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Period1训练案 课本P31 P32 Unit6I mwatchingTV 一 单项填空 1 I atthepicturenow I somekoalasinit A look seeB amlooking amseeingC amlooking seeD lookat seeing C 能力阶梯 2 Look He intheclassroom A doessportsB isdoingsportsC doessportD doingsport 3 Mysisteristalkingwithherfriend thephone A inB onC byD with B 能力阶梯 B 4 Let sgotothemoviestonight A Yes Let sgoB ThanksC ThatsoundsgoodD No I mbusy 5 IsthatAnn Yes thisisAnn A speakB talkC speakingD talking C 能力阶梯 C 6 Whatwouldyoulike Aglassofwater please A drinkingB eatingC todrinkD toeat C 能力阶梯 7 Hi Nora Isyourmotherathome Justaminute She flowersinthegarden A plantB isplantingC plantedD wasplanting B 能力阶梯 8 yourparents TVnow Yes Theyareinthelivingroom A Did watchB Are watchingC Is watchD Do watch 9 aretheydoing Theyareexercisinginthegarden A WhatB HowC WhereD Who B 能力阶梯 A 10 Hello Isthat225 3456 CanIspeaktoAnn please Yes A AnnismeB thisisAnnC I mAnnD mynameisAnn B 能力阶梯 二 根据所给中文写出适当的单词 11 Myfatherlikesreading 报纸 12 MayI 使用 youreraser Sure hereyouare 13 Hermothermakes 汤 forhereveryday newspapers 能力阶梯 use soup 14 Whereisyourfather Heis 洗 hiscar 15 I 只是 wanttohelpyou washing 能力阶梯 just 三 完成句子 16 看 他们正在使用电脑 Look They thecomputer 17 我们正在洗衣服 Weare 能力阶梯 areusing washingtheclothes doingsomewashing 18 你在看电影吗 you 19 那听起来很有趣 That 20 大卫经常出去吃饭吗 Davidoften 能力阶梯 Are watching seeingamovie film soundsinteresting fun Does eatout 四 根据课本2d完成短文填空 JennyandLauraaretalkingonthe21 JennywantstoknowwhatLauraisdoing Laurais22 washingherclothes JennyiswatchingTV JennyasksLaurato23 herfordinner phone 能力阶梯 just join 24 herparentsaren tathome Theycaneatout LaurawouldliketogooutwithJenny Andtheywill25 atJenny shomeathalfpastsix because 能力阶梯 meet 五 完形填空 Mike sfatherisseriouslyill Hismotherisvery26 Shehastodoallthe27 Shehastogotothe28andbuymedicineforMike sfather NowMike smotheris29thelivingroom Sheneedssomewater 能力阶梯 She30Miketogetsomeforher but31answersher Atthattime Mikeis32booksinhisbedroom Mike hismotherfinallycomestohimandsays 33don tyouanswerme Thensheseesthere ssomecotton 棉花 inMike s34ear Shetakesitoutandasks 能力阶梯 Whyareyoudoingthat Youoftensaythateverythingyou35megoesintheleftearandgetsoutoftherightone SoIwanttochangeit Mike smotherdoesn tknowwhattosayatthattime 能力阶梯 26 A happyB busyC boredD good 27 A jobB houseworkC homeworkD works 28 A hospitalB bankC parkD postoffice 29 A cleaningB doingC buyingD making 30 A looksB shoutsC answersD asks B 能力阶梯 B A A D 31 A nobodyB somebodyC anybodyD someone 32 A meetingB seeingC watchingD reading 33 A WhatB WhenC HowD Why 34 A rightB leftC eachD both 35 A sayB tellC speakD talk A 能力阶梯 D D A B 谢谢观看
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