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四川仁寿县2016高考英语(二轮)广告说明类阅读理解训练(5)广告说明(阅读理解)由 (2012山东济南高三3月模拟)改编The National Park Service in the United States will mark its one hundredth anniversary in 2016.As it nears its second century,the Park Service plans to increase its educational programs for students and teachers.The plans include transportation support for one hundred thousand students each year to visit national parks to learn about nature and history.Yellowstone is believed to have been the worlds first national park when it was established in 1872.Other students will get a chance to see parks in faraway places through Skype and other online programs.The National Park Service also works with partners to provide education.One of its partners is a nonprofit organization called NatureBridge.NatureBridge is celebrating its fortieth anniversary and says one million young people have taken part in its programs.The organization works with students from kindergarten through twelfth grade and uses national parks as its classrooms.It provides field science programs at Yosemite National Park and four other locations in California and the northwestern state of Washington.Now,NatureBridge is launching an East Coast center with a four-million-dollar grant from Google.The program will begin in April at the Prince William Forest Park in Virginia.Students stay for three to five days in NatureBridge programs.The activities are aimed at developing their science skills.For example,they learn about different soils and study water quality under a microscope.Jason Morris,executive vice president of NatureBridge says when they are not sleeping,eating or in a laboratory,the students spend their time outdoors.Julia Washburn is associate director of education and interpretation for the National Park Service.She says in a time of budget cuts,the agency has to find ways to still meet its goals.And one of the most important services that the Park Service provides every day is nature interpretation.1.The text is intended to tell us that.A.the National Park Service will celebrate its 100th anniversaryB.more educational programs will be started in national parksC.NatureBridge plans to work with the National Park ServiceD.students are encouraged to learn about nature and history2.Which of the following is true of the National Park Service?()A.It plans to make NatureBridge its branch.B.It provides programs for college students.C.It was established earlier than Yellowstone.D.It offered some educational programs before.3.According to the text,NatureBridge.A.finances all the programs aloneB.is aimed at laboratory activitiesC.has benefited quite a lot of studentsD.provides online field science programs4.What will be further talked about after the last paragraph?()A.Ways to raise money.B.Budget cuts.C.Nature interpretation.D.Better services.5.You can probably read this text in the section of.A.TravelB.EducationC.EntertainmentD.Health语篇解读:2016年将是美国国家公园管理局一百周年的纪念日,在将要进入第二个百年之时,国家公园管理局将增加其针对学生和教师的教育计划。答案及剖析:1.B主旨大意题。根据文章主题段第一段的信息可知:本段主要向我们讲述美国国家公园部门在将要进入第二个百年之时,国家公园部门将加大其针对学生和教师的教育计划。故选项B正确。2.D事实细节题。对应文章第三段The National Park Service also works with partners to provide education及下一句可知,选项A错误;根据第二段Yellowstone is believed to have been the worlds first national park when it was established in 1872.可知选项C错误。由第一段最后一句the Park Service plans to increase its educational programs for students and teachers可知B欠准确;其中的“increase”表明该计划以前实施过,故选项D正确。3.C推理判断题。根据第三段NatureBridge is celebrating its fortieth anniversary and says one million young people have taken part in its programs.The organization works with students from kindergarten through twelfth grade and uses national parks as its classrooms.可知NatureBridge使很多学生受益。4.C推理判断题。文章最后And one of the most important services that the Park Service provides every day is nature interpretation.一句可知文章的话题转入了自然阐释。因此,接下来应该谈论此话题。故选项C正确。5.B推理判断题。 根据文章谈及的对象“学生和老师”及教育问题可以推断该文章应在教育版块。故选项B正确。【四川省成都七中2014三诊考试】E阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C 和D)中, 选出最佳选项。Human remains of ancient settlements will be reburied and lost to science under a law that threatens research into the history of humans in Britain, a group of leading archaeologists(考古学家) says. In a letter addressed to the justice secretary, Ken Clarke, 40 archaeologists write of their “deep and widespread concern” about the issue. It centers on the law introduced by the Ministry of Justice in 2008 which requires all human remains unearthed in England and Wales to be reburied within two years, regardless of their age. The decision means scientists have too little time to study bones and other human remains of national and cultural significance.“Your current requirement that all archaeologically unearthed human remains should be reburied, whether after a standard period of two years or further special extension, is contrary to basic principles of archaeological and scientific research and of museum practice,” they write.The
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