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答题内容: 第一单元 writing Writing an imformal letter教学目标:1学会写信及其信件基本格式。 2 掌握信头信尾常用语的用法。 3 学习在特定语境,用特定的单词构建完整的句子和文章。 4提高写作技能教学实施 :Step 1 pre-writing1) lead in Teacher:In the new environment,we have met many new friends, does there anyone you feel comfortable and want to stay with him. If there is any, can you discribe A his appearanceB.his personal qualityC.his professional qualityD.his other qualites2) group work Have a discussion about the form of a letter and fill in the blanks with the position of some phrase for letter.1) get ready for writingask each Ss to draft the completed form of a letter on their books and check their answes about the phrases right position in a letterStep2 while-writing 1)given situation.Imagine you are Robbie,and you should use the given words to discribe a person The given words:Admire devotion be impressed by be crazy about sense of hunmour be patient with act out Tips:单词有一些有难度,可以在进行的过程中先两个单词或短语进行组句,最后再连接起来。其中也可以穿插一点记单词的小秘诀。比如这些单词中的的后缀tion曾经看到学生说过踢在上面。ad 学生会想到广告这个单词。在这个过程中应充分发挥学生想象力。2)write the essay by oneself Read the first draft carefully and the ask the partner to check the essay for each otherWrite the final draftStep3 Post-writing 1) Read the essay to check 2) After class,try to remind the words in your own way and make simple sentences by using different two words用心 爱心 专心
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