Whatstherelationshipbetweenthespeakers?A. Motherandson. B. Wifeandhusband. C. Friends.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。( )13. Whoisthewoman? A. A conductor. B. A passerby.(过路人) C. Ataxi driver( )14.Whatshouldthemandoatthethirdcrossroad?A. Keep straight. B. Turn right C. Turn left.( )15. Why is themanafraidof seeingthepoliceman?A. Heparkedhiscarinabuszone. B. Hedoesnthaveadrivinglicense.C. Hehasnoentranceticket.( )16. Howlongwillittakethemantogettothemuseum?A. Aquarter. B. Halfanhour. C. Anhour.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。( )17. Whendidthespeakerstartplayingbasketball?A. Inprimaryschool. B. Inhigh school.C. Afterhighschoolgraduation.( )18. Howlongdidthespeakerplaybasketballeverymorning?A. Aboutthreehours. B. Abouttwohours. C. Aboutonehour.( )19. Howdidthespeakerlearntoshoot?A. Hetaughthimself. B. Sonnytaughthim. C. Skiptaughthim.( )20. Whatdoesthistalkwanttoconvey?A. Howtobeasuccessfulbasketballplayer. B. Youcandoitifyoutryhard.C. Howtokeepintopshape第二部分:单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)21. There is _ evidence that acupuncture began during _Stone Age.A.不填, the B. an, the C. the, 不填 D. 不填, 不填22Bored with life in the city, he moved to a remote village _only by boat.A. acceptable B. available C. portable D. accessible 23She has made an application _ several companies _ a job. A. to ; toB. for; forC. to; forD. for; to24. Techology is now changing faster than most people can _.Who can foresee what the future will bring?A. keep pace with B. end up with C. come up with D. put up with25Happy birthday, Alice! So you have _ eighteen already. A. become B. turned C. grown D. passed26He has the intention of _China Daily(中国日报)to read English news every day. A. relating to B. subscribing to C. corresponding to D. contributing to27. Ive given up smoking already, darling.You should have taken the doctors advice years ago. _, anyway. A. Its easier said than done B. Better later than neverC. No pains, no gains D. Well begun is half done28. The boy was addicted_ computer games and accustomed _ to bed early. A. to play, not to go B. to playing, not to going C. to playing, to not going D. to play, to not go29. He recommended that all the gates _ immediately in case the murderer escaped. A. be shut B. would be shut C. should shout D. shut30. It was not until I was injured in a car accident , about the real American society . A. when I knew B. that I knew C. did I know D. that did I know31. If penicillin _ available, many people _from sickness prevent small wounds. A. werent ; would die B. werent; will have died C. hadnt been; would die D. hadnt been; would have died32Since then , the number of people taking driving lessons _ 20%. A. has reduced B. reduced byC. reduced to D. has reduced by33. Many of us realize that _the telephone rings
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