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【外研版创新设计】2011高考英语一轮复习提能训练必修2Module 1Our Body and Healthy Habits能 力 闯 关 .单词拼写1That bird is very r_ in this country.2He had a p_ in his head.3He was angry and shouted at the top of his t_.4Im tired.Give me a moment to b_.5Fever is a s_ of many illnesses.6Peoples _(正常的)temperature is 37.7The basketball star did not take part in the game because of his _(创伤)8The hunter e_the tigers movements.9Thats an a_ book.10The trousers dont f_ him;they are too small.答案:1.rare2.pain3.throat4.breathe5.symptom6.normal7.injury8.eyed9.awful10.fit.单项填空1Mike didnt play football yesterday because he had _ his leg.Adamaged Bhurt Chit Dstruck解析:hurt意为“伤害,刺痛”,常指肉体上或精神上受到伤害,尤指打伤、刺伤,强调痛苦的后果,但不十分严重。此句表示Mike在踢足球时受了伤,可以用hurt his leg。答案:B2A new Ministry of Education report says about half of middle school students do not weigh a _amount.Acommon Busual Cordinary Dnormal解析:本题考查形容词的用法区别。common用于物,指不稀奇,很普通,无异常特征的;用于人时,指很平凡,没有职位,不高贵的。usual指惯常的,含有一贯如此,并不新奇的意思。ordinary平凡的、平常的。normal意为“正常的”,这里指学生们的正常体重。答案:D3His gift made her very _.Ahappy Bhappily Cto be happy Dbe happy解析:“make宾语形容词”为固定用法,因此A正确。答案:A4A balanced _ and regular exercise are both important to health.Afood Bdiet Cnutrition Ddieting解析:句意:“平衡膳食和有规律的运动对健康都很重要。”答案:B5Without proper lessons,you could _ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.Agive up Bcatch up Ckeep up Dpick up解析:句意:“没有正规的课程,你可能在弹钢琴时学到不好的习惯。”考查pick up“无意中、顺便学到”之意。答案:D6Mother was worried because little Alice was ill,especially _ Father was away in France.Aas Bthat Cduring Dif解析:C项during是介词不接从句。此题意思是“妈妈因为小艾丽丝病了而着急,尤其是当时她爸爸还在法国”,所以空格处需要引导时间状语从句的连词。答案:A7Films,_ the one you told me about yesterday or the one that will be on,_ not worth seeing.Aincluding;is Bas well as;are Cbesides;is Dsuch as;are解析:两个逗号之间可以看作是插入语,such as插在被列举的两部电影the one you told.,the one that.与前面的名词films之间;后面的谓语动词还是要和前面的主语films一致。答案:D8His work was most unsatisfactory,so we paid him _ at the end of the week.Aoff Baway Cdown Dup解析:“pay sb. off”表示“付清工资解雇”。答案:A9I would rather _ the chance than _ her.Anot to take;to hurt Bnot taking;hurtingCnot take;hurt Ddont take;to hurt解析:would rather not do sth. than do sth.宁可做某事而不愿做某事。答案:C10Look at the timetable.Hurry up!Flight 4026 _ off at 1820.Atakes Btook Cwill be taken Dhas taken解析:一般现在时表将来。这里takes off是“起飞”的意思,故选A。.翻译句子1她依然缺课,我实在担心她的健康。(concern)_2受伤的人后来全部出了院。(injure)_3罢工结束后火车运营已恢复正常。(normal)_4他已经偿还了欠我的100美元。(pay back)_5我的话令他愤怒。(make)_答案:1.She is still absent.Im concerned about her health.2The injured were later discharged from hospital. 3Train services were back to normal after the strike.4He has paid me back the 100 dollars he owed me. 5What I said made him very angry.阅读理解Jack Canfield,Mark Victor Hansen with Mr FoodClick here to enter the busy moms challenge!Busy Moms,Heres the Next Best Thing to Having a Personal ChefDo you find yourself scrambling to pull together a healthy meal at the end of a tiring day,let alone a meal that doesnt come in a takeout container?Are you looking for some deliciously simple recipes to add to your familys favorites?Look no further:Help has arrived!Mr Food is famous for his quickandeasy approach to cooking.Here,he has collected a comprehensive collection of his fieldtested family favorites for moms who have little time or energy to spare.Youll find:Recipes for snacks that kids wont trade and side dishes that dont come from a can.Takealong breakfasts that are tasty and nutritious.Tips to get kids involved in meal planning and preparation.Fancy guestworthy dinners that dont require elaborate ingredients.Youll also find heartwarming Chicken Soup stories from other moms that underscore(强调)the importance of sharing time with loved ones,enjoying good food and building family traditions.With resourceful(资源丰富的)kitchen hints for stretching your budget(预算)and using leftovers,you can bring your family to the table with meals that everyone will enjoy.This is one cookbook you wont want to be without.ISBN/CodeFormatRetail PriceYour Price0757304044Spiral Bound,Hardcover$19.95$13.95Quantity:1【解题导语】 本文介绍了一本菜谱书。1The advertised book is about _.Acooking Bkids education Cgardening Dfamily traditions解析:推理判断题。根据第一段后两句和文章最后一句可知这是一本菜谱书。答案:A2W
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