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高一年级Unit 14 Festivals检测卷一、单词拼写(35分)1. n. 节日 2. n. 风俗习惯3. n. 习惯 4.symbol n. 5. v. 描述 6.favorite adj. 7.fight n. 8.crime n. 9.allow vt. 10. n. 争辩11.celebrate v. 12.major adj. 13. vt. 创造 14.ancestor n. 15.characteristic n. 16. n. 原则17.community n. 18.self-determination n. 自我作决定19. vt. 解决 20.faith n. 21. v. 点燃(过去式)22. n. 主题 23. n. 一代人24.salute v. 25.reminder n. 26.occasion n. 27. vt. 愚弄;捉弄28.commercial n.29. n. 欢乐;喜悦;乐趣30. adj. 相似的31. n. 面颊;脸蛋32. vt. 尊敬;尊重33. n. 礼物;天赋34. invatation n.35. conflict n.二、词组翻译(25分) 1.compare with 2.make others happy 3.learn about 4.在方面花费5.以便 ;为了6.speak for 7.的精神 8.commercial activities 9.by giving away 10.have got to 11. 替代 ;而不是12.get out of the car 13.get off 14.take off ones hat 15.look into the eyes 16. 与某人握手17.make friends with 18.the living and the dead 19.the cycle of life 20.play tricks on sb. 21.in ones opinion22.take in23.be similar to 24.Its ones turn to do sth25.give away 三、重点句子翻译 (20分)1.We must do as much as we can make our community better and more beautiful.2.Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival celebrating the culture and history of African Americans.3.Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy,people celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and discussing one of the seven principle of Kwanzaa.4.The week following Christmas Day, many African-American families get together to greet the new year and think about the past.5.We should believe in our family, our people, our tachers and our leaders.6. Earth day is a celebration of life and our planet.It is a reminder that we need to care about the world we live in and that we should learn to respect life and nature.7.Our friends will play tricks on us and try to fool us.8.If a person in taken in, he or she is called “Aprical fool!”9.Kwanzaa was born in 1996, when people created a new festival so that African Americans would be able to celebrate their history and culture.四、单项选择(15分)1.The bird is so _ that we can see it everywhere.A.commonB.rare C.littleD.usual2.Its _ to go into nature after hard work.A.pleased B.pleasant C.a pleasure D.pleasure3._ trouble ahead.A.There seem to be B.There seems to be C.There seem to have D.There seems to have4.Oh,a great dinner,whos _us to it?A.invitingB.treating C.treatedD.invited 5.The house is cold here.A _ candle can hardly make it warm.A.light B.lighted C.litD.lighting6.Peter often tells lies,so I can hardly _ him.A.take in B.believe in C.get inD.turn in7.How often do you have a great occasion and _?Once a month.A.dress yourselfB.get dressed C.dress yourself upD.dress8.Its so cruel of Barry to _ nice people.A.fool B.play tricks on C.cheatD.all the above9.Traditional festivals passed down _.A.from generation to generation B.generation to generation C.from one generation to another D.A and C10.Peter _come tonight,but he isnt very sure yet.A.must B.may C.can D.will11.Must we take a bus?No,you _.You can walk from here.A.mustnt B.dont need C.dont have to D.had better do 12.They are brothers but they have little _.A.in the same B.in difference C.in commonD.in the way13.They are fighting _ us _ the enemy.A.with;againstB.for;against C.with;forD.with;at 14.Let Henry play with your toys as well,you must learn to _.A.supportB.care C.spareD.share15.Windy days are _ of March.A.characterB.chart C.chillD.characteristic 五、改错(10分)短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请将答案直接写在相应的题号后Dear Elli, Im a senior student. I like making friend with 76. _ people and I do my best to get on well for everyone. 77. _ But in last week I found that one of my friends 78. _ wrote in her English diary that she dislikes me. 79. _ He doesnt want to be my friend any more. Now 80. _ she has started making fun of me because of Im 81. _ fat. I am kind to her but why cant she be friend 82. _ towards me? My other problem is trying to lose weight. 83. _ Should I do more exercise? Use pills? And do you 84. _ know any other way?Please give me some advices. 85. _ Yours, Mary 4用心 爱心 专心
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