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河南省商丘市2012-2013学年高一英语下学期期末考试试题(扫描版)新人教版商丘市20122013学年度第二学期期末考试参考答案高一英语第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Many diseases are easy to spread in the spring. Some people are infecting by H7N9 this year. Therefore, it is very important of us to have a good eating habit. However, bad eating habits are still very commonly among us students. Some of us often ate junk food and snacks, but some drink too much. All these are bad habits, that will surely do harm to our health. Generally, healthy diets include fish, meat, fruit and main food.In my opinion, we should try to develop healthy eating habits build up a strong body. Only in this way can they have enough energy to study better.删除the infectinginfected offor commonlycommon ateeat butand thatwhich dietsdiet buildto build theywe 第三节 书面表达 (满分 25分) One possible version Dear friends,I am Li Ming, a student in Shangqiu. On June 20th, 2013, a serious earthquake happened in Yaan, Sichuan Province. The earthquake resulted in 196 deaths, over 10,000 people were hurt and many houses were destroyed. On hearing the news, many people all over China felt very sad and devoted money and goods to helping people there. Now we live in a society full of love. We should give our love to others so that our society will be more beautiful. Dear friends, the people in earthquake areas need help very much. As students, please(we should) donate our pocket money to help them. 9
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